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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: Arthritis - Mind your ABCs 
What Doctors Don't Tell You © (Volume 14, Issue 6)
Getting optimal levels of several nutrients should also be a part of your prevention programme. The most important of these are:

* Vitamin C. This prevents cartilage damage and can reduce the risk of osteoarthritis threefold (Arthritis Rheum, 1996; 39: 648-56). Consider taking 1-3 g daily.

* Vitamin D. This protects bones and can slow the progression of the disease and possibly prevent it (Ann Intern Med, 1996; 125: 353-9; Arthritis Rheum, 1999; 42: 854-60). Daily doses of 50 mcg (2000 IU) are considered safe.

Other potentially helpful nutrients include:

* Vitamin B3 or niacinamide. This helps maintain supple joints and has been used successfully as a treatment for osteoarthritis in doses of 250-500 mg daily.

* Vitamin E. Taking 1200 to 1800 IU per day of this vitamin can significantly decrease joint pain (Arthritis Rheum, 1991; 34: 1205-6; Ann Rheum Dis, 1997; 56: 649-55). As vitamin E is an antioxidant, it may also help prevent joint damage.

* SAMe. S-adenosyl-L-methionine is an anti-inflammatory and painreliever, and may possess tissue-healing properties to help protect the joints (Am J Med, 1987; 83 [Suppl 5A]: 1-4). Suggested intake is 1200 mg daily.

* Copper. People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis tend to be deficient in copper. But first, consult a qualified nutritionist to discuss your supplementation needs.

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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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