Impaired digestive function is one of the most common problems of the first 3 to 6 months of life. Reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD) and colicky symptoms often plague infants and parents, disturbing the harmonious interactions of young families. The symptoms of night waking, crying, spitting up and painful feeding can be heart-wrenching and worrisome. If severe, these problems can also impair growth. Although many infants grow out of these symptoms on their own as the digestive tract matures, there are several forms of treatment that can soothe the symptoms and normalize digestive function.
Holistic treatment
Holistic pediatric treatment of these infants is simple and straightforward. Since the problem involves impaired stomach and intestinal function, treatment is directed at encouraging a healthy digestive tract while relieving symptoms.
The primary and most direct forms of treatment include acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and homeopathy. Acupuncture or acupressure treatment includes the essential points Stomach 36 and Spleen 6 (located on the legs). Parents can learn to press on these points for symptom relief at home as well. An effective Chinese herbal formula is Grow and Thrive (Chinese Modular Solutions), designed to encourage development and maturity of the digestive tract. This formula is available to health care practitioners through Kan Herb Company (www.kanherb.com). It may also be combined with other formulas (Tummy Tamer, Replenish Essence, or others) as indicated for the individual case.
Homeopathic treatment will address the underlying cause through constitutional treatment (e.g. nosodes, Lycopodium) and/or the relief of symptoms through more acute/symptomatic medicines (e.g. Colocynth, Nux vomica) as determined by a qualified practitioner.
All of these children should also receive a probiotic supplement. A Lactobacillus bifidus supplement if solely breastfed, or a more broad-based formulation for those infants fed any supplemental formula.
Parents can also soothe infants with other techniques such as rocking, abdominal pressure, swaddling, baby-wearing with slings, and propping positions during feedings and at night. Colicky symptoms may also respond to elimination of some aggravating foods from the mother’s diet (dairy, spices, caffeine, beans, broccoli, cabbage, and nuts).
Standard treatment
Conventional medical treatment for reflux typically includes
drugs that inhibit gastric acid production. The theory is
that if stomach acid production is blocked then acid will
not irritate the stomach and esophagus. However, stomach
acid is there for a reason, to help in digestion and inhibit
harmful bacteria. The drugs used to treat reflux fall into
two categories - H2-blockers such as ranitidine (Zantac) or
famotidine (Pepcid), and proton-pump inhibitors such as
omeprazole (Prilosec) or lansoprazole (Prevacid).
Unfortunately, these drugs do not address the underlying
problems of reflux, an impaired digestive tract, and they
may cause other illnesses and digestive problems. A study
published in May 2006 in the journal Pediatrics has shown
that infants prescribed gastric acid inhibitors of either
category have an increased risk of pneumonia and digestive
system infections than healthy children even after treatment
is discontinued. This study of children aged 4-36 months
treated by gastroenterologists revealed that those children
treated with Zantac or Prilosec had an increased risk of
pneumonia and gastroenteritis during treatment and in the 4
month period following drug treatment. The incidence of
these diseases was attributed to the inhibition of white
blood cell function as a direct result of these drugs, and
to the change in gastrointestinal microflora induced by the
drugs. For example, children given gastric acid inhibitors
have an increased number of bacteria (beta hemolytic Strep)
that cause pneumonia.
Holistic medical treatment of reflux in infants, children, and adults is a far better alternative than the use of these drugs that do nothing to fix the problem and result in impaired digestive function and consequent disease.
Canani, RB, et al. Therapy with gastric acidity inhibitors
increases the risk of acute gastroenteritis and
community-based acquired pneumonia in children. Pediatrics
May 2006; 117(5): 817-820.