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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: Chronic tiredness 
A 23-year-old woman has been suffering from chronic tiredness for the past 9 months. The problem began shortly before she developed a long-lasting chest infection that left her wheezing and breathless. A course of antibiotics did not reduce the pain in her chest when she tries to inhale deeply. Breathing tests return ‘normal’ results and blood oxygen tests show her saturation levels at around 95% when resting (but these go down when she stands or moves around). As soon as she gets home from work, she falls asleep, and generally sleeps through until morning. She’s tired of being tired. Can readers offer clues as to what her problem might be, and what she can do? Well, one of the most obvious yet common causes of exhaustion is dehydration. Make sure you drink plenty of water, mullein, fruit juice and tea. In addition, try detoxifying your home by converting to safe household and personal care products. There may be geopathic stress at your home or work, so try moving your bed or having these environments assessed by a GS dowser. Consider Bach therapy, and if an infection is present, try LDM-100. Under medical supervision, lobelia and/or hydrangea root may help break up impacted substances in the lungs. One reader suggested Cordyceps, a tonic herb used in the US for post viral syndrome. It helps the body to use oxygen more efficiently and opens breathing passages, helping with respiratory disorders, bronchitis and asthma. You could also have a syndrome such as M.E., which is likely to be multi-faceted and should be tackled from various angles. A hair mineral analysis will tell you whether there are any mineral imbalances (blood tests may not show these). For example, a high copper level can cause this problem, as can a high calcium-to-magnesium ratio or low iron status. See a good nutritional therapist who can arrange the test, explain the results, and recommend a diet and supplements to help. Cutting out caffeine and sugar (and possibly wheat and dairy) and moving to an organic diet rich in fruit and vegetables is helpful, as is drinking at least four pints of water daily. One reader, who had M.E. for four and a half years but is now fit and well, offered her personal website,, as a resource for dealing with healing chronic fatigue. Another reader believes your problem may be due to an underperforming endocrine system (chronic fatigue of these glands, and of the digestive system), which can be treated successfully using Virtual Scanning colour therapy.
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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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