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Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
High blood pressure

 Osteopathy: Vision Enhancement 
Between 60% and 90% of the information comes into our brain through the visual system. Interference in optimal visual function will reduce the efficient processing of visual information.

20/20 Is Not Enough!

It is estimated that 20% of children and adults have a vision problem which interferes with optimal function. Many measure 20/20 sight yet have an undetected vision which will reduce their ability to achieve full potential.

Working Too Hard

Many people know how to read yet are slow or inefficient. Others read well but have difficulty keeping their place or with reading comprehension and memory. These people may get good grades or perform well at their job yet do so with great effort. This may produce either an underachievement or overachievement syndrome.

Computers - Generators of Visual Stress

The human visual system was not designed to spend long hours looking at a computer screen. Studies have shown that 80% of computer users experience visual stress.

Treatment for computer visual stress may include visual stress-relieving lenses, visual-ergonomic instruction and/or a program of Optometric Vision Therapy.

Symptoms of Visual Efficiency Difficulty

· Average or above-average intelligence but working too hard
· Achievement below potential
· Loss of place when reading
· Transposes words or numbers
· Headaches
· Visual fatigue
· Visual discomfort
· Short attention span
· Mind wanders when trying to concentrate
· Reduced comprehension or memory

What Should Be Done?

A comprehensive Visual Efficiency Evaluation is the only way to determine if a visual problem is interfering with an individual's ability to achieve to potential.

Individualized Diagnostic Approach

Our doctors combine specialized training with the most modern equipment and techniques available to evaluate vision as it relates to academic achievement and job-related performance.

The comprehensive vision analysis includes an in-depth evaluation of visual tracking, focusing, eye coordination, and the underlying visual-perceptual and visual-integrative abilities necessary for efficient learning.

Individualized Therapeutic Care

Written reports and personal conferences are scheduled so that all concerned will understand the evaluation results and treatment recommendations.

Treatment may include stress-reducing lenses, a program of Optometric Vision Therapy and structuring the classroom and home or work environment for maximum visual learning.

Optometric Vision Therapy is individually designed to meet the patient's specific visual needs. The length of the therapy program will vary depending upon the type and severity of the visual problem.

What is Optometric Vision Therapy?

Optometric Vision Therapy is a treatment program designed to eliminate visual problems, reduce visual stress and discomfort, and increase visual performance. Optometric Vision Therapy provides the visual abilities necessary for more efficient learning and performance in all areas of life.

Scientific research and more than 60 years of clinical experience have proven Vision Therapy to be extremely effective!

Help At Any Age

Many patients in Vision Therapy are adults with symptoms when reading or who have visual problems which make learning more difficult. Symptoms may include loss of place, visual fatigue, blur, headaches, reduced comprehension, and difficulty concentrating.

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