Healthy Update is a bi-weekly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online
providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of
natural health. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or
expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:
To subscribe to email version of Healthy Update, send email to: and type just the word "subscribe" in the
body text of the email.
HealthWorld Online's Daily Health Newswire Adds Internet's First Topic Search on Alternative Medicine
HealthWorld Online's Daily Health Newswire, provided in conjunction with the New York Times Syndicate and the Tribune News Service, now offers the first topic filter for incoming and archived news stories for alternative and complementary medicine categories. The new topics, "Alternative Medicine" and "Herbal Medicine" filter the incoming news stories by keyword for the convenience of the user. This is the first time that online major media news feeds have classified incoming news as alternative medicine stories.
News from the Village
Health Update
Do you have questions about vaccinations for your children? In his article
About Vaccine Choices, excerpted from his book,
The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice, Dr. Randall Neustaedter
addresses choosing vaccines, the adverse side-effects of vaccines, legal
requirements and exemptions, as well as alternative vaccines. More more
information visit our web site on
Vaccination & Immunization coordinated by Dr. Neustaedter.
Health Update
Visit the Women's Health Section of the HealthWorld Online Bookstore, with over 50
leading titles in natural and holistic approaches to women's health care.
Choose from cutting edge books from the experts such as Natural Medicine,
Natural Menopause by Marcus Laux and Christine Conrad, Women's Bodies, Women's
Wisdom by Christiane Northrup, MD, Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis by
Alan Gaby, MD, Women's Health Companion by Susan Lark, MD, A Woman's Book
of Life by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., and Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book.
Men's Health Update
The interest and ability to partake in satisfying sexual relations
is an important part of living, even well into advanced years.
It is an important part of loving relationships. However, there
are many causes of sexual dysfunction (loss of interest or ability to
take part in sex). This is sometimes called impotence in men. In his
Sexual Dysfunction, excerpted from his book Vitamin Revolution
in Health Care, Michael Janson, M.D., outlines a program utlizing
diet, exercise, lifestyle and dietary supplements to help reverse
this common problem among men.
New Cybrarian HotBed on Fibromyalgia
The HealthWorld Online Cybrarian Service has completed a new HotBed on
Fibromyalgia. Out of the hundreds of web sites now available, the
Cybrarian Service has gleaned those thought to be most helpful to you
for a general inquiry on Fibromyalgia. All Hot Beds include annotated
URL's that point to newsgroups, news services, and consumer and professional
sites as well as selected Medline citations and are a premium service of
HealthWorld Online. Other HotBeds include Alzheimers and Ovarian Cancer.
Read the free sample HotBed on Childhood Asthma
Professional's Center
Professional's interested in becoming more knowledgable of the growing field
of alternative & complementary medicine or "integrated medicine" would do well
to visit our Professional Research Center.
We offer free Medline, AIDSLINE and Toxline search, Cybrarian Service, exclusive
premium content including the following full text alternative medicine journals:
HerbalGram, Quarterly Review of Natural Medicine, Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine,
Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, Simillimum, and Resonance, as well as the Textbook
of Natural Medicine, Nutritional Influences on Illness and Chinese Medicine Research
Reviews. We also offer links to the comprehensive Alternative & Complementary Medicine
Center in HealthWorld Online with over 15,000 pages of articles from leading experts
in the field.
New Releases in our Bookstore
Sandra Steingraber, biologist, poet and survivor of cancer in her twenties,
brings all three perspectives to bear on the most important health and
human rights issue of our time: the growing body of evidence linking cancer
to environmental contamination. Her new book,
Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment is for all
readers who care about the health of their families and future generations. Her
brave, clear and careful voice is certain to break the paralyzing silence on this
subject that persists more than three decades after Rachel Carson's great early
Global Health Calendar -- Hot Pick
"Health, Work & Wellness Conference '97: Make it your business" September
28-October 1, 1997, Vancouver, BC CANADA -- presented by Vancouver Hospital
& Health Science Centre (604) 736-2087. Canada's first-ever conference on
wellness in the workplace.
Today's Healthy News
Free Medline
HealthWorld Online Advisory Board
Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker
Suggestions & Comments: We welcome your suggestions and comments to
help us provide the highest quality service. If you are aware of
late-breaking news or information that would be useful to our subscribers,
please contact us at:
To subscribe to email version of Healthy Update, send email to: and type just the word "subscribe" in the
body text of the email.