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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: Hair loss in a child: 
First up is one reader's 12-year-old granddaughter who suddenly lost all her hair on part of her scalp after she slept with a pet kitten on her pillow. The scalp became very itchy and inflamed before the hair fell out. Despite trying various remedies, the hair has not regrown. What else can she do? One health kinesiologist tells us that she successfully treated a similar case. After just one session, the hair started to grow again - so the moral appears to be: go and see a qualified health kinesiologist. Another reader echoes the health kinesiology approach, and she adds that it would be worthwhile testing for other parasites, such as fleas. Fleas could indeed be the culprit, says one reader who notices that her cat's skin gets itchy and flaky before hair falls out even when the fleas have been successfully treated. Another option is a product called Ambrotose from the manufacturer, Mannatech. One reader's daughter had a similar bald spot, and it eventually grew back, and she credits Ambrotose for the transformation. She also treated the scalp with grapefruit seed extract, which was mixed in with a chemical-free shampoo. On a similar tack, another reader recommends the Neways 2nd Chance shampoo and conditioning treatment. Apparently it assists hair growth by softening and then flushing away the sebum plugs that prevent new hair growth. The cat could be a red herring, so to speak, and the problem may be trichotillamania, or compulsive hair pulling, suggests one reader. Perhaps the pet kitten kept the child awake at night, giving her even more time to pull her hair. Hair-pulling usually occurs just before sleep, or as a way of assuaging nerves.
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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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