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What Doctors Don't Tell You © (Volume 7, Issue 3)

Dr Patrick Kingsley

Dr Kingsley, a Leicestershire nutritional pioneer, believes in measures that will both build the immune system and kill the cancer that has already developed.

Killing the cancer

The mainstay of his treatment is a combination of high dose, intravenous vitamin C and intravenous oxygen therapy of hydrogen peroxide, with 25 mg of vitamin C. In America, Dr Charles Farr of Oklahoma has pioneered "trioxide" therapy, which adds EDTA chelation of one and a half grams to Dr Kingsley's schedule.

Oxygen therapy fires free radicals at the body, which first attacks the most rapidly reproducing cells of the body cancer, bone marrow, mucous membranes. (The chelation both sends out free radicals and removes toxic substances from the body). However, the vitamin C protects all but the cancer cells from oxidative free radical damage.


Test for food allergies.

Avoid junk food, refined carbohydrates, tea, coffee, milk and dairy products, some grains, particularly wheat, and yeasts.

Consume soya products and fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly the cruciferous variety (broccoli, cauliflower), which have proven anti oxidant effects. Introduce diet slowly, to minimize stress.


At least 10 g of powdered vitamin C per day (magnesium ascorbate, to minimize gut tolerance), a good antioxidant mixture, and 7-10 g of the herb echinacea per day for some patients (which stimulates the immune system).


Coffee enemas are useful, says Dr Kingsley, because they stimulate the liver and large intestine into excreting toxic elements from the body.

Evidence of success: Recently, at a local cancer self help group, populated by Dr Kingsley's patients, of 36 patients, 24, or two thirds, said that they were rid of the cancer or continually improving. Four patients had reached a plateau, two patients were deteriorating and six not improving. Dr Kingsley says that this percentage outcome is fairly typical.

Scientific evidence: In one Scottish study of terminally ill cancer patients, patients lived four times as long on vitamin C than those who didn't take it. Many lived on for years, while those who didn't take the vitamin died (Proc Natl Acad Scie, 1978; 75: 4538-42). Another study showed that women with advanced breast cancer taking at least 10 grams of vitamin C lived 16 times as long as those who didn't (J Ortho Med, 1990: 5: 143-4). Oxygen therapy has had less validation in scientific studies; most have been in animals and cell lines. One study showed its antitumour effects on cells in the laboratory (J Exp Med, 1981; 154: 1539-53). Dr Farr believes that it has an anti tumour effect that is "slow and subtle". In one study, responses were noted in colorectal cancer and lymphomas (see WDDTY vol 4 no 8).

Nicholas Gonzalez

A New York immunologist who follows many of orthodontist Dr William Kelley's theories in treating advanced cancer patients principally, that it is the pancreas, rather than the immune system, which is critical in cancer control.

Individualized, fresh, organic diet (one of 10, from vegetarian to high meat, depending on your cancer and constitution).

High dose supplements.

Pancreatic enzymes, believed to attack and liquify tumours.

Digestive aids and concentrates of raw beef organs and glands.

Detoxification, particularly with coffee enema.

Evidence of success: Extensive study of 50 patients treated by Kelley with terminal or extremely poor prognosis. All alive for 10 years as of date of study. Of five patients with pancreatic cancer, four are still alive (the fifth died of Alzheimer's disease) after 10 years. Survival with conventional treatment is three to five months.

Scientific evidence: Animal studies demonstrating that pancreatic enzymes have a powerful anti cancer effect (Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients, Feb/March 1996).

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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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