| Integrative Medicine and Integrated Healthcare Round-up: February 4-March 6, 2010 | |
Summary: McCain-Dorgan bill stirs battle over supplement regulation McCain backs off ... Action urged to support "licensed integrative practitioners" in federal legislation ... Senator Mikulski salutes Integrative Healthcare Symposium attendees ... Bill George pushes reform at personal and state levels .. Brent Bauer, MD reports on Mayo's growing integrative medicine initiative ... True North patient survey featured in American College of Physicians' publication ... Naparstek's Health Journeys CD sent by DoD to help soldiers in war zone ... Acupuncture accreditation agency moves ahead with "first professional doctorate" ... A first: Chiropractic faculty members credentialed to teach in VA facilities via NYCC relationships ... Washington state legislature announces annual Bastyr Day ... Oregon naturopathic doctors included in loan-forgiveness program for service to the underserved and in rural areas ... Chiropractors explore role in public health ... NJ chiropractors add homeopathy, nutrition to practice; Gahles comments ... Hawai'i medical association seek to strip scope additions of state's naturopathic doctors ... AMI seeks expansion of integrative Medicaid pilot into Arizona ... ABC blasts peer-reviewed piece on drug-herb interactions ... Newsweek rips anti-depressants as "Tic tacs" ... Stargrove and MedicineWorks release electronic interactions guide ... Olympic athletes sponsored by supplement lines ... Profootball chiropractic association in 4th conference ... Integrative Healthcare Symposium up 31%, gains status as community gathering ... Arizona Center's integrative mental health conference sells out ... Ann Fonda reports on the Annie Appleseed Project ... Pelletier takes vice president role at American Specialty Health ... Miller-Read takes over as AMTA president ...
 US Senator John McCain: Attacks and backs-off
McCain-Dorgan bill aims to change dietary supplement
regulation, industry raises strong opposition; McCain backs away
US Senator John McCain (R-AZ)and US Senator Bryan Dorgan (D-ND)
introduced the Dietary
Supplement Safety Action of 2010 that
would significantly impact the regulation of dietary supplements. The
bill was greeted with significant opposition by industry, practitioner
and consumer organizations. These argue that the bill will drive up
costs and limit access to consumers for products that are already safer
than most drugs. The Council for
Responsible Nutrition position is linked
here and that from the American Herbal Products Association is here.
The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians generated 2000
practitioner letters. The Alliance for
Natural Health-USA has stirred up vigorous opposition, eliciting
over 80,000 pieces of electronic mail, according to Gretchen DuBeau, the
organization's executive director. Asserts
“If passed as written, this bill
would likely result in the
disappearance from store shelves of many supplements currently on the
and unbridled authority would be handed to the FDA, an agency that needs
a top
to bottom overhaul, not ever more power over our lives."
McCain is aware of the antagonism and has
responded with a statement
on the Senate floor. He states that the bill was introduced based
on requests from numerous professional and amateur sports organizations.
The debate breaks over whether the bill fundamentally shifts regulation
of supplements and will limit consumer access; McCain says yes, the
industry and related groups say no. A thoughtful column on the bill by Integrator
columnist Michael Levin in which he poses a potentially useful
regulatory strategy is posted
here. [Note: At publication, ANH sent a note to
their list indicating that following a meeting with US Senator Orrin
Hatch, McCain has backed away from his advocacy. Dorgan's next steps
are not known.]
Comment: Asked if McCain's bill would
significantly impact consumer access to dietary supplements, policy
panel members at the February 25, 2010 session of the Integrative
Healthcare Symposium unanimously agreed that it would, with
additional commentary that there are reasons to better regulate the
industry. The mantra from opponents, including Levin, is that rather
than a new law, better to enforce the Dietary
Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). The Alliance for
Natural health campaign is here.
McCain's quick reversal following his
passionate advocacy and warning of deaths from supplements makes one
recall what a flip-flopper he was in his presidential candidacy.
 Newsletter urges letters to Congress for licensed integrative practitioners
Action letter calls for support of "licensed integrative
in federal legislation
The Oregon Collaborative for
Integrative Medicine. Health Action and Healer Within founder Roger
OMD. The national massage business Associated
and Massage Professionals (ABMP). These are among the
respondents to a recent action
in the Integrator and posted at Integrative
Online asking members of the integrative practice
community to contact members of Congress to include integrative
practices and integrative practitioners in healthcare legislation. The
campaign was stimulated by integrative health entrepreneur Richard
Sarnat, MD, who believes that, despite the challenges of any reform
efforts, that relationships with Congress are key. Since "licensed
integrative practitioners" have been included in multiple places in
drafts of reform legislation, he argues that we must advocate for this
inclusion. Among the sections in which licensed integrative
practitioners are included are workforce planning, comparative
research and medical homes. (See details in
the call
action.) The call to action also
notes relevant
sections relative to health promotion, wellness and non-discrimination.
ABMP posted their
call to action here.
Comment: Sarnat stimulated me to get
over my own cynicism about reform this year and realize that this kind
of inclusion is key regardless of whether a huge reform bill is passed
or sections are taken up independently. To the extent that change can
come via such inclusion, action will rest on relationships. Sarnat is
right when he says we need to be in the habit of contacting our members
of Congress. So, start now! Send a letter. I timed myself. Using the
model letter, which I slightly adjusted and personalized, I spent under
15 minutes to send to both US Senators from my state of Washington
(Murray, Cantwell) and my member of
the House (McDermott). Feels good to have done it.
 US Senator Barbara Mikulski: Honoring IHS participants
Senator Mikulski letter greets participants at Integrative
The IntegrativePractitioner.com
website includes an unusual
posting as of February 25, 2010, the first day of the Integrative
Healthcare Symposium (IHS). US Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) sent an
letter to participants in the symposium "applauding them
for their participation." In the letter, Mikulski notes that "I am a
longtime advocate of
integrative health and commend all of the work that you do." She
states the "integrative health is a vital part of our delivery system,"
then ticks off sections of proposed legislation where she was actively
involved, including workforce planning and comparative effectiveness
research. The letter was provoked by a late decision by one of
Mikulski's staff to stay in D.C. on the day of the February 25, 2010 Obama
summit rather than participate in an IHS panel on integrative
healthcare and US health policy.
Comment: Nice to see this kind of
support from an extremely influential member of
Congress. Credit Mikulski's Maryland constituents like Robert Duggan,
LAc and the Tai
Sophia Institute and Brian Berman, MD and the University of Maryland program in
integrative medicine, for building a relationship with Mikulski
through the years.
 Bill George: CEO, Harvard faculty and integrative medicine philanthropist
Bill George urges shift
to state focus for health reform via column in Minnesota Tribune
In a column
in the March 6, 2010 Minnesota StarTribune, integrative
medicine philanthropist and
former Medtronic chair Bill George urges that his state take the lead
in health reform rather than focusing at the federal level. "Rather than waiting for Washington
to devise the ideal national system, what should Minnesota's leaders do
to transform the
state's health care?" George urges as a general principle that "each of us
should take responsibility for our own health,
supported by our health
care team, composed of physicians, nurses, health care and wellness
professionals." The teams would include complementary healthcare
practitioners. He notes that the federal efforts focus on insurance
coverage and access: "Virtually
overlooked at the federal level are three
equally important aspects
of health care: cost, quality and personal responsibility. Addressing
these essential areas, the health care crisis cannot be resolved."
George underscores that we "have not health care system in this
country." He points to perverse incentives in our payment system as an
obstacle, and personal responsibility, community medicine, team care,
primary care and wellness expansion as directions to resolve the
situation in his home state. Minnesota is a recognized national leader
in health care. (Thanks to Mary Jo Kreitzer, PhD, RN for alerting me to
this column.)
Integrative Practices
 Brent Bauer, MD: Growing the Mayo program
Brent Bauer, MD's short report on advances in Mayo
integrative medicine program
Brent Bauer, MD provided this quick glance into developments in integrative
Mayo Clinic: "The biggest
recent news was the release of the iPhone
app last month (Mayo Clinic Meditation) that has
received national attention as well as internal notice. A new edition of the Time
book Mayo
of Alternative Medicine will be out at the end of march
or early April. We are just reviewing
data but our stress
resiliency training program is showing
statistically significant benefits in physicians at risk for burn-out
and in breast cancer survivor advocates. This strategy is the focus
of our Mind Body Medicine initiative being led here by Amit Sood, MD,
Bauer continues: "We also had a series of
massage papers accepted in 2009 all showing beneficial outcomes and
change. For example, massage therapy is now included as
part of
routine aftercare for patients undergoing open heart surgery. Animal assisted therapy
is on the rise here - trying to raise funding to move it beyond the
volunteer status. Lot's of interest as one of our key dogs ('Jack')
was featured on Animal Planet and is having a children's book written
about him. The book should be out in 1-3 months. All the usual stuff
(acupuncture, massage, meditation training) continue to grow, driven by
practice demand, so well integrated and doing well even in these
economic times." Bauer adds: "Hate to
sound too
Pollyanna-ish but definitely in the right place, doing purposeful work
people I love. Doesn't get much better than this!" (For a 2006 feature
on Mayo's program click
Comment: I had the pleasure of an early
association with this program when the work of Bauer and his colleagues
was boosted by a significant grant from my colleague Lucy Gonda in
2001. It is
remarkable to see these stepwise changes via the persistence in
following Bauer's strategic vision of the Mayo way for advancing
care. Mayo's reputation as a national leader means these integrative
steps resonate widely. Note the sudden elevation of Jack, from quiet
therapist to national celebrity.
 IM clinic featured for patient survey
True North integrative clinic featured in ACP Internist
patient survey work
The True North integrative
clinic was featured in the February 2010 issue of the ACP
Internist for use of the American College of Physician's (ACP's)
assessment survey for
care outcomes. The True North team team includes 28 practitioners, from
medical doctors to, in the article's language, "advanced practice nurses, mental health practitioners,
chiropractors, life coaches, fitness trainers, naturopaths and other
credentialed integrative practitioners." (See Integrator feature
on True North's distinctive
model here.) ACP member Joseph Semmes,
MD, the not-for-profit clinic's director of research, had access to the
survey and received permission to modify the 29 question tool to include
16 additional questions. The additional 16 are,
according to a February 9, 2010 True
release, "not only uniquely relevant to True North’s
integrative approach but also key to true prevention, healing and
wellness." The ACP Internist article includes this
general finding: "The group found that
patients had improved their level of fitness but
not as much as they had improved in other key areas such as nutrition
and sleep patterns."
Comment: I will contact True North for
more information on their outcomes, as well as their choices on the
additional 16 questions.
 Belleruth Naparstek, LISW: Mind-body CDs heading to troops
Department of Defense expands use
of Health Journeys' integrative wellness tools
The Dept of Defense continues to
demonstrate steady interest in distributing integrative wellness tools
for its
active troops. Beginning in March, 1500 guided imagery audio recordings
designed to help with sleep and stress will be shipped to Iraq
and Afghanistan, according tob a note to
the Integrator from Belleruth
Naparstek, LISW, from Health Journeys. The DoD interest is in helping "U.S.
fighting forces access mind-body skills for increasing relaxation and
emotional resilience." The guided imagery
tools were created by Naparstek with music by Steven Mark Kohn, is
produced by Health
Inc of Cleveland, Ohio. Naparastek not4es that the content is loaded
onto PlayAways, a
newly patented 2-oz players that comes complete with ear buds and
requires no downloading or USB charging. The recordings are ordered
through the Army’s Department of Morale, Welfare
and Recreation. Naparstek’s imagery
has been tested in
outcome studies at Duke, Scripps and the Phoenix V.A. with subjects
from posttraumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. Naparstek notes
that she hopes
these tools "might alleviate warrior stress and sleep deprivation to the
that some of the more severe symptoms of combat can be averted." Additional information is available through Health
Journeys and through the DoD's PlayAlways site.
Comment: I was once involved with a
day-long retreat in which one of the questions quietly broached was the
ethics of providing healing healthcare that will enhance the ability to
pursue wartime activities. Ought one
remain calm, relaxed and balanced in the midst
of killing? Were I 25 again I would have
an absolute and authoritative clarity about what one should and should
not do relative to war. Ethics aside, it remains intriguing that the
military, like performers and professional athletes, are leading
adopters of integrative practices. Naparstek's dogged work is expanding
access in multiple environments.
 Accrediting agency pushes ahead with first professional doctorate
AOM accrediting body chooses to go ahead with "First
Doctorate, opponents organize
The Accreditation
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) has chosen
to go ahead with planning toward its controversial "First Professional
Doctorate" (FPD)according to a
statement from the accrediting body following its February 2010
meeting. The agency, which reviewed over 3000 letters and comments,
"Based on this review the Commission, in its
exercise of professional judgment, is satisfied that there is sufficient support to justify the further
development of first-professional doctoral standards. Accordingly, the Commission voted to authorize the ACAOM Doctoral
Task Force to complete its work in developing standards for accrediting first-professional doctoral programs
in AOM for the Commission’s review and
consideration. In taking this action, the Commission does not take any
position on whether or not the first professional doctorate should be the required educational requirements for
professional practice in AOM,which is the prerogative of state
legislative and AOM regulatory authorities."
The ACAOM plans to reconvene its task force to refine the first
its proposed standards. These will then be sent out to the
AOM community for review. The decision has already created a stir. The
depth of opposition and challenges ahead for the profession are evident
in this
Rohleder, LAc, a co-founder of the Community Acupuncture
Network (CAN). Rohleder's post stimulated scores of responses, all
opposed. The tenor is not friendly.
Comment: I continue to be
torn by this
issue, with strong internal, personal and professional pulls both pro-
and con, as expressed at the bottom of this compilation
of various perspectives on the FPD. Frank
Ervolino, ND, LAc, a member of the first national commission on the FPD
who presently opposes the move "at this time," helps clarify
some of the opposing interests inside the AOM community in
this Integrator posting. The post is clarifying, if shaped
Ervolino's present opposition. The best news for those worried about
aggravations to the historic divisions in the field is that ACAOM is
merely entering a new phase in a long process. Any Battle Royale that
may be pending will be put off for a period.
 New York Chiropractic College faculty create breakthroughs with VA
New York Chiropractic College faculty member
credentialed to teach in VA system
A bit of history was made in
November 2009 when two chiropractic radiologists who are assistant
professors at New
York Chiropractic College earned
clinical teaching privileges in the nation’s veteran’s hospital
system. Jean-Nicolas Poirier, DC, DACBR,
CCPS and Chad
Warshel, DC, DACBR are the first chiropractic radiologists to have
credentialing by the United States Veteran Affairs
system to teach radiology to chiropractic students and residents
enrolled in a Masters of Science Degree in Diagnostic Imaging residency.
The appointments are for 2 years. The teaching will take place at the Canandaigua Veteran Affairs
Center where the two faculty members will work with chiropractic
doctors and review
radiological images of their patients with NYCC interns and NYCC
imaging residents. NYCC's
January 2010 release on the subject notes that "this new arrangement
will enhance the radiological experience of NYCC interns
and residents by increasing the variety of conditions seen by the
using multiple advanced imaging modalities." The Canandaigua VA Medical Center, part of VA Healthcare
Network Upstate New York, is located 30 miles southeast of Rochester in
Canandaigua, New York. New York
Chiropractic College has developed a series of VA affiliations with VA
Comment: Accepting "licensed CAM"
professionals as members of clinical teams in conventional medicine is
becoming familiar, if not yet standard. Formally granting these
distinctly licensed practitioners authority as teachers in these
institutions is more rare. Credentialing them to teach medical doctors,
which apparently is not part of this agreement, is even more rare.
Still, to allow faculty members from the accredited institutions, like
NYCC, to formally teach in hospitals and health systems, is an important
step toward resolving health care's guild divisions.
Washington legislature
annual Bastyr University
February 24, 2010 was the official Bastyr
Day for the
Washington State Legislature according to
resolution SR 8693. According to the resolution, the recognition of
contributions is to happen annually. A prime mover behind the
resolution, State Senator Paull Shin
(D), is a Bastyr
trustee. Bastyr has over a dozen undergraduate and
graduate academic programs (ND, LAc, DAOM, midwifery, whole foods
dietetics, etc.). The resolution honored Bastyr for it's " commitment to a sustainable health
model, the University's role in
minimizing its environmental impact through green building practices,
and its instrumental role in increasing research activity in the natural
health sciences." The comments can be
accessed by clicking
advancing the video to 11:00.
Comment: While this is a good sign for
the institution, I imagine Bastyr's leadership would be happy to see
the special day go away if Bastyr were instead thoroughly integrated
into the state's higher education and healthcare funding practices.
 Laura Cuilbertson Farr, OANP executive director
Oregon naturopathic physicians approved for rural
health and underserved area loan
forgiveness program
A key
objective of the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians
was reached in late February when the Oregon State legislature passed a
bill to include naturopathic doctors in the state's Rural
Loan Repayment Program. Laura Culberson
Farr, OANP executive director shared with the Integrator that the program "was
also expanded to include medically underserved communities" together
rural communities. A model for the program is an existing program in
which naturopathic physicians have served for over a decade in
Washington State. The program would cover
up to $25,000 in loans with a 3 year commitment of service. Farr notes
however that the vote was merely "a policy victory" because, given the Oregon's challenged fiscal status, the
program in its
entirety, including loans for MDs serving similarly, is presently
unfunded. States Farr: "(Getting the funding back) will
be the next step of the battle." An
OANP representative shared that "an
point is that the Oregon Medical
Association did not oppose our inclusion." The OANP has "been
working hard to
relationships with that organization and forge common ground. As a
result, we
have a strong coalition moving forward to fund the program in 2011."
Comment: This level of collaboration
between medical doctors and naturopathic doctors to help serve the
underserved is remarkable, especially given the AMA's
Scope of Practice Partnership through which the national
organization is seeking to stop greater inclusion of naturopathic
services. The process of the bill's passage wasn't
without typical turf skirmishes, however. At one point such jockeying
committee chair Mitch Greenlick (D-NW Portland)
to make a statement which
should be tattooed on the foreheads
of all guild warriors who forget that patients must come first:
“We have created these silos, and
created such heavy bricks around them, that it seems very hard for
to see beyond the threat of somebody else coming into their territory.
And it
just seems to me that as long as we are blinded by this kind of
inter-professional rivalry and silos, we are going to have a very
difficult time
creating the workforce of the future.”
 Chiropractic organization examines role in public health
Chiropractors engage member survey
on DC roles in public
The American Chiropractic Association
has recently asked its members for feedback on "Chiropractors Attitudes
and Involvement" in the public health. The
explanatory note reads: "In a health
care system that has been overly focused on curing acute diseases,
providers are increasingly expected to practice health promotion and
prevention. Promoting wellness has always been a part of chiropractic
philosophy. Until
recently, however, public health has been taught in chiropractic
colleges only
to a limited degree. Tell us about your view on how chiropractors should
be involved in public health, and let us know how you currently
participate in
disease prevention and health promotion." A subset of chiropractors have
been significantly involved in the public health through the American
Public Health Association which has a chiropractic
Comment: Most integrative practitioners
and licensed complementary and alternative healthcare professionals
a philosophical kinship with the health-promoting and wellness
functions the public health. Yet these practices are poorly articulated
formal public health programs. It will be interesting to see what the
finds through this survey.
 Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RS (Hom): Exploring the values of therapies, and of distinctly trained professionals
New Jersey chiropractors add homeopathy, nutrition to
scope; DC-homeopath Nancy Gahles comments
I received a note recently from Nancy Gahles, DC, CCH, RS (Hom)
notifying me of a practice change in New Jersey in which homeopathy and
nutrition were added to the scope of practice for chiropractors in New
Jersey. She noted her concern, as both NJ-licensed chiropractor and a
homeopath who is presently president of the National Center for
Homeopathy, that homeopathy may not be appreciated for its full value. I
asked her for comments. She wrote:
"As a Chiropractic Physician
licensed in the state of New Jersey, expanding scope of practice to
nutritional counseling and homeopathy serves to add to the pool of
primary care
providers that we so desperately need in the fields of CAM where
prevention and
wellness paradigms already exist in both philosophy and practice.
"As first portal of entry physicians,
chiropractors see their
patients on a more frequent basis than do medical doctors and the
opportunity arises for more detailed analysis of etiology and
co-morbidities associated with the neuromusculoskeletal issues such as
low back
pain that the majority of patients present with.
"Having access to more tools in the toolbox is
always an
advantage in a wholistic practice and , when dealing with whole people
we do
know that one size treatment does not suit all. Research shows that
lifestyle choices in diet, nutrition and exercise positively effect
changes in
chronic disease relieving the costly burden on the healthcare system
increasing quality of life.
does not lend itself
to a weekend
course that allows
you to
practice quality homeopathy
on Monday morning. As President
of the
Center for Homeopathy,
it is incumbent upon me to preserve the
of the homeopathic profession."
"The inclusion of homeopathy into scope of
a challenge along with a victory. Homeopathy is a stand alone system of
medicine with its own Pharmacopoeia of homeopathic medicines regulated
the FDA. Homeopathy does not lend itself to a weekend course that
you to
practice quality homeopathy on Monday morning. As President of the
Center for Homeopathy it is incumbent upon me to preserve the integrity
of our
profession. That being said, while we are awaiting promulgation of the
regulations, I am in direct contact with the appropriate DOE college to
curriculums leading to nationally recognized certification standards
such as
the CCH are made available to DC's in NJ.
"The victory is that homeopathy is a system of
is directly in alignment (pardon the pun) with chiropractic philosophy.
As both
a chiropractor and a homeopath, I feel that the intimate,
complex relationship of body, mind and spirit is addressed most
eloquently when a combination of both of these dynamic therapies are
"It is also true that many professionals, while
the need for nutritional counseling and homeopathic care, do not want
undertake the studies required for them to become practitioners
This opens the door for integrative practice among chiropractic
colleagues as
well as CAM professionals outside of chiropractic.
a chiropractor and a
homeopath, I feel that the intimate,
complex relationship of body,
mind and spirit is addressed
eloquently when a combination
of both of these dynamic therapies
"The fact that homeopathy is not covered by
insurance brings
the patient responsibility factor into play, one that was spoken about
at the
IOM summit as a necessary factor in the emerging patient-centric
model. Self-pay brings Health Savings Accounts squarely to the fore and
changes in language necessary that will allow people to use their tax
dollars for the CAM services they want. Freedom and choice do not come
some work. When legislation is enacted, invariably there are other
that flow from that. Both practitioner and patient need to tell their
legislators what they need and what they want. With the insurance
crippling small businesses with their outrageous increases ( Blue Cross
37% and Healthnet 48%), doctors need a revenue stream outside of those
paid for
by insurance. Consumers of healthcare may be better off paying fee for
service from their own HSA's. Safe, effective and cost saving therapies
homeopathy may be just what the doctor ordered.
"With the proper education and inspiration,
expanding scope
of practice for chiropractors is a win-win situation."
Comment: Licensed "CAM" practitioners frequently question the
clinical skills in complementary modalities of
integrative medical doctors who typically have significantly
less training in a specific modality or system than the distinctly
licensed integrative practitioners have through
their recognized educational programs. The same issues break between and
among these licensed disciplines. In my work with the multidisciplinary Academic
Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Healthcare (ACCAHC), we
these "hotspots." The challenge across the board is to know when to use
the therapies but know also when patient care will be better via
referral to professionals who are more deeply schooled in a given system
of care. This distinction
was behind the development of ACCAHC's Clinicians'
Educators' Desk Reference on the Licensed Complementary and
Alternative Healthcare Professionals. Our view is that practitioners
may need a
handy way to know about their prospective colleagues and team care
members, just as they need one to know about drugs, herbs, nutrients and
 Michael Traub, ND, DHANP: Florida MD association seeks to roll back ND gains
Hawaii Medical Association seeks to squash new pharmacy
rights for naturopathic doctors
Michael Traub, ND, DHANP, a long-time leader of the naturopathic
profession in Hawai'i shares with the Integrator that organized
allopathic medicine
in his home state is seeking to repeal significant portions of a
modernization of naturopathic practice in 2009.
States Traub: "Our bill passed nearly unanimously, but no sooner had it
passed than
Hawaii Medical Association requested several
bills be introduced that would repeal these very advances."
In an article prepared for his regular column in Holistic Primary Care,
Traub writes: "Furthermore,
the AMA and HMA refuse to recognize the high standards of education and
training of NDs, and the safety and
ethical record of NDs which is far better than that of MDs and DOs."
Traub makes his case based on data from existing practices of NDs in
many other states where they have been practicing with significant
pharmacy rights.
Comment: Time to brand the forehead of
the HMA with the mark of the guild recommended in the article, this
issue, on the naturopathic physicians in Oregon.
 Richard Sarnat, MD: Seeking to expand Medicaid pilot
Alternative Medicine Inc.
promotes Florida Medicaid-like project in Arizona
Medicine Integration Group has sent its network of chiropractors
notice that the firm is seeking to establish in Arizona an integrative
pain pilot such as it has successfully operated under Florida Medicaid.
The e-letter notes that co-founder Richard Sarnat, MD testified before
the Arizona legislature to expand inclusion of chiropractic in that
state's Medicaid program. This legislative effort is a precursor to
efforts to create an integrative pain program such as the firm has managed
though Florida MediPass.
Comment: The challenges in helping an
integrative pilot in one state go national, such as AMI's
ground-breaking integrative pain initiative in Florida, are even more
challenging than one may appreciate. For instance, how about the
challenges of first talking a legislature into including a profession
(in this case chiropractic medicine) in Medicaid. Credit Sarnat and AMI,
an Integrator sponsor, for their perseverance.
Natural Products
 Educational organization schools article writer
American Botanical Council
dissembles drug-herb interaction article in Journal of the American
of Cardiology
Calling a toad an herb. Referencing Chinese products not available in
the United States. Including grapefruit extract as an herb. Failure to
use clarifying Latin names. Failure to clarify the appropriate herb
These are among the damaging errors in an article on drug-herb
interactions in the Journal of the
American College of Cardiology according
to a release from the American
Council. The conclusion of the ABC
writers: "This
particular article has so many flaws and errors that it is difficult to
know where to begin to critically review it." The article, entitled Use
of Herbal Products and Potential Interactions in Patients with
Cardiovascular Diseases, was widely picked up as a news item in
diverse medical media. (A perspective
from Natural
Standards and related blog commentary is
Comment: Among the chief errors in
science, along with those of omission and commission, are those of
disrespect and ignorance. This article,
on a potent political-clinical issue, appears
to be an exemplar in this category. Because
herbs and the
basket called "complementary and alternative medicine" are under-valued
by many researchers in conventional medicine, one encounters an
abundance of such errors such as typified early herb trials at the
NIH National Center for Complementary Medicine. Credit ABC for its
 Article challenges multi-billion drub segment
Of placebos and the anti-depressant
Newsweek weighs in
Reader and journalist Elaine Zablocki sent note
of a late February 8, 2010 Newsweek article entitled "The Depressing News About
Anti-Depressants." The subhead tells the story: "Studies suggest that the popular drugs are no
more effective than a placebo. In fact, they may be worse." The focus is
a confirmatory study by Irving Kirsch and others that concludes that
"the lion's share of the
drugs' effect comes from the fact that patients expect to be helped by
them, and not from any direct chemical action on the brain, especially
for anything short of very severe depression." Kirsch's Huffington Post blog on the study is called "Anti-depressants:
Drugs." The anti-depressant market reached $11-billion
sales in 2008.
Comment: If, as the Newsweek
writer suggests,
anti-depressants "are basically Tic Tacs," then one might assume that
one should choose a Tic Tac with
fewer adverse effects than the typical anti-depressant. Bring on the
St. John's wort. Shoot, the herb may well have inherent value, too, if
used appropriately.
 Exceptional database made available electronically
Stargrove and MedicineWorks announces new InteractionsGuide
Oregon-based MedicineWorks™
has announced the release of InteractionsGuide™, a web
application and online database designed to support practitioners and
in evaluating interactions between prescription drugs and herbs,
vitamins and
minerals and managing their clinical implications. (Users have free
access to the Guide until March 11, 2010.) The application allows users
to access content in Herb, Nutrient and
Drug Interactions: Clinical Implications and Therapeutic Strategies,
reviewed here
Integrator. The book, and the guide, are an
inter-disciplinary collaborative effort by Mitchell Bebel Stargrove, ND,
LAc, Dwight
McKee, MD and Jonathan Treasure, MA, MNIMH, RH. The team seeks to
approach the interactions issues "from an
integrative perspective, rather than a 'pharmacocentric' one,"
according to a release. As such, the application includes both adverse
and beneficial interactions beneficial interactions, where there is a
potential clinical benefit that can
be obtained from combining nutrients and herbs with conventional drug
therapy." MedicineWorks received "an enthusiastic response" during
February when it offered free, limited access, reports Stargrove, "including lots of high profile users." He adds:
"Quite satisfying." The web
application culminates nearly 25 years of work led by Stargrove to provide comprehensive
information to help professionals develop integrative approaches to
treatment, including collaboration with other professionals. The Council
for Responsible Nutrition partnered with
MedicineWorks and made the InteractionsGuide available to consumers
as part of 'Wise Consumer Health Month."
Comment: The distinct value
of this
guide is that Stargrove and his team are non-reductive and clinical in
their approach. As such, they and their book are more likely to explore
potential value than the typical researcher and reviewer who will
typically err on the side of non-inclusion of anything new. Hopefully
you have received this before March 11 and can access the Guide to
review it.
Sports and Health
 Joannie Rochette: Figure skater sponsored by supplement firm
Olympic athletes sponsored by supplement companies; Ohno's
supplement line, Miller's organic farm
The February 25, 2010 post at the Natural Foods
Merchandiser site tells of 6 Olympic athletes who are sponsored by
supplement companies (see Olympic
by natural products industry). The
story begins: "For some
Olympic athletes, winning comes naturally. Speed
skaters Clara
Hughes and Katherine Reutter, skiers Chris Del Bosco and Shannon Bahrke,
figure skater Joannie Rochette and biathlete Lanny Barnes are all
proponents of the natural products industry through sponsorships and by
using different products aimed at improving their performance." Big players are COLD-FX
and Bioenery Ribose,
which sponsored 3 and 2 athletes, respectively. Biggest name athlete is
COLD-FX's Canadian skater Joannie Rochette who took Bronze, despite her
55-year-old mother's sudden death from a heart attack after arriving in
Vancouver for the games. The larger
supplement story is that record breaking medal winner Apolo Ohno's, has
his own Official
supplement line. A related
story on the Merchandiser site notes that skier Bode Miller, a
double-medal winner in 2010 after supplementing his racing with perhaps
too much partying in 2006, is an organic farmer and donor to sustainable
Comment: I wrote this up
merely to prolong the pleasure of connecting with the sporting artistry
of the Olympics, a
significant family indulgence in our home.
 Logo org uses for chiropractic in professional football conferences
A note on the Professional Football
Chiropractic Society, plus chiropractors and rugby
A notice arrived in my in-box in mid-February regarding the 4th
annual meeting of the Professional Football
Chiropractic Society. The goal of the organization is to offer best
practices and coordination as appropriate among chiropractors serving
teams in the league.
According to the site, relationships between teams and chiropractors are
both significant and
vary widely: "The average pro
football chiropractor
renders 30 to 50 treatments per week during the season. With the
in-season (game-playing) duration lasting 16 weeks (not including
quarterback camp, mini-camp, and pre- and post-season), 34 chiropractors
conservatively give 16,320 to 27,200 adjustments to America’s
superstars in just 120 days."
This followed a link sent two months
earlier to a New York Times article entitled "Chiropractic
is Good for Business." The article
focuses on the rugby teams at Life University College of Chiropractic.
The somewhat tongue in cheek feature notes
proponents may reject the label of most dangerous
players’ out-of-whack spines afford an assembly line of bodies to press
on." The penultimate statement: "Between pregame player adjustments,
David Ward, the sports performance
director at Life, said, 'Rugby seems to be a match with chiropractic.'"
The journalist's final remark was that the game which followed was a
Comment: This article might
have better been paired, not with the Olympics, but with an article on
the role of healing strategies in military medicine. (See "integrative
practices" brief, this issue.)
 New advisers named
Five new members appointed to NCCAM advisory council
Five new members have been appointed to the NIH National Center on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The five include: Susan Folkman, PhD, a behavioral health expert; University of Virginia and Dean of the
School of
Medicine Steven
MD, associated with an
herb trial; Gary Curhan, MD, ScD, a
Harvard researcher known for his work in population epidemiology; Janet
Kahn, PhD, a massage therapist and manual therapies researcher; and Adam
MPH, LAc, a professor in the Department of Health
Education at San Francisco State with strong public health and
undergraduate education interests. The NCCAM
notice is here.
Comment: The new appointees include two
apparently brought on for their non-CAM research expertise (DeKosky and
Curhan), one conventionally-based researcher Folkman with depth
involvement with the integrative medicine field and two (Kahn and
from the licensed CAM disciplines, one of whom has significant research
experience. The National Advisory Council for Complementary and
Alternative Medicine now has 5 of its 18 members who are from the
licensed CAM fields. The Congressional mandate states that the council
is to include "at least half" who are "practitioners licensed in one or
more of the major
systems with which the Center is concerned." NCCAM's leadership has
taken the position that a licensed medical doctor meets this criterion.
While I believe that the overwhelming evidence (including the make-up
the original council, on which Kahn also served) suggests a more
focused reading of Congressional intent,
at least three of these appointments are steps in the right direction.
Interesting to see
the expertise in Alzheimers (DeKosky), behavioral health (Folkman) and
pain (Kahn).
 Symposium gains status as annual community gathering
Integrative Healthcare Symposium attendance jumps 40%
One would not know that we are in a down economy from the looks of two
integrative practice meetings within a month of each other. The February
25-27, 2010
Integrative Healthcare Symposium in New York City saw registration
jump 31% from the meeting the prior year. Conference organizer
Liz Plizga shares with the Integrator that the conference's sponsor
Diversified Communications is happy with the meeting and is planning to
move forward with a 2011 event. The conference has become the most
significant multidisciplinary gathering place for the integrative
practice fields. The total number of participants, including exhibitors,
climbed to roughly 1534. Honored this year were holistic nursing
pioneer Barbara
Dossey, RN, PhD and integrative medicine and women's health author
and clinician Christiane Northrup, MD.
Comment: The Integrative Healthcare
hosted through a private business entity, has increasingly gained
stature as a place "where the integrative practice community meets."
Credit Plizga, Marnie Morrione, Woody Merrell, MD and the other
organizers for managing to act and feel like members of the community
over the years of the evolution of the meeting from its original,
named "CAM EXPO" origins. (Alignment of interest note: The Symposium is
an Integrator sponsor and I assist them with policy-related
content.) The deliberate, multidisciplinary approach creates a unique,
diverse audience. Happily, the business model seems to be working.
Credit Diversified Business Communications, the developer of the conference, for its patience!
 Integrative mental health conference sells out
University of Arizona's seminal
Integrative Mental Health conference maxes
Meantime, inside of the integrative medicine field, a conference on Integrative
Health at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative
Medicine, to be held March 22-24, 2010, has announced that due to
limits at the venue, no more registrations can be taken. Registration
was over 500 by early February. The conference,
the first of its kind, has both organizing and educating goals. The
organizers, led by Andrew Weil, MD and Victoria
MD, MPH at the
Center, promise that one outcome will be to assemble leaders in integrative mental health (IMH), creating a
field and framework with which to promote mental well-being." A
newsletter sign-up is available on the site for those who want to be
apprised of future events.
Comment: The big surprise about the
Integrative Mental Health conference is why no one jumped on this theme
before. Credit Maizes and the U Arizona team for seizing the community
organizing component to their work. Hopefully future iterations will
include contributions from outside the MD/RN/Psych professions.
 Ann Fonfa: Update on her consumer-focused project
Ann Fonfa's report on 3rd annual
Annie Appleseed Project integrative cancer conference
Ann Fonfa is a leading consumer
advocate for integrative health care nation wide. Her 501c3 charitable
organization, Annie Appleseed Project
has hosted a series of atypical, Evidence-based
Complementary/Alternative Cancer Therapies Conferences. Each is
multidisciplinary and always includes a more significant consumer
presence than many conferences. The most recent gathering was on January
7, 2010. Fonda
provided this report on the meeting and the labor-of-love that is her
"Although it was a
difficult year financially - a $10,000 grant came in December 24, 2009
for a
January 7, 2010 event, the numbers held up. We did more outreach to
because we understood so many out-of-state people would not be able to
to come. Our focus remains providing talks from many disciplines,
including patients and their caregivers. We like to have talks that
the five themes our organization promotes: healthy eating, physical
movement/exercise, relaxation/de-stress, detoxify/cleanse home and
self, and
supplementation/herbs. Therefore we have speakers on nutrition, yoga,
qi gong and Lebed classes, mind-body-spirit connection, cleansing
and safer
products (both HBA and house-cleaning) and speakers on dietary
Chinese and Western herbology. We also ask physicians to speak about
their protocols and programs. March 3-5, 2011 will feature (we hope )
Nicholas Gonzalez, Ralph Moss, Jeanne Drisko, and many others. As
we serve all organic food (everyone notices and remarks on the
freshness and
taste), offer networking opportunities galore, and a warm and welcoming
Comment: Despite the consumer base of
the integrative practice movement, most of our meetings are only poorly
connected to consumers. (I am among the guilty in helpign create
meetings that are disconnected from our base.) Fonfa's work is to be
honored for maintaining and promoting this connectivity.
 Kenneth Pelletier, PhD, MD (hc): Takes role as vice-president at ASH
Pelletier takes position as
vice president with American Specialty Health
Kenneth Pelletier, PhD, MD(hc)
American Specialty Health
(ASH) as vice president of health services. Doug Metz, DC, the firm's chief health services
officer notes that Pelletier "is an exceptionally valuable team member
and we are very fortunate to have his contribution to the work of ASH
Services.” Pelletier has had a long
affiliation with ASH in a consulting
capacity. An ASH statement for the Integrator on the appointment
notes that Pelletier "provides support to consumer health content
research and innovation, and provides clinical training to the
management staff
of the Healthyroads Health Improvement Program." He also supports ASH's research initiatives, business
activities, and
outreach. Pelletier will continue with his academic appointments and his
leadership role as the director of the Corporate Health Improvement
Program (CHIP. George DeVries, ASH chairman
and CEO states: “I have worked with Dr. Pelletier in various capacities
the past 15-years. He is clearly an expert in his field and
his new role with ASH will only enhance and broaden his contribution to
health improvement products." Pelletier,
an Integrator adviser, is also author of “New Medicine” and “Best Alternative
and a clinical professor of medicine and professor of public health
both the
University of Arizona School of Medicine and the University of
School of Medicine (UCSF).
Miller-Read takes over presidency, Moyle to president-elect
for American Massage Therapy Association
Kathleen Miller-Read, LMP of Shoreline,
Washington has taken on the presidency of the American Massage Therapy
Association (AMTA). Glenath
LMT of Portland, Oregon was elected president-elect. Moyle
was trained as a nurse in New Zealand has years of experience in the
leadreship for massage in Oregon and on the massage Therapy Foundation. Moyle takes office on March 1, 2010, and will serve
February 28,
2011, when she takes over from Miller-Read. The AMTA is the nation's
largest not-for-profit organization representing massage therapists.
Resumes are useful in employment decisions. I provide this background so that you may understand what informs the work which you may employ in your own. I have been involved as an organizer-writer in the emerging fields......more |  |
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