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More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
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over 45 years
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Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. To view HTML version and the Healthy Update archives:

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Dr. William Campbell Douglass' Real Health
Attention Men

Are you tired of hearing about what you SHOULD STOP DOING in order to stay healthy? "Stay out of the sun!" "Cut down on fats!" "Don’t drink too much!" New medical studies show that certain "healthy" practices may actually be hurting you... Click below for 5 FREE health reports and find out why M.D.s are suddenly telling male patients to: FIGHT PROSTATE CANCER by eating steak and butter. SLASH ALZHEIMER’S RISK by drinking more beer. BEAT MIGRAINES by having more sex. And much more!


Traumatic Events, Personal Or National, Can Change One's Course in Life
Transforming moments can be triggered by a cancer diagnosis, a failing heart, a faltering marriage, or a national tragedy. Call them what you will - moments of clarity, taking stock of your life, a flash of insight - they can bring us to our knees. And they can be used to motivate us toward positive lasting change. Set goals. Identify specific tasks. Nurture your relationships.

Vitamin Boost to Prevent Gum Disease
Most dentists specializing in treating gum disease believe that a well-balanced diet, including certain supplements, improves the health of teeth and gums. They suggest that their patients take vitamin C, an antioxidant that repairs connective tissue in gums, and calcium, which helps build up bone around the teeth.

Rush University College of Nursing Among First Awarded Grant to Teach Nurses About Complementary, Alternative Therapies
Although complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies are widely used by patients to manage illness, there is little formal training available for health care providers on CAM. The Rush University College of Nursing is changing that. Funded by a five-year, $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine the Rush required curriculum for nursing faculty, students, and practicing nurses has expanded to include CAM therapies.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
In "Eating Safely in a Polluted World: You Don’t Have to Choose Between Microbes and Chemicals! Part III: Hazards of Organochlorines" Leo Galland, M.D. notes that alarms have been raised about worldwide pollution with these chemicals, which include: the pesticide DDT, banned in the U.S. in 1972 but still sold by U.S. corporations to other countries and still found in our own soil and water; the herbicide dioxin; and PCBs, which have been widely used in making electronic equipment, plastic, inks, adhesives, rubber and carbonless duplicating paper. Food, milk and water everywhere contain organochlorines. In this column, Dr. Galland offers solutions to these troubling health hazards.

Mind Body Health Newsletter
Today, most people don't just want to live long lives. They want to live long healthy lives, or as the old adage puts it, "to die younger, as old as possible." Most of us want to add life to years, not just years to life. We all know people who have been very successful at aging - not just the "super elders" who run marathons, but ordinary people who maintain vital, active lives, even in the face of chronic illness, says David S. Sobel, M.D. in "The Keys to Healthy Aging." But what are the predictors of healthy aging? The results of a 16-year study of nearly 400 older men and women age 65-95 shed interesting light on some of the key factors.

Keeping Fit
Rock climbing offers a unique fitness opportunity. In "Conditioning for Rock Climbing and Hiking" Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. cautions that due to the intense nature of this muscle-challenging activity, prior physical conditioning is highly recommended. He outlines a sensible program combining strength exercise for the muscular system and endurance exercise for the cardiovascular system, as well as some stretching exercise for enhanced joint flexibility.

Care2 Ask Annie
In her latest column for environmentally conscious consumers Annie Berthold-Bond offers valuable tips of value to everyone, but particularly important with Halloween fast approaching, for removing candle wax and soot, plus carpet cleaning without harsh chemicals.

Deep Meditation At The Push Of A Button!

Powerful personal growth program based on Holosync audio technology, recommended by many personal growth leaders, prominent doctors. Free online demo. If you are interested in dramatically accelerating your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth...experiencing, without effort or training, states of deep and peaceful meditation, but without the struggle…and developing the ability to remain consistently peaceful and centered, despite life's ups and downs.

Teeccino - Destress With Caffeine Free Herbal Coffee

Coffee drinkers may be surprised to learn that herbal coffee actually has nutritional benefits which help nourish and keep the body healthy. Coffee, on the other hand, only supplies the drug, caffeine, which stimulates your adrenal glands but does not provide energy - actually it could deplete the body's energy reserves. Teeccino is the first herbal coffee on the market - a blend of herbs, grains, fruits and nuts that are roasted, ground and brewed just like coffee. Dark, rich, and full-bodied, Teeccino brings you all the satisfaction of a robust brew with no caffeine reaction. Teeccino tastes mildly sweet from dates and figs, with only 15 calories per cup.

Healthy Bookstore
 " Connections...The Sacred Journey Between Two Points" by Carol Ross Edmonston is a moving and poetic story about one woman's journey through two separate diagnoses of breast cancer and the spiritual transformation and healing that followed. It is beautifully combined with the artistic creativity she discovered during that time. What started out as simple doodles quickly became sophisticated graphic art. This art form became an open-eyed meditation as she began to trust and have faith in the process, both with the art and in her medical adventure. She learned the importance of embracing the preciousness of the present moment and living life one moment at a time. This story is filled with inspiration and encouragement, inviting the reader to embrace whatever life offers, as a gift and one filled with treasures to behold and wisdom to share.

We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
Centerpointe (Audio Meditation) -
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
NatureWell (Allergy & Eye Products) -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -

Featured Center
HealthWorld Online's Alternative Medicine Center is the Internet's most comprehensive and authoritative site dealing with the great systems of traditional healthcare from around the world--acupuncture, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, and Traditional Chinese medicine--as well as many ancient and modern natural therapies. Many of these systems and therapies, previously considered to be unconventional or "alternative" in the USA, are being integrated into the health care system. We strive to keep you on the forefront the current movement to integrate the best of alternative/complementary medicine and mainstream medicine through our ever-growing library of articles, resources and services from leading experts and organizations. Key domains pointing to areas of our Alternative Medicine Center include:,,,,,, and

Healthy Woman Update
Varicose veins is a common problem seldom understood. The core problem involves reversal of blood flow in leg veins causing dilation of the veins and loss of tissue tone. In "Varicose Veins" David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H. explains the two types, how to identify which you have, and a wide variety of treatment options, along with cautions when using them.

Healthy Recipes - Fabulous Functional Foods
Fabulous Functional Foods Chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan of Denmark brings us a fabulous recipe for "Rose Hip Pears with Maple-Lemon Sauce." This tasty, nutritious sauce transforms pears or apples into a delicious dessert.

Healthy Alternatives
Osteopathy is a system of health care which recognizes that the self-healing, self-regulating ability of the body is dependent upon a number of factors, including favorable environmental conditions (internal and external), adequate nutrition and normal structural integrity. It utilizes generally accepted methods of diagnosis, as well as certain specialized ones developed to facilitate accurate structural assessment. It places special emphasis upon the importance of body mechanics, and uses manipulative techniques to detect and correct, faulty structure and function. In "What is Osteopathy?" Leon Chaitow N.D., D.O., M.R.O. clears up the common confusion that exists in both public and medical minds as to the distinction between osteopathic and other forms of physical treatment.

Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in herbology? The Herbalism section includes the American Herbalists Guild member database.

Featured Natural Medicine School
At the Polarity Realization Institute you can receive an education in Energy Awareness, Excellent Physical and Energetic Technique, Complete Communications and Business Skills, the elements of a successful healing practice. Campuses in Maine and Massachusetts offer full-time six month programs, plus part-time programs of 12 to 24 months. For more information: For more information:

To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

Practical Introduction to Anthroposophical Medicine
For physicians and medical students
Spring Valley, NY USA
October 5-8, 2001
Contact: Physicians' Association for Anthroposophical Medicine - 413-584-9990

Natural Products Expo East
Washington, DC USA
October 11-14, 2001
Contact: New Hope Natural Media 866-458-4935

ANA Fall Nutraceuticals and Medicine Conference
Nashville, TN USA
October 12-13, 2001
Contact: American Nutraceutical Association and
Foundation for Care Management - 800-566-3622

Comprehensive Cancer Care:
Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Arlington, VA USA
October 17-21, 2001
Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - 202-966-7338 -

WholeLife Expo
Los Angeles, CA USA
October 19-21, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976 -

Bioneers - Revolution from the Heart of Nature
Marin Center, San Rafael, CA USA
October 19-21, 2001
Contact: Bioneers - 877-BIONEER -

Global Holistic Health Summit on Holistic and Integrated Medicine for the 21st Century
Bangalore, Karnataka INDIA
November 11-16, 2001
Contact: International Holistic Health Association - 91-80-2279698

MindBodySpirit Medicine: The Professional Training Program
Integrate MindBodySpirit Medicine into your clinical practice
Scottsdale, AZ USA
November 11-17, 2001
Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - 202-966-7338

WholeLife Expo
Chicago, IL USA
November 16-18, 2001
Contact: WholeLife - 800-551-3976 -

SupplySide West
International Trade Show and Conference
Las Vegas, NV USA
November 28-30, 2001
Contact: Virgo Publishing - 480-990-1101 x1037

2nd International Conference on Health Sciences and 9th International Congress on Alternative Medicines
Calcutta, West Bengal INDIA
December 1-2, 2001
Contact: International Institute of Health Sciences and Indian Board of Alternative Medicines - 0091-33-4769361

Alternative Medicine Center

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Global Health Calendar

Advisory Board

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of Healthy Update, contact Jim Strohecker at

SUGGESTIONS & COMMENTS: We welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestions to

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