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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: My granddaughter’s cancer is due to MMR 
What Doctors Don't Tell You © (Volume 15, Issue 11)
My granddaughter Jasmine was diagnosed with acute lymphatic leukaemia in 2003.

In October 2002, she went for her first MMR vaccination. But without any consultation with her mother, Jasmine was also given the meningitis and polio vaccines because, they said, she had “got behind in her immunisation programme”.

Within a month, she caught chickenpox.

January 2003 saw the first signs that all was not right - for a week, she had a high temperature that did not respond to Calpol.

In mid-March, she had a septic finger and was prescribed penicillin, to which she reacted badly, and so was prescribed Phenergen to counteract it. Being generally unwell, Jasmine’s GP suggested a blood test. She was admitted to hospital for tests in April, and began chemotherapy on 2 May 2003.

I feel strongly that the administration of the controversial MMR plus meningitis plus polio all at the same time was too much for Jasmine, and was a major factor in causing her leukaemia. - Mrs S. Ruffell, Lichfield, Staffordshire

WDDTY replies: Given the controversy surrounding the MMR jab, the known side-effects such as seizures (three times the usual risk) and blood disorders, the growing connection with autism and countless other disorders (see WDDTY’s Vaccination Bible), we can’t rule out a link with any disease, including cancer. Yet, the growing public concerns about this jab haven't stopped the British government from recently launching a 'catch-up' campaign in London.

Before subjecting your child to a booster shot, it's as well to remember the 1994 booster programme for the over-fives, which led to several hundred children having serious side-effects such as permanent paralysis, and a number of deaths.

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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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