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 Homeopathy: Healing Through Homeopathy - A Case of Hyperactivity 
We are very pleased to inaugurate a new Townsend Letter column on the clinical use of homeopathic medicine. We'd like to give you an overview of our practices and to share our plans for this and future columns. We are naturopathic physicians specializing in classical homeopathy, our main mentors being George Vithoulkas and Francisco Eizayaga. Although we adhere to classical homeopathic principles, we have great respect for many areas of holistic medicine and make nutritional recommendations to all of our patients, based on naturopathic and Ayurvedic principles. We use herbs when indicated, offer lifestyle suggestions, and many of our patients also choose to see us for counseling, hypnosis, fasting and cleansing. This gives you an idea of our theoretical foundation. We find homeopathy to be the mainstay of our treatment and generally base our therapeutic rationale on traditional homeopathic principles of healing.

In this column we intend to present clinical cases treated successfully with homeopathy. In addition, we plan to share Materia Medica information on the remedies used and also to include homeopathic principles of case analysis. We are happy to receive any feedback from readers and colleagues as to what you would like us to share with you.

We recently gave a presentation on the use of Ayurvedic body typing to help con-firm classical homeopathic prescriptions at the International Conference on Holistic Medicine and Healing in Bangalore, India. There we were asked about any success we have had in treating hyperactivity, often considered to be quite difficult to treat by both orthodox and holistic medicine. We would like to start our column with this very challenging case of hyperactivity which responded beautifully to a single dose of the correct homeopathic remedy.

M.G, aged 5, was brought to us on l/20/89 by his foster mother, a long-time patient of ours with a chief complaint of maladaptive behavior. He had been under her foster care for four months and at a child care center for emotionally disturbed children since age two. He had been removed from his parents' home by Children's Protective Services due to drug problems, violence, and neglect. At two and a half he was placed in a foster home with his younger brother for five months where he was described

as "demonic", violent and abusive. His voice would take on different qualities like dis-tinct personalities. In the next foster placement with a minister's family, his younger brother was adopted but he was not, which he was unable to understand.

His biological father, who had become remarried to a Native American woman with four childten, then took him for seven months, during which time he was physically and emotionally abused. During one beating he was left with a large open wound on his forehead, the scar of which still swelled and pulsed when he was under stress.

This was followed by five successive placements before he arrived at the home of our patient. The day he arrived there, he" demolished" one of the bedrooms for three hours. Soon after she had him placed in a regular kindergarten.

M. presented in the office with bright red hair and very physically active. His foster mother described his usual behavior as follows. He screamed, scratched, cursed, threw objects, fought, and bit regularly, all of which behaviors seemed to be out of his conscious control. He frequently became violent and tried to pull out his foster mother's hair. (At this point in the interview, M. was smiling mischieviously.)

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 About The Author
Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman ND, MSWJudyth Reichenberg-Ullman, ND, DHANP, MSW is a licensed naturopathic physician board certified in homeopathic medicine. She graduated with a degree in ...more
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