Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. To view HTML version and the Healthy Update archives:
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Agora, Inc. - The Ultimate Weapon In The War Against Cancer
To win the war against cancer you need to arm yourself with the latest facts about cancer treatments. For the first time ever, this information has been compiled in one complete and unbiased cancer-fighting resource. It‚s your one-stop source for life-saving information that covers all the latest conventional and alternative therapies. This revolutionary guide covers everything a family must know to fight cancer, prevent it, and cure it. To learn more about this cancer-fighting resource visit:
Regular Physical Activity Helps Enhance Mind As Well As Body
We all know that regular exercise is good for us physically. What we don't always take into account is that aside from the well-documented physical effects, working out has a mental component as well. Exercise is being used for mood enhancement and as an alternative to medication for treatment of depression as it increases the levels of endorphins in the brain, reduces cortisol levels, and provides a sense of accomplishment.
Other Ways to Get Omega-3 Fatty Acids in the Diet
If you're not a fish eater, don't despair. There are other sources of omega-3s; they're just not as concentrated as those in fish. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EHA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two healthful types of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil. Linolenic acid, found in nuts and seeds (particularly walnuts, soybeans, flaxseed and butternuts) can, to a limited extent, be converted by the body into EPA and DHA and provide beneficial effects similar to fish oil. Canola, soybean, flaxseed and walnut oils and wheat germ also offer linolenic acid.
Acupuncture Could Ease Dental Fears
There are hundreds of dental patients, who normally avoid the dentist's chair because they suffer from an exaggerated gagging reaction each time they undergo treatment. Many dental surgeons are now using acupuncture to treat these patients in the normal way, but without discomfort or embarrassment. The move comes after research showed that patients, who normally had to be sedated to prevent them from gagging, were given fillings and had teeth extracted after acupuncture was carried out.
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Dr. Galland's Integrated
Fibre is the term that describes remnants of plant cells that are resistant to human digestion. The usual sources are vegetables, cereals, bread, nuts, seeds and fruits. Although medical researchers have been recommending high fibre diets for about twenty years, and sales of metamucil and other bulk laxatives have gone up, there has been no significant increase in fibre consumption from food and the fibre intake of Americans is far below recommended levels. This is unfortunate, because the fibre found in food is far more complex than the purified powders sold in drug stores. In "Understanding Dietary Fibre" Dr. Galland discusses the need for both soluble and insoluble fibre in the diet and that the best source is from foods.
Mind Body Health Newsletter
Imagine the world without pleasure. Life would appear colorless and humorless. Human beings evolved to seek enjoyment to enhance survival. Yet, at nearly every turn pleasure has gotten a bad name. People are almost phobic about having fun. In "Healthy Pleasures" David S. Sobel, M.D. reminds us that worrying too much about anything - including calories, salt, cancer, and cholesterol - can rob our life of vitality, and that living optimistically, with pleasure, zest, and commitment enriches if not lengthens life.
Keeping Fit
The traditional bodyweight exercises are effective for improving muscle strength and endurance, although not as productive as progressive resistance exercises performed with free-weights or weight-stack machines. In "Making Bodyweight Exercises More Challenging" Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. suggests using slower movement speeds to reduce the role of momentum and force the muscles to work a lot harder. He presents details for using this technique with the five most common bodyweight exercises - knee-bends (squats), trunk curls, push-ups, bar-dips and chin-ups.
Echoes of Silence
Each of us, in our own way, is seeking liberation - to experience the rapture of reality. We try through addition, but it only comes from subtraction - when we empty ourselves of everything. Then there is silence. Our entry into this silence marks the end of meditation as a practice and the beginning of meditation as a state of being. In "Meditation Is A White Rose" Robert Rabbin explains how to know your most perfect Self.
Allerspray - Natural Allergy Relief Is At Hand
AllerSpray is a homeopathic solution of various herbs and amino acids including Dandelion and Histidine, which have a long history of use for relieving allergy symptoms. NatureWell, Inc. ( uses a proprietary process that enhances both the bio-effectiveness and the bio-availability of the solution. AllerSpray is designed to be sprayed under the tongue to promote rapid and effective absorption.
Pain Defense - Breakthrough In Joint & Muscle Pain
Defend yourself against repeat pain and suffering. This optimum pain relief system is one that works from the inside-out to promote immediate, as well as long term relief. The PAIN DEFENSE, advanced pain technology system represents a breakthrough in pain relief. The Pain Defense Co. offers two scientifically designed internal and external formulas that provide optimum support, prevention and treatment for joint and muscle pain, working from the inside - out. 40% Off the combination set, plus a FREE roll-on, a $69.95 value for only $29.95. Try Without Risk - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
Healthy Bookstore
"Ayurvedic Cooking for Self Healing" (2nd Edition) by Usha Lad is an Ayurvedic cookbook well suited for the beginner as well as an experienced cook. There is an introduction to Ayurveda and dosha specific eating, plus interesting and tasty Indian recipes (all vegetarian). The easy to follow instructions and a down to earth approach to Indian cooking makes for an easy and successful outcome of the cooking adventure. A must in any Indian-food lover's collection.
We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
NatureWell (Allergy & Eye Products) -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Featured Center
HealthWorld Online's Natural Health Clinic is the Internet's authoritative resource for information on over 200 health conditions and conventional and alternative therapies. In our Natural Medicine Audio Clinic, highly-qualified health professionals provide Real-time audio messages on specific health conditions from nutritional, naturopathic and homeopathic perspectives. The Health Clinic also contains information and resources about family health care, including self-care, women's, children's and men's health, as well as emergency and first aid, consumer laboratory tests, as well as referral databases to alternative health professionals.
Healthy Woman Update
Although we recognize now that menopause is a natural part of life, not a disease or weakness, it's difficult to erase years of myths and stereotypes. In "Graceful Transition: Managing Menopause" Lauri M. Aesoph N.D. looks at what natural health care providers can offer for menopause, as well as how society's perspective on it can help or hinder a menopausal woman. She addresses menopausal symptoms, hormone treatment, herbal estrogens, hormones and your heart, and healthy bones.
Healthy Recipes - Fabulous Functional Foods
Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan brings us a fabulous recipe for "Rose Hip Pears with Maple-Lemon Sauce." This tasty, nutritious sauce transforms pears or apples into a delicious dessert.
Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in progressive dentistry? The Dentistry section includes the Holistic Dental Association member database.
Nutritional Medicine - Detoxification
Even though alcohol is in such general use worldwide, the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages is a serious health hazard and definitely a nutritional problem. In "Nutritional Program for Alcohol Detoxification" Elson M. Haas M.D. covers the major risks of alcohol, alcoholism, alcohol detoxification, nutritional support for drinkers, and alcohol nutrient programs.
Featured Natural Medicine School
Pacific College of Oriental Medicine is one of the largest acupuncture school in the U.S. It provides technical medical training while encouraging compassion for and understanding of patients' deepest needs. Campuses are located in San Diego, Chicago and New York City. Graduates are eligible for state licensure and national certification as acupuncturists. The Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine program consists of a total of 3,349 hours with 1,032 of those hours in clinical internship. For more information:
To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
Succeeding in the LOHAS Market:
5th Annual Natural Business Market Trends Conference
The Omni Interlocken Resort
Broomfield, CO USA
June 20-22, 2001
Contact: Natural Business - 303.442.8983
Alzheimer's Disease, Cancer and the Search for a Better Aspirin
New York, NY USA
June 22-23, 2001
Contact: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry - 212-241-6737
Clinical Training in Mind/Body Medicine
Boston, MA USA
June 25-29, 2001
Contact: Center for Training in Mind/Body Medicine
- 617-632-9542
Nutracon 2001
San Diego, CA USA
July 9-11, 2001
Contact: Nutracon - 303-998-9118
Anti-Aging Conference
Chicago, IL USA
July 13-15, 2001
Contact: American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine - 312-345-7917
26th Annual National Wellness Conference
The Premier Conference in Wellness Promotion
Stevens Point, WI USA
July 14-20, 2001
Contact: National Wellness Institute - 800-243-8694
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Traditional Medicine
Integrating Traditional Medicine Into Orthodox Medicine
Accra, Greater Accra GHANA
July 20-21, 2001
Contact: Africa First LLC - 651 646 4721
Remembering Psyche-Your Incarnated Soul
A 6-Day Healing and Training Intensive in Soul-Based Psychology
with Jacquelyn Small
Dahlonega, GA USA
August 17-23, 2001
Contact: Eupsychia Institute - 800-546-2795
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
16th Annual Convention & Exposition
Tucson, AZ USA
August 22-26, 2001
Contact: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians - 703-610-0270
Pain Management: A Challenge for the New Millennium
12th Annual Clinical Meeting
Arlington, VA USA
September 6-9, 2001
Contact: American Academy of Pain Management - 209-533-9744
WholeLife Expo
Dallas, TX USA
September 21-23, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976
Edmonton Health Show
Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
September 22-23, 2001
Contact: Canadian National Health Shows - 604-885-0960
Global Holistic Health Summit on Holistic and Integrated Medicine for the 21st Century
Bangalore, Karnataka INDIA
November 11j-16, 2001
Contact: International Holistic Health Association - 91-80-2279698
James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -
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Healthy Update, contact Jim Strohecker at
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