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 Homeopathy: Caffeine Free 
Are you a slug in the morning without your cup or two of Starbuck's finest, Morning Thunder, or Market Spice blend? Is your favorite part of the day sipping a cafe latte at your corner expresso shop? Would you die for a piece of chocolate decadence?All of these contain caffeine as well as such common American standbys as Pepsi, Anacin, Midol and NoDoz. It's one thing to choose to indulge in an occasional expresso. It's another to depend on caffeine to get you going in the morning or to move your bowels. We hope that this article will help you to assess just how much caffeine you're ingesting and to seriously entertain the possibility of giving up caffeine completely, or at least of decreasing your caffeine intake.

Caffeine is the most popular and widely consumed drug in the world. According to legend, an Arab goatherd first noticed in 850 A.D. that his goats frisked and frolicked all night after feeding on the berries of the evergreen coffee plant. When he tried it himself, he found it to be extremely stimulating. Though coffee was initially con- sidered a health hazard and orthodox priests imposed severe penalties on its use, its popularity spread rapidly. As of l976, it was estimated that over one billion kilograms of coffee were consumed annually in the United States alone. This averages out to l6 pounds of coffee per American per year! Despite what we mellow Seattleites may think, caffeine intake is higher on the West Coast of the U.S. than the East Coast (of course, it must be the Californians).

Though cocaine and the drug cartels are front page news, the red-blooded American coffee break is rarely challenged. Coffee or tea are the drug of choice even at Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve step meetings. We tend to reserve the word "drug" for illegal narcotics or hallucinogens or for prescription medications and to forget or ignore the most common drug of all- caffeine. Most of us think pretty much exclusively of coffee and tea when we consider caffeine consumption. The following list may be an eye-opener for you.

Substance Mg of caffeine Substance Mg of caffeine

Coffee (5 oz. cup) Prescription Drugs

Brewed, drip 60-l80 per cup Cafergot l00 per capsule

Brewed, percolator 40-l70 Darvon 32

Instant 30-l20 Fiorinal 40

Decaf, brewed 2-5

Decaf, instant l-5 Over the Counter Drugs


Tea (5 oz. cup) No Doz l00

US brands, brewed 20-90 Caffedrine 200

Imported, brewed 25-ll0

Instant tea 25-50 Menstrual Drugs

Iced (l2 oz.) 67-76 Midol 33

Aqua-ban/plus l00/200

Chocolate and Cocoa

Cocoa (5 oz.) 2-20 Analgesics

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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