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 Decondition your Thinking about Conditioner 
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Healthy Hair by . View all columns in series
Hair is an extension of the body (a living system) and must be treated with active, live, natural ingredients that support health for our hair and body.

In beauty school and throughout my professional career I was always taught to use synthetic conditioners to moisturize the hair. My many years of experience in the beauty business have unveiled the myth regarding hair conditioners.

These synthetic ingredients will indeed condition the hair however, the by-product of synthetic conditioners are swelling and over softening the hair causing it to shed especially during the shampoo and conditioning process.

The current chemical ingredients in hair conditioners are fabric softeners. Unbeknownst to many people is the fact that synthetic, commercial conditioners are the very reason why their hair is shedding. Chemical conditioners are often very alkaline and forcefully soften the hair. In the long run they weaken the hair fiber causing it to become even more dehydrated and swollen.

The proper pH balance is essential for toned, hydrated hair. To achieve tensile strength and bouncing body, the hair must be nourished; this demands a healthy, foundation. In support of healthy, hydrated hair it is best not to shampoo on a daily basis and to use a natural, non-detergent shampoo. If your hair is dyed or damaged you may feel that you need a conditioner. A tiny amount of a natural cream rinse and a fresh oil treatment once a week will suffice.

Many clients share the same concern regarding not washing their hair often. What I hear repeatedly is: I work out and my hair gets dirty. Before the commercial trend of synthetic shampoo and conditioners European women brushed their hair and scalp to maintain hygiene.

Our scalp needs good stimulation to assist the blood-giving nutrients to the hair follicle and release the sebum (oil) supplying our scalp and hair with it’s own built in nourishment, delivering vital hydration to the hair and scalp. Brushing the scalp and hair is essential. By doing so you support the removal of dead skin cells from the scalp, liberating trapped sebum, and thus the scalp and hair remain clean longer.

Show dogs and racehorses have beautiful and shiny coats. This is attributed to good nutrition and the amount of brushing they receive.

The correct hairbrush is key: My choice of brush is a hand made Italian wood bristle brush. Natural bristles are essential for the integrity of hair and scalp. A good shower filter is also important for eliminating the chlorine in the water which can damage the hair. In just few short weeks the hair will be stronger yet soft and hydrated, (appearing fresh) not requiring a conditioner or needing shampoo as frequently.

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 About The Author
Rooted in the understanding that hair is a living consciousness unto itself, Kammins created her line of “bio-harmonic” beauty products to nurture and nourish the face, the body and the hair, in all-natural,......moreLinda Kammins
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