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 Americans Turning to Alternative Medicine and Away from Dangerous Prescription Drugs 
by Organic Consumers Association - 4/17/2006
Study shows the public is turning to alternative medicine and away from dangerous prescription drugs
By Mike Adams, April 17 2006

"If insurance covered vitamins, therapeutic touch, disease-fighting nutritional therapies, anti-cancer foods and supplements, therapies to reverse nervous disorders, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Reiki and energy healing, then virtually everyone would switch over and start using natural therapies. Why? Because they work. You don't have to spend the rest of your life in a hospital, wired to a feeding tube, paying $10,000 a day, with pain and suffering until your dying day, trapped in a system of medicine that looks at you as nothing more than a profit generating machine." __________________________________________________________________________

A study published in April 2005 revealed that more than 70 percent of adults aged 50 or older are now using some form of alternative therapy. This includes medicinal herbs, meditation and chiropractic care. The fact that these people are adopting alternative medicine and using it in their own lives is fascinating in and of itself, but what is really fascinating about this research is the response it has been getting from the conventional medical community.

The co-author of this study, Gong-Soog Hong, professor of consumer sciences at Ohio State University, said she was quite surprised herself by how many people were turning to alternative medicine. Here is the really funny part: Hong said she is concerned about interactions, and that these alternative medicines are unproven and they could cause "any kind of side effect." She describes that as being "pretty scary." It must be frightening for doctors to think how risky it is for patients to engage in health-enhancing therapies and nutritional strategies that make drugs irrelevant. All that health-centric philosophy must interfere with their highly toxic prescription drugs.

I find it fascinating that, when talking about drugs and herbs in the same person's body, the doctors always phrase it as if the herbs are interfering with the drugs. You notice it is never the other way around? Maybe it is the drugs interfering with the herbs, because the herbs are supporting healthy immune function, detoxification of the body and a healthy nervous system with mental awareness and lucidity.

Prescription drugs try to hijack your body's biochemistry

The drugs, on the other hand, try to take over the body and hijack the biochemistry. They try to force blood pressure to be lower or force the liver to not manufacture cholesterol. In fact, prescription drugs interfere with normal human metabolism, and that is one reason why prescription drugs are killing people. Yet all the conventional medical doctors are terrified about the unknown side effects of alternative therapies.

Today, conventional doctors are finally admitting that people over 50 are turning to alternative medicine because conventional medicine isn't giving them answers. When people are in chronic pain because they have inflammation and joint pain, and when they find out that the drugs that were supposed to be safe are actually killing them at a truly terrifying rate, then of course they are going to turn to alternative medicine. They find out that drugs cause dementia, skin disorders, low sex drive and all these other side effects and think maybe there is something better to be found in the world of alternative medicine.

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Provided by Organic Consumers Association on 4/17/2006
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