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 On the Nature of Great Events  
The following is one in an ongoing series of columns entitled Echoes of Silence by . View all columns in series
The greatest event we can ever experience is that sudden stroke of grace which shows us who and what we are, beyond the world of appearances, beyond conditions and circumstances, beyond fear and resistance, beyond desire and fulfillment, beyond the images and beliefs of the mind. The most wonderful event is to collide with the unifying Silence beyond all this, untouched by all this. Here in this Silence we encounter our truest potential, already realized. Here in this Silence. This Silence which, while beyond all things, is ever-present, surrounding us, holding us, sustaining us, feeding us. Entering the deep forests of this Silence is the greatest and most wondrous of events.

This is why we meditate. This is why we love. This is why we laugh. This is why we stand before whatever beauty we can see, and stay standing for a long time, for a long time, even out of time. Staring into the beauty we can see, we see the reflection of our own deep beauty, our own perfect Self, our own pure Silence, like a snowy field in the highest mountains that cannot be seen with human eyes alone.

And, when we enter this perfect moment, what then? What more do we want to realize, then? What more do we want to have? What more do we want to experience? Nothing more to realize. Nothing more to have. Nothing more to experience. Just this perfect moment of true beauty, attained in the snowy field of pure being. In love, in beauty, all we want is stillness. To be still. To stand still. And then to touch. To touch others, their arms, their face, their hearts...we want to touch them with this love and beauty we have discovered within our own bodies, within our own lives, within this instant, now...we want to touch others with this love and beauty, we want to be the great and wonderful event in their lives...that they may also awaken to see the light of God shining in all things, in all people, in all places, in all conditions.

Thus we become lovers of life and servants of life, as it is, now, in its deep perfection. We no longer care about ourselves in a small way, but in a big way. We become so big that we hold all within us without prejudice. We give thanks for all that is, each moment, each day, because all that exists, exists within God as God.

This knowing, this loving, this serving others, this beauty shining like snowy fields in the moonlight from our eyes, this magical sound coming from our mouths, this great joy breaking upon the world like an avalanche, covering all things...

The greatest and most wonderful event is this avalanche of joy thundering from our own mountain, into the, in this moment...we realize our highest potential when we realize that God and we are One, that God and joy are One, that God and love are One, that God and beauty are One...and we are that One. We are that One. We have always been that One. We will always be that One. This is the great event. This is the right attitude. This is God's goodness, manifest through us, right now. Be this, be this in the world.

Let others see God in you, as you see God in them.

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 About The Author
Robert Rabbin is a contemporary mystic; a speaker and writer who presents Radical Sages programs throughout the world. He is a leading exponent of Silence and self-inquiry as a way of revealing our authentic being and......moreRobert Rabbin
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