Do you find that you sit for long periods of time at your desk or computer? When you get up, does your back feel a little stiff? Jobs that have us sitting day after day can contribute to back weakness even if we have a good ergonomic chair. Back pain is the most common complaint for workplace injuries. Reduce back discomfort when you practice the WALL SLIDE.*
Lean against a solid wall as you stand with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing straight ahead (remove high-heeled shoes to do this exercise). Press or flatten your lower back against the wall and slowly slide down as if in a sitting position. Make sure that your knees bend so that they remain above your ankles. Your knees should be hip-width apart and should not pass your ankles as you slide down the wall. Hold as long as you can, then slowly slide up the wall as you straighten your legs. Repeat 2 to 3 times.
*We thank Bernie Tano and Occupational Health and Safety for healthy back exercises.