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 Coriander :
Aromatherapy Materia Medica
Regardless of its reputation as a love potion, the 14th-century nuns of St. Just included coriander in their Carmelite water, a scent and complexion product that remained popular for the next four centuries. Coriander dominated Eau de Carnes cologne, a longtime Paris favorite, and still is used in the modern Coriandr‚ perfume. It may seem a surprising choice for a fragrance, let alone an aphrodisiac, but the secret is to blend it with other oils. Grown in Russia, coriander is used mostly as a flavoring and to provide the materials to manufacture many synthetic fragrances. It scents soaps and deodorants.

Family: Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)
Extraction: Distilled from the seed. It has a distinct spicy, sharp odor.
Medicinal Action: Coriander soothes inflammation, rheumatic pain, headaches, cystitis, flu, urinary inflammation, intestinal gas and diarrhea, and is antiseptic.
Emotional Attribute: Uplifting and motivating, the scent relieves stress.

Associated Oil:
Cilantro --This oil is distilled from coriander leaves, the popular herb that flavors Mexican, Chinese and Thai foods.

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 About The Author
Kathi Keville has studied herbs since 1969. Her attraction to fragrant plants led to an involvement in aromatherapy. Her other books include Herbs for Health and Healing; The Illustrated Encyclopedia of......moreKathi Keville
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