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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Osteopathy: Down's Syndrome
(Congenital Hypopituitarism)
The child with Down's Syndrome is a very special person who reveals a purity and simplicity of life that is unique. He or she is a different human being, not a pathological one. Initially, he may have to make considerable adjustments to fit into this world as his physical body may have some specific needs. Some of these children are born with heart defects. Modern open-heart surgery in infancy has provided a full and long life for many. The particular anatomical form of their head, nose, sinuses predisposes to respiratory problems. However, if the nutritional program is specifically designed to meet their needs, and mucus producing foods are omitted this susceptibility can be minimized. The hypermobility of their joints and extraordinary flexibility of their body must not be confused with weakness for they soon become remarkably strong in body and will.

The osteopathic manipulative treatment of these children enhances the overall level of well being by stimulating and bringing about harmonious interaction within the endocrine system. Restoring inherent physiologic mobility within the cranial and facial mechanism overcomes the tendency to nasal sinusitis and other respiratory conditions. An imbalance of the eye muscles may be noted as a rapid side to side motion (NYSTAGMUS) or an over convergent squint (STRABISMUS). Osteopathic contribution to the welfare of children with Down's Syndrome is not to make them as other children, but to enable them to achieve their optimal potential, to attain a high level of general good health and to grow into the unique and special people they are designed to be.

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 About The Author
Viola Frymann DO, FAAO, FCAViola M. Frymann D.O., F.A.A.O., F.C.A., has spent the majority of her professional life as a dedicated osteopathic physician practicing comprehensive osteopathy of the whole body including the cranial field. Her......more
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