Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. To view HTML version and the Healthy Update archives:
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Agora Health Books
Learn How To Cure Heart Disease, Asthma, Cancer
And More—over Dinner!
Using specific combinations of foods you eat everyday, China’s Great Healing Master shows you how to cure virtually any health problem with easy-to-make recipes. Learn exactly which foods to eat—and to avoid—to begin living pain-free in as little as 7 days.
To learn how you can begin unlocking the curative power of
foods visit:
Herbs alleviate symptoms of PMS
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) affects an estimated 30-50 per cent of women in their childbearing years. Researchers have shown that taking chaste tree over a period of several months helps normalize hormone levels to alleviate the symptoms of PMS. A separate study has found that acne, associated with PMS, is also reduced using chaste tree.
Acupuncture Wins Seal of Approval
Acupuncture has been given the seal of approval by two large-scale studies of its safety. One survey involved consultations with doctors and physiotherapists who perform acupuncture, and the other with treatments by traditional practitioners. Both show that acupuncture is relatively safe compared with conventional forms of treatment.
All Deserve Health Care Alternative
For all the talk about the right to sue a health maintenance organization, the best-kept secret about HMO reform is that the legislation would partly restore the right to choose one's health care. An obscure provision of the HMO bill would permit each American to flee HMOs and preferred provider organizations by opening a medical savings account, currently available only to the self-employed and small businesses. This barely noticed provision of the current HMO reform bill would radically reshape the way each individual uses the medical profession.
To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health
Dr. Galland's Integrated
The rate of cancer among American children has been rising for decades. Although the reasons remain unclear, many experts suspect the increase may be partly the result of growing exposure to chemicals in the environment. According to the National Cancer Institute the rise in childhood cancers has been nearly 1% per year, meaning double digit increases over the last few decades. What can we do to reduce our children's exposure to toxic chemicals? There are several types of pollutants that may cause Sick Home Syndrome. How can you protect your home and your children? In "Living Safely in a Polluted World: Your Home Should be a Haven," Leo Galland, M.D. explains how your exposure--and your family's--can be readily controlled by a number of simple, inexpensive and potentially life-saving steps.
Mind Body Health Newsletter
In "Reducing Stress Reduces Heart Disease" David S. Sobel, M.D. reports on a study of patients with heart disease where it was found that relaxation, taming hostility, and helping people change the way they look at life's challenges can reduce their risk of having further heart problems by 75% compared to people given only usual medical care and medications. Reducing stress proved even more beneficial than getting exercise.
Keeping Fit
Years ago, when we were a less modernized society, most Americans performed some type of physical labor on a regular basis. Today, with most of us not doing much physical activity, observing Labor Day as a rest day is not an appropriate change of pace from our normal routine. In "A New Look At Labor Day" Dr. Wayne L. Wescott suggests that you take a different approach to Labor Day this year. Try a change of pace with a day of moderate activity. Exercise your muscles sensibly by: (1) renting a canoe and gently paddling around a lake or down a river; (2) driving to a nearby park or mountain and carefully walking/hiking an hour or so to a scenic picnic location; (3) pumping up the tires on your bicycle and respectfully riding the back roads or bike trails; (4) any other relatively mild physical activity that you enjoy.
Care2 Ask
In her latest column for environmentally conscious consumers Annie Berthold-Bond offers valuable tips just in time for the start of school. Learn how to make nontoxic art supplies, which glues are safe, and how to remove ink stains from your children's clothing.
Pain Defense - Breakthrough In Joint and Muscle Pain
Defend yourself against repeat pain and suffering. This optimum pain relief system is one that works from the inside-out to promote immediate, as well as long term relief. The PAIN DEFENSE, advanced pain technology system represents a breakthrough in pain relief. The Pain Defense Co. offers two scientifically designed internal and external formulas that provide optimum support, prevention and treatment for joint and muscle pain, working from the inside - out. 40% Off the combination set, plus a FREE roll-on, a $69.95 value for only $29.95. Try Without Risk - 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
CleanZone Advanced Hygiene System -
Fight Allergies With A Strengthened Immune System
Until today, you had the same old options in the fight against your allergies. Now, fortunately, you have a brand new weapon to try. The Advanced Hygiene System is a safe and effective breakthrough method to enable you to defeat , allergies, colds, even supergerms with no side effects. Now you can emulsify pollens and other allergens from your hands, nails, and face and deny them entry into your body. The result? An allergy-free season is finally within your reach. Take a few minutes now - see why allergies no longer have to govern your life!
Healthy Bookstore
"The Traveler's Natural Medicine Kit: Easy and Effective Remedies for Staying Healthy on the Road" by Pamela Hirsch is a compact guide to assembling a customized travel health kit with natural remedies for gentle but effective help for a wide variety of common traveler's complaints, including sore feet, nausea, bug bites, constipation, jet lag, heartburn, headache, and stress. Drawing on herbs, aromatherapy, homeopathy, and supplements, the author shows you how to prepare a lightweight travel kit of remedies especially suited to your trip and your body's individual needs. She also includes home remedies that are easily found in a local market or grocery store and simple exercises that can relieve discomfort. Whether you are traveling by land, air, or sea, this easy-to-reference book is a must-pack essential for your next trip.
We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
NatureWell (Allergy & Eye Products) -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Featured Center
HealthWorld Online's Wellness Center provides valuable, consumer-based information on staying healthy in body, mind and spirit through living a wellness-based lifestyle. A host of leaders and experts in the Wellness movement, including Deepak Chopra, Larry Dossey, and David Sobel, guide us in the areas of Healthy Aging, Healthy Stress, Healthy Brain, Mind/Body Health, emotional health, and the spiritual dimension of health. Online forums in the Wellness area include "Mind-Body-Spirit Health," and "Qigong/Taiji." Features include the Creative Journal by Dr. Lucia Capacchione and Rainbow Stress Reduction, an interactive game using colorful healing art.
Healthy Woman Update
Many women dealing with depression would like to switch from antidepressant medications to the herb St. John's Wort, but have serious concerns. In "Using St. John's Wort With Other Antidepressants" Hyla Cass, M.D. addresses these concerns and offers sources for research and other information the patient and her physician can use as guidelines for making this transition without negative consequences.
Healthy Recipes - Fabulous Functional Foods
Fabulous Functional Foods Chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan of Denmark has created a lovely "Garlic, Miso and Parsley Soup" that will do as a small meal or as an appetizer. It goes very well with steamed fish or dense bread made from whole flour. For an unusual hot weather treat, serve this soup chilled.
Healthy Alternatives
Biofeedback is a treatment technique in which people are trained to improve their health by using signals from their own bodies. Physical therapists use biofeedback to help stroke victims regain movement in paralyzed muscles. Psychologists use it to help tense and anxious clients learn to relax. Specialists in many different fields use biofeedback to help their patients cope with pain. In "What is Biofeedback?" Bette Runck, staff writer for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, explains how biofeedback works and tips for deciding if this might benefit you.
Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in colonics? The Colon Hydrothrapy section includes the International Association of Colon Hydrotherapy member database.
Featured Natural Medicine School
The late Eunice Ingham originated, researched and developed Foot Reflexology as it is known today. Reflexology has grown to international proportions under the able direction of her nephew Dwight Byers, today's leading authority. Although originally taught only to professionals, now lay people around the world are also using and benefiting from the Advanced Ingham Method of Foot Reflexology. The professional staff of the International Institute of Reflexology presents seminars internationally. For more information: For more information:
To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
Pain Management: A Challenge for the New Millennium
12th Annual Clinical Meeting
Arlington, VA USA
September 6-9, 2001
Contact: American Academy of Pain Management - 209-533-9744
Cancer As a Turning Point, From Surviving to Thriving
Free conference for anyone touched by cancer
Davis, CA USA
September 8-9, 2001
Contact: Healing Journeys - 800-423-9882
WholeLife Expo
Dallas, TX USA
September 21-23, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976 -
Edmonton Health Show
Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
September 22-23, 2001
Contact: Canadian National Health Shows - 604-885-0960
WholeLife Expo
Boston, MA USA
September 28-30, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976 -
Natural Products Expo East
Washington, DC USA
October 11-14, 2001
Contact: New Hope Natural Media 866-458-4935
ANA Fall Nutraceuticals and Medicine Conference
Nashville, TN USA
October 12-13, 2001
Contact: American Nutraceutical Association and
Foundation for Care Management - 800-566-3622
Comprehensive Cancer Care:
Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Arlington, VA USA
October 17-21, 2001
Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - 202-966-7338 -
WholeLife Expo
Los Angeles, CA USA
October 19-21, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976 -
Bioneers - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Marin Center, San Rafael, CA USA
October 19-21, 2001
Contact: Bioneers - 877-BIONEER -
Global Holistic Health Summit on Holistic and Integrated Medicine for the 21st Century
Bangalore, Karnataka INDIA
November 11-16, 2001
Contact: International Holistic Health Association - 91-80-2279698
MindBodySpirit Medicine: The Professional Training Program
Integrate MindBodySpirit Medicine into your clinical practice
Scottsdale, AZ USA
November 11-17, 2001
Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - 202-966-7338
WholeLife Expo
Chicago, IL USA
November 16-18, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976 -
SupplySide West
International Trade Show and Conference
Las Vegas, NV USA
November 28-30, 2001
Contact: Virgo Publishing - 480-990-1101 x1037
James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -
If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of
Healthy Update, contact Jim Strohecker at
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