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Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism

 Homeopathy: What Do I Need to Know About Homeopathic Treatment? 
There is a definite course of treatment that homeopaths follow with their patients. This includes the number and frequency of follow-up visits, when to change or repeat a homeopathic remedy, how to deal with interfering factors, and what to do in case of an emergency. All of these depend on the symptoms, prognosis, and circumstances of the individual patient.

How Soon Will I Notice a Response to My Remedy?
You may notice an immediate response from your homeopathic remedy, as in the following case.

Jody, age 6, came in because of left sided ear pain. She was so lethargic that she remained curled up in her mother's lap during the entire half hour interview. She was fair skinned with long blonde curly hair and blue eyes. Since she developed the ear pain, she was very weepy and wanted to be with her mom all of the time. It was a struggle to get her to drink anything. She was given Pulsatilla (wind flower) in the office. Within five minutes she was running around happily and said that her ear pain was gone. She looked like a normal, healthy child again.
In other cases, it may take several weeks or a couple months after taking your remedy before you notice a change in your symptoms. The length of your treatment depends on many factors, including the severity of your illness, the clarity of your symptoms, your past medical and family health history, the type of treatments which you have had in the past, and the overall strength of your body's defenses. Acute diseases, such as colds, flus, pneumonia, and bladder infections respond very quickly to homeopathy and will usually be cured in a few hours or one to two days. In chronic illnesses, such as arthritis, allergies, asthma, uterine fibroids, and colitis, it may take longer to respond to the remedy. After you take your remedy, you may experience a brief worsening of your symptoms. This is called an aggravation. Most aggravations last from a few hours up to several days. If an aggravation occurs, it is probably a normal part of treatment and usually means that the correct remedy has been given.

Symptoms that you have had in the past may recur during the course of homeopathic treatment. This is called the return of old symptoms. Usually they will last for a few days, then recede. It is as though the body were remembering, then repairing, an old illness. Often these symptoms will not return again.

Homeopathic treatment is analogous to both peeling an onion and digging up weeds by the root. If you are trying to clear a blackberry patch to plant a garden, you need to eradicate the plants at the roots. Cutting back the vines is only a temporary solution. Homeopathy heals by finding and curing the roots of disease. As symptoms from the past appear, your homeopath will recognize a layer of illness as it comes to the surface to be healed, or a predisposition that needs to be eliminated. She will prescribe a remedy that matches the symptoms of the layer. This process continues until all the layers, even back to your childhood and your hereditary predispositions, have been removed. During this process, you may continue to need the same homeopathic medicine, or you may need different remedies, depending on your state of health.

Sunita, age 25, heard about homeopathy from a close friend whose hay fever had been cured. She suffered from chronic allergies and hoped that she could be helped, too. Because of her particular emotional state and allergy symptoms, she was given Nux vomica. This remedy made the allergy symptoms 80 percent better. Three months later, Sunita had a flareup of her eczema, which had been suppressed with cortisone cream since childhood. She had terrible itching and was awake all night scratching herself raw. She felt very hot in bed at night. These symptoms are characteristic of homeopathic Sulphur. After receiving Sulphur, Sunita had an aggravation of the eczema for two months. She had a strong belief in homeopathy and her homeopath assured her that the flareup of the eczema was necessary for her healing to be completed. Her eczema was 90% better and the improvement has continued.
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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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