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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: Breast cancer - If you do have breast cancer . . . 
What Doctors Don't Tell You © (Volume 14, Issue 11)
If you have DCIS, experts such as Dr Samuel Epstein, a world authority on cancer, favour the watch-and-wait approach, then frequent monitoring; only consider treatment if it turns into true cancer. If it does, many alternative treatments are highly successful. The following are recommended by the US charity People Against Cancer (

A strict wholefood, unprocessed diet * Exclude sugary and fatty foods, dairy products and wheat

* Include an intensive nutritional-supplement programme: high-dose vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B-complex, selenium, zinc, coenzyme Q10, fish oils and vitamin B17 (apricot kernels).

An intensive detoxification programme * Eliminate mercury from amalgam fillings and from anywhere else in the body. Most cancer patients have high levels of this heavy metal

* Coffee enemas, which will stimulate the liver to excrete toxins.

Gentler anticancer therapies * Short-term high-dose hormone blockers. Dr Axel Weber, in Bavaria, gives the hormone-blocker busarelin at 20-40 times the usual dosage for no longer than 12 weeks. This is one of the more promising regimes, says People Against Cancer

* Intravenous hydrogen peroxide

* High-dose vitamin C treatment offers at least a 16-fold increase in life expectancy (J Ortho Med, 1990; 5: 143-4)

* Heat therapy (hyperthermia) applies heat to the breast-cancer tumour using highly focused radiowaves, raising the tumour temperature to about 44 degrees C. This kills cancerous cells, but not healthy ones

* Infusions of laetrile (the anticancer compound derived from apricot kernels) and/or melatonin (an antioestrogen)

* Ozone therapy enriches the patient’s blood with ozone to ‘activate’ the red and white cells, stimulating the immune system to cure itself

* THX/Thymex-L, a thymus extract believed to boost the immune system

* Low-dose interleukin-2, an immune booster, with or without antihormone therapy

* Immune augmentation therapy, in which anticancer ‘immune complexes’, harvested from the blood of healthy donors, are infused into the cancer patient

Doctors who offer alternative treatments

Dr Patrick Kingsley, Osgathorpe, Leicestershire (tel: 01530 223 622) Dr Fritz Schellander, Tunbridge Wells, Kent (tel: 01892 543 535) Dr Julian Kenyon, London W1 and Twyford, Hants (tel: 020 7486 5588; 01962 717 800) Dr Axel Weber, Brannenburg, Bavaria (tel: +49 8034 908 114; Dr Waltraut Fryda, Kreuth-Tegernsee (tel: +49 802 9400) Dr Milan Pesic, Institute for Immunology and Thymus Research, Hanover (tel: +49 532 296 0541) Dr Giancarlo Pizza, Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, Bologna (tel: +39 05 1636 2478) Dr John Clement, IAT clinic, Bahamas (tel: +242 352 7455).

Attend our Battle Plan for Cancer Conference on 19-20 June, when the best doctors providing alternative treatments for cancer will offer a full programme of how to fight cancer and win (to book, call 0800 146 054).

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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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