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 What Doctors Don't Tell You: Pompholyx eczema: 
Last time we heard about a reader's friend who has just developed this type of eczema. Did anyone know how this could be treated, she wondered? But of course. First up is a home-made concoction made up of equal parts of beeswax, honey and olive oil, which should be heated gently. Add some vitamin E as a preservative, and refrigerate. Apply when needed. Another reader suggests colloidal silver, which can be sprayed on the affected area. The eczema could also be a response to a toxic system, and so it could benefit from an inner cleanse and a diet rich in raw foods. One reader went to see What Doctors Don't Tell You's medical detective Harald Gaier, who described pompholyx eczema as an allergic reaction to caffeine and tannin. The problem cleared up when she eliminated both from her diet, although the tannin proved to be more of a problem than the caffeine. Tannin is found not just in standard tea, but also in green tea and many of the herbal teas that are derived from tree bark. Red wine should also be avoided and, while you're about it, steer clear of the white variety too. One reader's psoriasis disappeared after trying a product called Supergreens and following an alkalizing diet, so it might also work for eczema. One practitioner tells us that her patients' eczema has cleared after they used Propolis cream and aloe vera soap together. The cream should be applied twice a day after washing. But don't expect instant cures - it can take several weeks before any improvement is seen.
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What Doctors Don't Tell You What Doctors Don’t Tell You is one of the few publications in the world that can justifiably claim to solve people's health problems - and even save lives. Our monthly newsletter gives you the facts you won't......more
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