| What Doctors Don't Tell You: Verucca and warts: | |
A pregnant woman told us of a verucca in her foot that has grown, and now she's getting warts on her fingers and thumbs. Lots of advice for you, including one woman who has been drinking an aloe vera drink that seems to be shrinking large plantar warts on the soles of her feet. No recommendations about warts would be complete without the suggestion to put PVC tape over the wart, which seems to starve it of oxygen, and it falls off. Rather than going to a builder's yard, one reader went to a Chinese herbalist whose plasters seemed to work just as well. Another idea is to place one drop of liquid concentrate of citricidal (grapefruit seed extract) on the wart twice a day, or try BioCare's Zinc Citrate. One reader wonders if the spread is associated with the pregnancy, which may be suppressing the immune system. Seek out a hypnotherapist, says our reader. Another reader also thinks the pregnancy could be the cause, so boost the immune system with vitamin C, eat lots of yogurt, eat less sugar and foods that convert quickly to sugar, and apply tea tree and lavender on the warts. One reader had great success by picking the celandine plant, and rubbing the flowers over the warts on her hand. The warts disappeared overnight. Unfortunately it's a suggestion that can be tried only in the spring when the plant grows. If you can't wait that long, apply a poultice of comfrey leaf after simmering the leaf. Try every day until the verucca pops out, and persist even when it looks awful. Another suggestion is to try high potency Thuja 1M, which has a good track record on warts. A word of warning from one reader who says that thuja shouldn't be used during pregnancy. Instead try 35% hydrogen peroxide, which can be applied to the wart with a Q-tip. One reader had great success using a product called WartsNoMore, which is a mixture of essential oils and antiviral agents. It should be applied to the wart and a plaster put over the affected area. The website is: http://www.forces-of-nature.org. Another option is to use Rescue Cream, made from the Bach flower remedies, on the wart for several weeks. What ever you do, eat plenty of garlic and onions at the same time. To treat the verucca, use essential oils of lemon and then of tea tree on alternate days and cover with a plaster and, for warts, apply colloidal silver. One reader has had great success with organic marigold, which has cleared her wart in four days after having had it for 30 years.
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