Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. To view HTML version and the Healthy Update archives:
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Lonza Inc.
L-Carnitine....The Energizing Nutrient
L-Carnitine is an amino acid-like and vitamin-like nutrient which is found naturally in the human body. The highest concentrations occur in the heart and skeletal muscle. The primary role of L-Carnitine within the body is to carry long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, the "furnace of the cell". Within the "furnace", the fatty acids are broken down and energy is produced. Thus, L-Carnitine is essential for the production of energy from fat!
Seasonal Affective Disorder Gives Some the Blues
The weather's growing colder. The days have gotten shorter. Suddenly, your mood has worsened. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that recurs every fall and winter but usually subsides when spring arrives. Some feel this is related to the amount of light a person gets. One psychiatrist believes it is really like a hibernation. You know, bears go through a time when all they do is sleep, they eat a lot and want to be left alone. Humans go through it too, but it just affects some people worse than others.
Is It Flu? 'Consumer Reports' Explains
Concerned about the flu? Still wondering about anthrax symptoms? Are you in the dark about what vaccines are essential beyond the flu shot? Consumer Reports has in-depth reports on these topics that are offered exclusively online.
Garlic Zaps Antibiotic Resistant Microbes
Researchers report on test-tube studies showing super-killer microbes - resistant to most of mankind's most potent antibiotics - appear to fall victim to the active ingredient in garlic.
To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health
Dr. Galland's Integrated
Despite great advances in the treatment of infectious epidemics, trauma and critical care, modern medicine is failing in its mission. Childhood mortality rates around the world are rising and the major medical challenge of the twenty-first century--decreasing the burden of chronic illness and disability--is not being met. The reason lies in the faulty blueprint used to guide contemporary health care, according to Dr. Leo Galland in "The Foundation for Integrated Medicine Supporting Health Care for the Twenty-First Century."
Mind Body Health Newsletter
While it may make sense to limit your exposure to the viruses which trigger the sniffling, sneezing and coughing of the common cold, a recent study shows that, in fact, being around people - lots of different people - may be a key factor in being less susceptible to colds. In "Feed Friendships, Starve Colds" David S. Sobel, M.D. presents research results that the more diverse your set of social relationships - friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, fellow members of religious and community organizations - the less likely you are to catch a cold.
Keeping Fit
Many warm-weather exercisers discontinue their training programs when the temperature drops below 40° F. This is unfortunate, because heat-producing physical activity is well-suited for cooler weather conditions. In "Cold Weather Walking and Running" Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. provides very specific guidelines and some unexpected tips that show when approached appropriately, most people can exercise safely and successfully when temperatures are in the 20s and 30s.
Integrative Dentistry
Confused by all of the different types of toothpaste on the market? In "Are All Toothpaste the Same?" Flora Parsa Stay D.D.S. offers very specific evaluations of the ingredients in each of the specialty toothpastes - most of which are damaging, not helpful. The natural types of toothpastes without the added artificial ingredients are much safer and just as effective as the popular commercial ones. In the end proper brushing and flossing and good diet are the best way to prevent cavities and gum disease.
Get A Jump On Your New Year's Resolution!
Destress With Teeccino Caffeine Free Herbal Coffee
Coffee drinkers may be surprised to learn that herbal coffee actually has nutritional benefits which help nourish and keep the body healthy. Coffee, on the other hand, only supplies the drug, caffeine, which stimulates your adrenal glands but does not provide energy - actually it could deplete the body's energy reserves. Teeccino is the first herbal coffee on the market - a blend of herbs, grains, fruits and nuts that are roasted, ground and brewed just like coffee. Dark, rich, and full-bodied, Teeccino brings you all the satisfaction of a robust brew with no caffeine reaction. Teeccino tastes mildly sweet from dates and figs, with only 15 calories per cup.
HealthWorld Sound Health Collection (4 Cd's)
From Steven Halpern's Inner Peace Music
Inner Peace Music features the recordings of Steven Halpern, an internationally acclaimed composer, recording artist, author and educator whose music is specifically composed to support relaxation, wellness and personal excellence. For over 25 years, he has promoted the healing powers of music through his innovative compositions, selling over 4 million albums worldwide and bringing his music into homes, hospices, hospitals, and schools worldwide. We have conferred with Steven to select four of his classic compositions:
Serenity Suite: Music & Nature
Music for Sound Healing
Recollections (soulful Violin & piano duet w/ Daniel Kobialka)
Chakra Suite (update/re-release of perennial classic, Spectrum Suite)
Buy the collection of four CDs and save 25%!
Click here to view more Inner Peace Music
Kick The Sugar Habit This Holiday Season!
Stevia - The Natural Herbal Sweetener
Stevia, one of the most beneficial plants on earth, is used throughout the world as a no-calorie sweetener. Native to Paraguay, it is a small green plant bearing leaves which have a delicious and refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar. SweetLeaf? brand SteviaPlus?, a nutritional supplement available in convenient packets and powder form, uses only a small amount of stevia to produce its remarkably refreshing taste. In fact, you can reduce your sugar use by 2 teaspoons for each packet of SteviaPlus? due to its natural and intense sweetness! Sweetleaf also offers stevia in a convenient liquid form.
CleanZone Advanced Hygiene System
We've All Been Told to Wash our Hands for Protection
from Colds & Flu - Now There's a Better Way....
CleanZone Soap is a true breakthrough in how we wash our hands. Not only is it rich in moisturizers, essential oils and ever so compatible with the skin, but most importantly, it automatically washes where the germs and pathogens accumulate under and around the fingernails. Since 95% of the germs on the hands are under the fingernails where normal hand washing fails to reach, CleanZone Soap is a must for today's world. By the way, did we mention that we have a Facial Solution that allows you easily cleanse your nasal passageway?
Deep Meditation At The Push Of A Button!
Centerpointe Holosync Audio Technology
Powerful personal growth program based on Holosync audio technology, recommended by many personal growth leaders, prominent doctors. Free online demo. If you are interested in dramatically accelerating your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth...experiencing, without effort or training, states of deep and peaceful meditation, but without the struggle and developing the ability to remain consistently peaceful and centered, despite life's ups and here...
WholeLife Power Tours -
Equinox 2002: Recovering Lost Wisdom In Egypt At The Great
Pyramid And Sphinx - With Neale Donald Walsch
Come on this incredible journey March 16-23, 2002 with keynote speaker Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations with God), Robert Bauval (The Orion Mystery), Sharon Gardner (Unfolding Journey) and other luminaries of diverse disciplines. On this sojourn, you'll experience the special energy of the Great Pyramid during the Spring Equinox in the midst of the timeless sands of Egypt. The Sphinx, together with the Great Pyramid are doorways into our ancient past...and into our innermost selves. This program is a prime opportunity for you to investigate the mysteries of the majestic sites and temples of Egypt, in addition to the mystery of self. Call 800-234-TOUR.
Healthy Bookstore
"The Carnitine Miracle" by Robert Crayhon explains how the supernutrient carnitine will help you to: lose weight; increase energy; lower cholesterol and triglycerides; maximize heart healthy; achieve peak sports performance; increase mental energy and brain health; and treat a wide range of health problems, including PMS, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and many other ailments.
All Books 10% off!
We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
Bookstore -
BodyBalance -
Centerpointe (Audio Meditation) -
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
ImmunAlive -
Inner Peace Music -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
SweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Third Line Press -
Vitamin Store -
Featured Center
One of the Internet's most comprehensive resources on
homeopathy is HealthWorld's Homeopathy Center. The Center
hosts over 150 articles from leading homeopathic experts
such as Dana Ullman, M.P.H, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, N.D.,
Robert Ullman, N.D., Richard Moscovitz, M.D. and Jacquelyn
Wilson, M.D. as well as over 90 Real Audio tapes in the
Homeopathic Audio Library. HealthWorld also hosts the
websites of the National Center for Homeopathy, the
Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, and the
American Institute of Homeopathy, all of which were
originally designed by HealthWorld as a public service and
continue to reside on our server. Other key resources
include online referral lists from the Council for
Homeopathic Certification and the HANP, searchable by city,
state and zip code, and a great selection of homeopathic
books in our online bookstore.
Healthy Woman Update
Statistics now report 1 in 9 American women will develop breast cancer. In "Healthy Breasts" Emily Kane, N.D. points out that the immune system uses anti-cancer agents that are within the foods we eat as "bullets" to both kill cancer cells and prevent the formation of tumors. In addition she reminds us of the importance of a positive attitude in tender and regular breast exams.
Healthy Recipes - Fabulous Functional Foods
Whole salmon is an amazing sight, and once the smell hits you you'll want to sink your teeth into it. Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan brings us a recipe for "Whole Salmon filled with Pumpkin and Coriander" for those interested in cooking extremely tasty and healthy food.
Healthy Alternatives
Interested in trying flower remedies? In "Indications For the Use of Homeopathic Flower Remedies" Leslie J. Kaslof provides an extensive directory of flower remedies (listed by common plant name) with an explanation of appropriate conditions that can benefit from using each remedy. In addition she offers a stress-relieving formula (a combination of five flower remedies) that can be used in liquid and cream form.
Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in a progressive approach to dental care? The Dentistry section includes the Holistic Dental Association (HDA) member database.
Featured Natural Medicine School
Are you interested in becoming a professional practitioner in the fast growing field of energy healing? Wakepoint School of Energy Healing in Colorado Springs, CO is dedicated to assisting their students in attaining mastery and professional certification in the practice of energy medicine. Their curriculum emphasizes hands-on energy healing, the development of full sensory perception, opening to genuine spiritual guidance, deep exploration of the psychological processes of the self, body psychotherapy, as well as understanding the structure and function of the human energy field. For more information:
To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
Northeast Vision Conference
Northampton, MA USA
January 9-10, 2002
Contact: Optometric Extension Program - 949-250-8070
Integrative Medicine Conference
For physicians, nurses, physician assistants, etc.
Galveston Island, TX USA
January 17-19, 2002
Contact: Gulf Coast Conferences - 281-319-4646
Caribbean Medical Cruise for Complementary/Alternative Therapies
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA
February 3-10, 2002
Contact: The Institute of Integrated Medicine Inc. - 519-451-9048
The Power of Herbs: Tenth Anniversary Weekend Celebration
Bronx, NY USA
January 26-27, 2002
Contact: The New York Botanical Garden - 718-817-8616
International Symposium on the Role of Botanicals in Women's Health
New Brunswick, NJ USA
February 16-18, 2002
Contact: American Herbal Products Association - 301-588-1171
eca myc 02 - Fitness Convention
New York, NY USA
March 1-3, 2002
Contact: eca world fitness - 800-ECA-EXPO
Natural Products Expo West 2002
Anaheim, CA USA
March 7-10, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 303-939-8440
Exploring the nature of science
Anaheim, CA USA
March 11-13, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 866-458-4935
Sixth Annual Alternative Therapies Symposium and Exhibition
The Therapeutic Relationsip: Scientific, Cultural, and Personal Perspectives
San Diego, CA USA
March 14-27, 2002
Contact: InnoVision Communications - 760-633-3910
Equinox 2002: Recovering Lost Wisdom In Egypt At The Great
Pyramid And Sphinx - With Neale Donald Walsch
Cairo, Al Qahirah EGYPT
March 16-23, 2002
Contact: Power Places Tours & Conferences, Inc. - 800-234-TOUR
National Center for Homeopathy 2002 Annual Conference
Also featuring a special Post-conference workshop with Nandita Shah
Phoenix, AZ USA
April 11-16, 2002
Contact: National Center for Homeopathy - 703-548-7790
James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -
If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of
Healthy Update, contact Jim Strohecker at
We welcome your suggestions and
comments to help us provide the highest quality and most
useful service. Email suggestions to