| Integrative Medicine and Integrated Health Care Round-up #44: June 2011 | |
Summary: British Columbia government partners with InspireHealth to expand integrated cancer care to 5 new clinics ... U.S. panel seeks to implant complementary and integrative services in US prevention and health promotion strategy ... HRSA-backed push for team care announces collaboratively-developed competencies; opportunity for integration ... Jill's List invites massage therapists, acupuncturists, chiropractors into integrative pilot with Boston Medical Center, others ... "CAM" academics publish Competencies for Optimal Practice in Integrated Environments ... New NCCAM site for conventional providers includes 25 practice-guidelines with CAM; Briggs notes value of CAM use in promoting health-focused dialogue between MDs, patients ... Major oncology group includes integrative care track ... Penny George Institute offers focused integrative practitioner programs for AOM, massage professionals and administrators ... Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine a marketing jewel for Jefferson Health System ... Bermans' U Maryland program celebrates 20th year with $20-million campaign, $7.5-million committed ... Alliance for Massage Therapy Education promotes significant changes in mechanisms for massage certification ... Haramati's Georgetown program and Winterstein's National University of Health Sciences in collaborative agreement ... Tai Sophia celebrates growth and commitment to a wellness paradigm at 30 year mark ... Naturopathic leader reports on AMA meeting with Coalition for Patient Rights ... NCCAM focuses on real world research at Advisory Council meeting ... Deloitte study finds CAM expenses a key portion of "hidden costs" of health care ... New Yorker writer names provider income as major cause of cost growth ... Anthony Hamm, DC named to leadership of key AMA cost panel ... Natural Products Foundation turns in 13 companies to FTC/FDA for false advertising ... American Botanical Council reports 3.3% growth in botanical sales in 2010 ... Wayne Jonas, MD and InspireHealth to be featured at September 2011 Dr. Rogers' Prize event ... Jeff Bland, PhD honored by Institute for Functional Medicine's with Linus Pauling award ... University of Arizona Center's integrative medicine residency honored by Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
 Government agency stimulates integrated cancer care
British Columbia government backs 5 clinics for integrated cancer care
"Integrated cancer care is part of our commitment to support British
Columbians make the healthier choice, the easier choice. Integrated
cancer care provides cancer patients with access to improved physical,
emotional and nutritional health as well as new opportunities for
patients to engage with practitioners about natural therapy
interventions and healthy lifestyles." So states British Columbia Minister of Health Michael de Jong in a June 3, 2011 release that announced a partnership with not-for-profit InspireHealth to establish 5 integrated cancer centers throughout the province. The centers will open in Victoria, Kelowna, Abbotsford and Prince George and additionally include "a virtual one in Vancouver to serve rural and remote parts of British Columbia." The new InspireHealth centers are scheduled to open in a phased approach beginning in September 2011. Full implementation is
expected by September 2012. The centers will open as part of Healthy Families BC. InspireHealth, began operating its anchor Vancouver center in 1997.
 Gunn: InspireHealth CEO
In the release, the BC agency portrays integrated cancer care as "combin(ing) nutrition, exercise, and stress management programs with standard cancer treatments to promote an overall healthier lifestyle, which is proven to lead to better patient outcomes and cancer survival rates." According to the release:
"Core health classes, dedicated to supporting health and healthful lifestyle changes such as healthy nutrition and cooking classes, exercise, medication, yoga, shared learning groups and stress reduction classes will be offered at all integrated cancer care centres ... Access to InspireHealth's physicians and nurse practitioners is free. InspireHealth has a number of other programs including core health classes, as well as a two-day LIFE Program that costs $445 for the first year of membership and $95 for annual renewals. The fee is waived for patients on Medical Service Plan Premium Assistance. In-house therapy practitioners -such as massage therapists, acupuncturists and naturopathic doctors - have patient-pay-fees."
InspireHealth, co-founded by Roger Rogers, MD and current CEO Hal Gunn, MD, is funded through a mix of physician salary support, patient fees and private donations.
According to the release, the Ministry of Health is providing one-time,
start-up funding of $2.5 million for the five centers. Additional annual funding of $2.5 million
from the Provincial Health Services Authority will provide up to 12
additional medical doctors. The investment is portrayed as "directly complementary to the work of the BC Cancer Agency."
Comment: This is a truly remarkable governmental investment. Can US policy-makers allow themselves to be led by their Northern neighbor? That InspireHealth co-founder Rogers had left a tremendous legacy is evident via the Dr. Rogers Prize, named in his honor. Funded through the John & Lotte Hecht Memorial Foundation, the prize awards $200,000 every second year to an integrative medicine leader. (See notice of September 2011 event under Awards, below.) This expansion of InspireHealth as official provincial policy is phenomenal testament to the enduring value of Rogers' work and that of InspireHealth co-founder Gunn.
 Van Horn: Key player in shaping integrative health
Complementary and integrative language in recommendations
of Advisory Group to National Prevention and health promotion Council
On May 24, 2011, the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health met for its second time. Two integrative practitioners were appointed to the Advisory Group to reflect the nominal importance of "integrative health" in the new federal initiative: licensed acupuncturist Charlotte
Kerr, RSM, BSN, MPH, LAc and integrative medical doctor Sharon Van Horn, MD, MPH. A slide presentation that kicked off the meeting announced the Advisory Group's recommendations. The first was entitled "Clinical and Community Preventive
Services." It reads: "Enhance coordination and integration of
clinical, behavioral, and complementary health strategies." Also
described were 2 Advisory Group working groups established to move key areas of identified interest. The first is on
co-benefit design. The second is entitled "Working
Group on Prevention (Clinical and charge:
Gather background information and
evidence that can be used to effectively describe a continuum of services that
includes clinical, community, and integrative approaches to prevention.
 Kerr: Key player in shaping integrative health
The working group will develop the basis for a full Advisory Group discussion "of how the new health care delivery and financing system envisioned
in the Affordable Care Act can best support this continuum." The group will also "collect additional background and engage
experts from agencies involved in the design of the reformed system (HHS/CMS),
as well as other agencies that provide for health care (e.g., DOD and VA)." Section 4101 of the healthcare overhaul law which created the Council, described here, includes 3 references to "integrative health" in the Council's top 4 "purposes and duties." (Bolding added.)
Comment: New here is the
inclusion of the word "complementary." In this era of integration, if
"CAM" (or complementary) is not explicitly mentioned, one can still bet that these therapies and
providers will be excluded. So this language is important. More exciting is the
focus on clinical preventive services. Clinical
prevention in "integrative health" goes beyond immunizations and screening to true primary
prevention. The naturopathic doctors sublimely call this treating
disease by restoring health. Now that would transform health care. Here's hoping Van Horn and Kerr and those working with them make some noise about a health-creating way of practicing primary care. Might they suggest that the government of British Columbia (see story immediately above) is providing a model of secondary clinical prevention and health promotion which we might embrace here?
 Wakefield: Running point for team-care push
HRSA, foundations and academic organizations make historic push for team care; possible value for CAM/IM
On May 10, 2011, a powerful consortium of healthcare leaders joined to promote team care at an event at the National Press Club. This column in the Integrator
suggests the initiative may be an exceptional opportunity for "CAM"
practitioners and integrative medicine. Joined on the stage were Mary Wakefield, RN, PhD,
administrator of the Health Resource Services Administration, and leaders
of the powerful Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. With them were representatives of national academic organizations
representing conventional medicine, nursing, public health, pharmacy, osteopathy and
dentistry. The group officially released two collaboratively-developed documents: Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice
and Team-based Competencies: Building a Shared Foundation for Education and Clinical Practice. George Thibault, MD, president of the Macy Foundation made the case: "We have good evidence that health care
delivered in teams is more efficient and more effective, yet we continue
to educate our health professionals in silos. We will not have health
reform unless we change the way we imprint our students. We cannot
change healthcare unless we change education."
 Thibault: Urges academics to break down silos
Comment: One
intriguing political outcome of these initiatives is the language with
which the American Medical Association greeted the members of the Coalition for Patient Rights (CPR) in a recent meeting. CPR's leaders were protesting the AMA's organized efforts to squash their scope
expansions. The AMA greeted the nurses, psychologists and naturopathic doctors and others with strong expressions of the importance of team care and multidisciplinary collaboration. (See "AMA meets with representatives of the Coalition for Patients Rights," below.)
Wouldn't it be nice if the AMA actually let go of its need to dominate? Actual competence in the "interprofessional collaborative
practices" will require they AMA to do so. And the patient-centered focus of these competencies will require them, if they act in integrity, to include "CAM" practitioners. Note however that it was the American Association
of Medical Colleges, not the AMA, from which the MD leaders who endorsed
the competencies were selected. Still, these interprofessional efforts are tremendous steps, if remedial, for
Integrative Delivery
 Piloting CAM/IM networks with hospitals
Jill's List invites LAc, DCs and massage therapists to pilot referral program with 3 Boston medical centers
Applications are open to Boston-area massage therapists, acupuncturists and chiropractors to become credentialed participants in a new program with Boston Medical Center, Spaulding Rehab Hospital and Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center. The initiative, developed and managed by Jill's List, is called Comprehensive Medicine for All.
The internet-based business is seeking 30 practitioners for a 3-month
initiative. The site tells prospective participants that if they "would
like to participate in this program you must be willing to
donate 2-4 hours of pro bono time per week to the Pilot Program." With
this labor comes potential reward: "Hospitals will refer both MASS HEALTH
patients and patients who are
willing to pay out of pocket for treatments not covered by insurance." Jill Shah,
founder of the well-connected internet start-up, hopes to see the
program flourish in Boston then expand to other major metropolitan
areas. Among those on the Jill's List advisory board are Mark Hyman, MD, David Reilly, MD, former editor of Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine (ATHM), Michele Mittelman, RN, ATHM's former nursing editor and a Bravewell member, plus former Bravewell member and thought leader Linda Stone.
 Shah: Planning national roll-out
Comment: I have on occasion spoken with
Shah, an experienced internet entrepreneur. Each time I have been
impressed by her quick grasp and constructive reframing of both the
challenges and opportunities in the integrative space she is seeking to create for
Jill's List. She and the organization get 5
stars for understanding the critical importance of
relationship-building behind this pilot. Relationships seems to be key
to the network's emerging business model.
Educators from licensed CAM disciplines publish Competencies for Optimal Practice in Integrated Environments
An organization of educator leaders in chiropractic medicine,
acupuncture and Oriental medicine, naturopathic medicine, massage
therapy, direct-entry midwifery and related fields announced in May 2011
a set of collaboratively-developed Competencies for Optimal Practice in Integrated Environments. Mike Wiles, DC, MEd,vice president and provost at Northwestern University of Health Sciences explains the importance of the initiative:
"The era of integration is here. Yet the
educational standards and clinical models of the licensed integrative
healthcare disciplines are generally not emphasizing integrative models of care.
These competencies focus us all on the current and future needs of providers."
 Wiles: Integration era requires educational changes
The work was engaged in late 2009 through the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care (ACCAHC). One of Wiles' collaborators, Jan Schwartz, MA, a massage professional and online educator with Education Training Solutions, notes in an ACCAHC release that the organization's "central focus going forward is the development and
hosting of an extensive body of resources that will assist educators, students,
clinicians and administrators toward bettering patient care through the
identified competencies." ACCAHC, notes Schwartz, is seeking philanthropic partners to create what it calls the Center for Optimal Integration as a clearinghouse and organizing site for this work. Other leaders of the Competencies initiative are Marcia Prenguber, ND and Jason Wright, MS, LAc. (Alignment of interest note: I was involved in ACCAHC's work to develop the competencies.)
 Prenguber: Health system role underscores competency needs
Comment: When conventional
medicine dropped a box over scores of disciplines and therapies and
declared them "CAM," they created false community. Author Kurt Vonnegut
calls this a "granfalloon."
These collaboratively-developed competencies, on the other hand, are a
significant declaration of an actual community of interest. ACCAHC plans to
ensure that the competencies don't merely gather dust on a shelf by
creating the Center for Optimal Integration. This portal will work to continuously re-invest the involved fields in this work in collaborating to enhance optimal integration. Note the parallel with the work of the 6 conventional academic fields noted in the article on collaboratively-developed team care competencies in this Round-up. The medium is the message. Marshall McLuhan would like this.
 Briggs: Promoting NCCAM's new provider resource
Briggs' cites promotion of healthy behaviors as reason for MDs to talk CAM with patients; 25 CAM-related practice guidelines posted
The new Resources for Health Care Providers portal on the NIH National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine website includes links to 25 practice guidelines
with CAM/IM components from conventional sources. These range from Alternative Therapies for Parkinson's Disease (Neurology) to Integrative Oncology in Lung Cancer (ACCP) and Management of Traumatic
Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Reaction (Veteran's/Department of
Defense). Each is presented as a down-loadable PDF. That NCCAM is proud
of the new site is clear in this audio-file transcript
of an interview with NCCAM director Josephine Briggs, MD. In her
comments on the site, Briggs is asked why conventional
practitioners should routinely be talking about CAM with their patients.
She notes three reasons. One is potentially negative drug-herb-nutrient
interactions. Another is the possibility that a patient is
inappropriately using the alternative in lieu of a proven conventional
treatment. The third, states Briggs, is:
"CAM practices are
used by many Americans to promote health and it's also a valuable entry
for the healthcare provider to talk about health behaviors. The advice
that we need to be more active and eat a healthy diet is one that
patients need to take charge of themselves and talking about their
health practices, the whole range of health practices, is a very good
way as a physician, and I know this from my own care patients, to begin
that dialogue."
Comment: Credit Briggs for linking
evidence that people use CAM therapies and providers for
health-promoting reasons to the ongoing campaign for conventional
doctors to discuss CAM use with their patients. The other 2 reasons
(interactions, missed care) cast CAM the black hat role that is most comfortable for her conservative colleagues. Briggs' 3rd
reason, however, is affirmative. The question of CAM
use is urged to kick-start a conventional practitioner's shift out of reactivity toward
more focus on health promotion. CAM stimulates stimulates changing the medical interaction toward a focus on
health. This is high honor. Meantime, NCCAM provides a great resource by
pulling all these guidelines into one place. Good work.
 Greenlee: ND presents poster, gives talk at ASCO
American Society for Clinical Oncology featured integrative track
According to a blog post from Glenn Sabin, a board member for the Society for Integrative Oncology, complementary and integrative medicine had a heightened profile at the 2011 meeting of the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Sabin notes that his own efforts and those of others led to inclusion of a 5-speaker, 2-hour afternoon session entitled "Extended Education Session: Role of Nutrition, Supplements, and
Integrative Medicine in Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Survivorship." The integrated group of presenters included an ND, MD, 2 PhD, RDs and PhD researchers. In addition, the naturopathic doctor, Heather Greenlee, ND, PhD, and Gary Deng, MD delivered oral poster presentations. Sabin links the integrative interest to the "buzz this year around personalized oncology."
Comment: This is nice sign for ASCO, if rather remedial, given the comparison of governmental funding of integrated care cancer clinics in British Columbia. (See Policy, above.)
 Penny George: Institute provides practical teaching on integration
Penny George Institute offers programs to educate massage therapists and acupuncturists on becoming integrative practitioners
The Penny George Institute, which operates the nation's
leading inpatient-outpatient integration operation, offers three
programs this summer as part of its Integrative Health in the Hospital
Setting program.
- Integrative Health Practitioner Training for Massage Therapists, June 27 to July 1, Sheraton Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Integrative Health Practitioner Training for Oriental Medicine Professionals, August 15 to 19, Sheraton Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Hospital-Based Integrative Health Care Conference: Transforming Health Care Practice,
August 3 to 6, Westin Hotel, Edina, Minnesota. This part of the
Integrative Health in the Hospital Setting series is for all medical
Academic Integrative Medicine
 Myra Brind Center in former Federal Reserve Bank
Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine a marketing pearl for Jefferson Health System
An Integrator interview with medical director Daniel Monti, MD and philanthropic backer Ira Brind offers insight into recent developments at the Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine.
The 13-year-old operation now provides over 12,000 patient visits annually
in its posh home in a former Federal Reserve Bank building in downtown
Philadelphia. Monti expects visits to grow more than 10% in 2011. Clinical services are organized based on an MD-centric, collaborative model. Top diagnoses are cancer, pain, wellness, auto-immune and gastro-intestinal issues, according to Monti. Says Brind: "The Center,
this facility, has high strategic impact. The Center's value is not just
bottom line. We have a very high profile list of clients here. Our
continues to grow. When doctors come they are impressed. That helps with
referrals. We'll get more doctors to come here. The patients are
impressed too." The Center has formed good partnerships with local
media. Inpatient services are not presently a part of the mix, because
there is no mechanism for payment. Brind thinks some aspects of the
Accountable Care Organization model may offer future opportunities for
inpatient payment.
 Ira Brind: Philanthropic backer and well-connected Jefferson leader
Comment: The visit to the former Federal
Reserve Building provoked an almost dissociative response. How can one
not be dumbfounded by the cultural dissonance between these
philanthropically-backed manifestations of integrative medicine and the
grassroots, hang-up-a-shingle, natural/alternative medicine movement
which seeded it? Brind's generously-based model seems to be working to attract his target clientele of health system and civic leaders.
 Brian and Sue Berman: 2 major initiatives in Maryland
Bermans' U Maryland Center celebrates 20th anniversary with kick-off of $20-million campaign
On May 17, 2011, the nation's charter academically-based center for complementary (and now integrative) medicine celebrated its 20th year. The University of Maryland Center for Integrative Medicine, founded by Brian Berman, MD and Sue Berman,
used the occasion to cut a ribbon on new office space. They also kicked
off a $20-million fundraising effort. An anonymous donor has given them a $7.5 million match grant. Speakers at the
celebration evidenced the Center's importance to the local and national
community. In comments available here on the University of Maryland site, US Senator Barbara Mikulski joked that Berman was "a 20-year overnight success." She
noted her admiration for both Berman and the University of
Maryland leadership for embracing the integrative approach. She
specifically called out Berman's policy role. She also underscored the key role his
spouse, Sue Berman, has played in the Center's growth and success. Another speaker, Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA,
U Maryland's vice president for medical affairs, honored the Center for "an impressive list of over 400 peer-reviewed
publications, which has significantly expanded the body of knowledge
about integrative medicine and how it can be used to treat diseases and
conditions such as arthritis, chronic back pain, inflammatory bowel
disease, and cancer pain." Other speakers included U Maryland president Jay Perman. He credited the Bermans' team for modeling academic collaboration and interprofessionalism.
 Mikulski: Praising the work of her constituents
Comment: Brian
Berman brought to Maryland what was already a rich, clinical experience
and curiosity. In the 1980s he had studied and practiced acupuncture and
homeopathy in England, and explored other integrative practices prior to the
founding of the Center. All the while, his interest and skills in
Western medical research led him to become the most funded of
researchers by NCCAM. His group has had over $30-million in grants. Yet the work at U Maryland has always seemed, as Mikulski pointed out, the success of not one but two Bermans. Comments on the site
from Mikulski, Reece and Perman speak to the abilities of the Bermans'
as educators and diplomats in the Maryland system and in US policy. The $20-million campaign is an interesting addition to their ambitions for The Institute for Integrative Health, which they founded in 2009. The health of Baltimore and the nation will
each be bettered by their work in the next two decades.
 Alliance: Pushing field toward new alignment on certification
Alliance for Massage Therapy Education urges changes in national certification for massage
A press release from the young but ambitious Alliance for Massage Therapy Education calls for significant changes at the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB). Alliance executive director Rick Rosen, MA, LMT, took the lead on an 8-page position paper entitled The Optimal Role of National Certification in the Massage Therapy Field.
Rosen argues that shifts in the field in recent years have altered
NCBTMB's relevance. The first shift is vast expansion in massage
licensing and the creation of the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards which now offers a unified licensing exam. According to the report, over 80% of recent massage graduates take the
new exam. NCBTMB's certification formerly served this role.
Rosen argues that NCBTMB should focus on specialty
certification for those among the nation's 250,000 licensed massage
therapists who are choosing to work in focused environments, such as inpatient care. In
addition, Rosen urges NCBTMB to sunset its own continuing education approval program and adopt the program the Federation and Alliance collaborated to develop.
Comment: The Alliance is to the massage
field as the Community Acupuncture Network is to the acupuncture field. Each is a "disruptive innovator." NCBTMB's role as a support for licensing agencies has certainly diminished. The altered role, however, will also mean a significantly decreased budget for the NCBTMB.
 Winterstein: Backed NUHS-Georgetown relationship
National University of Health Sciences and Georgetown
University program launch agreement for mutual cooperation
Lombard, Illinois-based
National University of Health Sciences
(NUHS) announced on June 1, 2011 a new cooperative arrangement with the graduate program
in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) at Georgetown University at Georgetown University Medical Center
in Washington DC. Under the agreement, "faculty
at the two schools will work together to help students seeking advanced
degrees in health care." They will do so "by advising students of the benefits of each other's
programs and providing preferential seating and advanced standing in each
other's programs when appropriate." NUHS
offers degrees of doctor of chiropractic, doctor of naturopathic medicine, master of
science in acupuncture, and master of science in Oriental medicine. The co-director of the Georgetown program, Aviad "Adi" Haramati, PhD, says that the
academic affiliation is intended to "break down the silos that hold the
disciplines apart" and create relationships "between the disciplines and the
educational institutions that prepare the nation's future healthcare
providers." NUHS president James Winterstein, DC notes one particular value of the
Georgetown program for NUHS students and applicants who have
interests primarily in CAM research and public policy, but who may not wish provide care. The agreement with NUHS follows a similar agreement, reported here, that Georgetown developed with Bastyr University.
 Marks 30th year of onsite training
Tai Sophia graduates 233 from 7 programs in celebration of 30th year
Thirty years ago, June 6, 1981 was the start of the first acupuncture class
taught at Tai Sophia in Maryland. From that single class of 23 acupuncture students, the multipurpose institute now has 10 graduate programs and nearly 500 students. Among the 233 total graduates, 65 in the founding Master of Acupuncture program were surpassed by 69 who completed a Graduate Certificate in Transformative Leadership. Tai Sophia provost and executive vice president for academic affairs Judith Broida, PhD attributed the growth to "a greater number of people and organizations seek(ing) an integrative
approach to health and wellness and as individuals increasingly seek to work
and live to their fullest potential." At graduation ceremonies, speaker Charles Eisenstein, a faculty member at Goddard College, presents Tai Sophia's value in terms of global change: "Our old ways of making sense of the world no longer make sense, and the
tools based on these ways - tools of reason, of technology, of separation and
control - are becoming less and less effective. Tai Sophia is grounded in a new and very ancient way of being human, and its
graduates are helping to create a world aligned with it." Frank Vitale, MBA is the Institute's president and CEO.
Comment: Under founders Bob Duggan and Dianne Connelly, the Institute was outspoken about its efforts to model a radical break from the disease focus of health care and health professions education. Duggan calls school as an "academic wellness institution." The school's god-parent, and a teacher to Duggan, was Ivan Illich, author of Medical Nemesis. I've always been partial to the Duggan/Connolly outspoken commitment to wellness, especially having observed the tendency of many to be corralled into increasing disease orientation. It is good to see the Vitale-Broida team continue this focus.
 Nurse-led group meets with AMA on contentious issues
AMA meets with representatives of the Coalition for Patients Rights, focuses on team care
On May 10, 2011, the American Medical Association (AMA) met with
fourteen representatives of the Coalition for Patients' Rights (CPR). The CPR was formed to oppose the AMA's efforts to restrict other disciplines' via the AMA's Scope of Practice Partnership. Its 3-dozen member organizations represent those for nurses, psychologists, audiologists, physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncture and Oriental Medicine professionals and others. Among those in the CPR delegation were American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) executive director Karen Howard and president Carl Hangee-Bauer,
ND, LAc. Howard filed this report to AANP members:
 Calls for a future with more team care
"This meeting was the result of a series of
letters and phone
calls from CPR to the AMA initiated in 2010 by a letter raising our
concerns about the AMA's Scope of Practice Data Series. More than a
later, after numerous letters and conversations, the meeting was held.
The meeting was cordial and frank, offering new potential to revise
the existing documents originally created by a mandate of the AMA House
of Delegates. Through our introductions and commentary, this
face-to-face meeting with Dr. Ardis Hoven, Chair of the Board of
Trustees, and Dr. Michael Maves, MBA, Executive VP and CEO, was
respectful and collegial, focused on a need to move forward in
recognition of how patient care is evolving in the field and, as Dr.
Hoven described it, "team care." During the two-hour session a general commitment was expressed to
continue to dialogue with a focus on seeking a shared understanding of
how we could build interdisciplinary, patient-centered teams - what
would look like and how they are developed and maintained within
different locales and settings. While no specifics were delineated, we
did agree that staff from AMA and CPR will look for future meeting
to come together and move forward productively."
Comment: Intriguing that the AMA responded with reference to interprofessional education and team care. One wonder what long-term value will be created between the AMA and these other guilds if the interprofessional education and team-care initiative that produced Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice spreads its root throughout health professions education and practice. (See related article, above.)
 Advisory Council focuses on outcomes, effectiveness
NCCAM advisory council focuses on outcomes, effectiveness, cost at June 3, 2011 meeting
The real world portion of the 2011-2015 strategic plan of National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) was a principal focus of the June 3, 2011 meeting of the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Presentations and speakers were:
- Outcomes and Effectiveness Research at NCCAM (Josephine Briggs, MD)
- Science to improve the Nation's Health: The Case for Comparative Effectiveness Research (Michael Lauer, MD)
- Cost Minimization Analyses and Washington State's Approach to Funding CAM
(William Lafferty, MD)
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the Department of Veterans Affairs
(Stephen Ezeji-Okoye, MD)
- The NACCAM meeting was the first since the February 2011 release of NCCAM's 2011-2015 Strategic Plan.
- Comment: This is an excellent
signal of the importance of the "real world" to NIH and to NCCAM in the
Briggs era. Outcomes and effectiveness, while mandated as top focus in
the NCCAM enabling law
from Congress, only accounted for 0.5%-2% of funding under first NCCAM
director Stephen Straus, MD. This direction was elevated to Strategic
Priority #3 in the 2011-2015 plan, with elements potentially in #1 and
#2 also. Kudos to Briggs and her staff
for this prioritization. If NCCAM wants to influence access and discover
whether these integrative disciplines and approaches can make a difference in changing our typically dismal churning of reactive
treatment, this is the way to go.
 Keckley: Former Vanderbilt IM leader co-authors Deloitte paper
Deloitte study highlights CAM as major portion of "hidden costs of healthcare for consumers"
The consulting firm Deloitte announced in late May 2011 publication of a study that "aims to capture all health-related spending." The firm notes that official National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) do not capture many health expenditures. The study, entitled The Hidden Costs of Health Care for Consumers: A Comprehensive Analysis, found that actual costs in 2009 were at $2.83-trillion. This is roughly $357-$363-billion or 14% higher than official estimates. The Deloitte team "adopted a broad view of
health care expenditures which includes both direct and indirect costs,
as well as items such as functional foods and nutritional supplements,
complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) goods and services." An estimated $55-billion were supplement costs, $28-billion CAM practitioner costs and $2-billion other CAM costs. Together these amounted to 24% of the "hidden costs." The CAM practitioner portion was estimated at $92 per capita.
Estimated Direct Annual Costs for Certain CAM-Related Services
Age Group
CAM Practitioner
CAM Products
0-18 |
$105.73 |
$30.57 |
$4.20 |
19-24 |
$69.18 |
$41.78 |
$2.79 |
$122.27 |
$87.73 |
$4.93 |
45-64 |
$95.36 |
$153.94 |
$3.78 |
65 plus
* Category includes functional foods and special health-related drinks.
An additional category, "the
imputed value of unpaid supervisory care provided to sick people by
family and friends" was estimated to be the single largest cost not included in NHEA reporting, at $199-billion. One of the two lead authors is Paul Keckley, PhD, former CAM/integrative medicine lead at Vanderbilt University. (Thanks to Taylor Walsh for the heads-up on this study.)
Comment: These data are most useful as a general awareness that US consumers spend even more on health-related care than the the already horrendously high costs. They are casting a wide note. For instance, inclusion of all nutritional drinks (Ensure, etc.) jacks the "Nutritional Products" category up significantly.
 Surowiecki: Talk providers if you are focusing on cost
New Yorker economics writer aims cost-cutting guns at providers
"Discussions of health care in the
United States usually focus on insurance companies, but, whatever their
problems, they're not the main driver of health care inflation:
providers are." The deadpan conclusion is the centerpiece of a column by the New Yorker's budget and debt journalist James Surowiecki. The column in the May 2, 2011 edition
is entitled Bitter Pills. "One's person's 'waste,'" Surowiecki adds, "is another person's
'income' - the income of doctors, nurses, hospitals, drug companies,
medical technology makers." And: "If we want to restrain the growth of
health-care spending, less money will have to go to them." He concludes
by stating that an ideal system "would guarantee all senors affordable
health care, stop the debt from getting out of control and keep paying
health providers as before." But: "The problem is, you can only do two
of those things at once."
Comment: I reference Surowiecki's comment because it is my perception, also, that insurers
are often made the scapegoats on health costs when more attention deserves to be focused on practitioners. No one much likes to think that
one's provider's economic interests is a major player in clinical decisions and thus health care costs. The findings of Wennberg and others tell us we should. We certainly don't like to think it is our doctors. I saw an ophthalmologist recently for a second opinion regarding an eye issues related to an old basketball injury.
She recommended a surgery. I said I knew that the Institute of
Medicines has said some 50% of what we do is waste and much of that
harmful. In which category is your recommendation, I asked her. How to
win friends.
 Hamm: Chiropractor in historic role with AMA group
Chiropractor Hamm elected co-chair of powerful AMA payment committee
Anthony Hamm, DC, president of American Chiropractic Association's
Council of Delegates, was recently elected co-chair of the American
Medical Association's
(AMA) Health Care Professionals Advisory Committee Review Board (HCPAC).
According to a release from the American Chiropractic Association, Hamm is the first doctor of
chiropractic to be elected to the position. As HCPAC co-chair, Hamm
will also serve on the AMA/Specialty Society Relative Value Scale Update
Committee (RUC). The
HCPAC develops recommendations on relative values for new and revised CPT
codes for non-MD/DO services. The RUC makes annual recommendations on relative values
regarding to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS), 90% of which are adopted. The RUC also performs broad reviews every five years of the
Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS), which determines Medicare
provider reimbursement. Hamm's two-year
term begins in September. Hamm brings a long policy and teaching
background relative to coding to his new position. According to the
release, the ACA "strongly supported Dr. Hamm's
nomination to this position given his clinical and socioeconomic
and expertise in making appropriate recommendations for CPT codes across
specialties." ACA President Rick McMichael, DC added: "This historic event
consistent with the ACA's commitment to the delivery of high quality the
heads-up on this news.)
Comment: Since my exploration of the value of the CPT to the AMA last year, which also touched on the powerful RUC, I had been surprised that no one has mounted an anti-trust case against the AMA's guild control of payment. (See The AMA's $70-Million Taxation without Representation: Is it Time for a "CPT Party" Revolt?). Hamm's elevation may be viewed as an interesting chess move.
Natural Products
 Self-regulation, plus reporting to federal regulators
Natural Products Foundation asks FDA and FTC to take action against 13 nutritional products advertisers
In a May 25, 2011 release, the Natural
Products Foundation (NPF) reported that the organization's representatives met with representatives of the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the US Food
and Drug Administration (FDA). The NPF shared documentation "regarding 13
non-compliant advertisers who have failed to amend their marketing materials
after being contacted by NPF's Truth
in Advertising program." NPF asked the regulatory agencies
to take action against those companies. Over the past
12 months, the Truth in Advertising initiative mailed 77 warning letters to
companies marketing dietary supplements and making drug and disease claims.
Most, according to NPF, followed by bringing their advertisements into compliance. NPF executive director Deb Knowles says the program's goal "is
a level playing field for the responsible core of the industry, as well as
making sure fringe companies aren't misleading consumers." In 2010 NPF
notified the FTC of 12 companies who were out of compliance and unwilling to
amend their practices.
Marc Ullman of Ullman, Shapiro & Ullman, led the NPF team.
Comment: Talk of the need for self-regulatory efforts in
the natural products industry has been as enduring as the talk of need for peace
in the Middle East. Kudos to the NPF for developing the program and
giving it teeth by turning state's evidence on non-compliant firms..
 Reports growth in herb market in 2010
American Botanical Council reports herb sales up 3.3% in US in 2010
On May 19, 2011, the American Botanical Council (ABC) announced its finding that sales of herbal dietary
supplements in the United States increased by 3.3 percent in 2010. This brought the total to an estimated 5.2 billion dollars. The finding was contained in the latest issue of HerbalGram, the nonprofit ABC's quarterly journal.
The growth was below the 2009 rate of 4.8%. Among significant gainers
were black cohosh (14%), ginger (17%), evening primrose (13%) and
cranberry (15%). Sales fell for echinacea (20%), soy (13%), ginseng
(10%), green tea (15%), grapeseed (20%) and elderberry (49%).
report is based on herb supplement sales statistics from market research
organizations Nutrition
Business Journal (NBJ), SPINS, and SymphonyIRI.
 September 23, 2011 event
Jonas, InspireHealth and depth exploration on integrative clinics to be featured at September 2011 Dr. Rogers Prize event
New information is available on events surrounding the September 23, 2011 Dr. Rogers Prize for Excellence in Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The keynote speaker will be Wayne Jonas, MD, CEO of the Samueli Institute and past director of the Office of Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of
Health. At a dinner event, Jonas will share his journey as a pioneer. In addition, the event's afternoon Colloquium to explore integrative medicine in 4 Canadian clinics will be facilitated by Harvard University's Allen Grossman. The featured clinics will include Inspirehealth (see related story under Policy, above) and Integrative Healing Arts. The discussion will explore barriers faced by the
clinics. Breakout groups will examine questions on success factors and on the extent to which present models are fulfilling the needs of the patients. Registration is
required for this free event. Early
bird pricing for the dinner, featuring Jonas, is $125. Tickets are
available for purchase.
Comment: If anyone in the U.S. was wondering why spend precious time and resources to journey to Vancouver to explore Canadian models of integrative care, the recent decision of the government of British Columbia to fund expansion of the InspireHealth model (see related article under Policy, above) should be reason enough. Best practices appear to be north of the border.
 Bland: Lifetime achievement
Jeff Bland, PhD honored with Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Lifetime Achievement Award
Nutritional medicine pioneer Jeff Bland, PhD was honored in May with the Linus
Functional Medicine Lifetime Achievement Award by the Institute of
Functional Medicine (IFM). Bland and his wife, Susan Bland,
founded the Institute 20 years ago. In recent years IFM has attracted to
its leadership such integrative and nutritional medicine luminaries as
Mark Hyman, MD and Joseph Pizzorno, ND. IFM has just passed the
threshold of 20 years of service. A release from IFM notes some of Bland's long history:
"With a PhD in biochemistry, Bland became a
prominent educator for the natural foods Industry, served as President of the
Northwest Academy of Preventive Medicine, and helped establish Bastyr
University of Natural Health Sciences in the Northwest. In 1981 he was invited
by two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling to become the Director of Nutritional
Supplement Analysis at the Linus Pauling Institute in Palo Alto, California. In
1984 he introduced the concept of using foods to create biochemical change, and
started HealthComm, Inc..
Bland has been a thought leader and consultant to the natural products industry. More recently, he has focused on nutrition and
nutrigenomics, the study of the effects of foods and food constituents on gene
 Lebensohn: Directs award-winning program
U Arizona Integrative Medicine in
Residency receives national Innovative Program Award
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) bestowed its Innovative Program Award on Integrative Medicine in Residency
(IMR), a program of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine. STFM's award honors
excellence in the development of an original educational program or activity
for family practice residents, students, or faculty. A release forwarded to the Integrator by ACIM director Victoria Maizes, MD describes IMR as "the first competency-based, online integrative
medicine curriculum for residencies." IMR
has been pilot tested in 8 academic institutions over the past 3 years.
The positive results led ACIM to begin "early adopter programs."
The curriculum and is now being utilized as part of a three-year
residency at 14 residency programs nationwide. Director of IMR Patricia Lebensohn, MD, states: "We appreciate that STFM, the organization that represents the core
users of our curriculum, is recognizing IMR's innovation, scope and,
ultimately, potential impact on the education of future family physicians." Adds Maizes: "We believe this project has the potential to serve as a national model
for training all primary care physicians in integrative medicine."
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