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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B


Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. To view HTML version and the Healthy Update archives:

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Dr. Wright's Nutrition & Healing
The Soy Myth Exposed!

Before you eat one more veggie burger, take one more soy supplement, or drink one more glass of soy milk... Learn how today's health-food sweetheart could actually cause cancer, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s. PLUS: Discover proven, potent, and natural cures for arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, migraine, and more from internationally recognized alternative medicine legend Jonathan V. Wright, M.D.

Click here for details, including how to receive up to 7 free bonus gifts.

American Botanical Council Announces New Safety Information on Kava
The American Botanical Council (ABC) is suggesting that consumers follow additional precautions when using kava, an herb used for reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. Recent case reports from Europe suggest a possible association of some kava products and liver problems. No reports of adverse liver effects of kava have been published in the U.S. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has indicated that there are a small number of adverse events in its unpublished database.

The Power Of Prayer And Yoga
Recent research supports the belief in the power of prayer and yoga for health purposes. Previous studies suggest praying for patients in intensive care is beneficial, even if you don't know them. New research reveals praying for people with a blood infection shortens fevers and time spent in the hospital. Another study showed both prayer and yoga cause significant changes in heart beat patterns.

Vitamin C Found To Inhibit Congestive Heart Failure
A study has demonstrated that vitamin C can aid patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) by suppressing the signal for cell death within blood vessel linings. The results showed that vitamin C markedly reduced blood levels of apoptotic microparticles to 32% of baseline levels, while the placebo had no effect. The findings might contribute to researchers' understanding of the mechanisms of heart failure progression and could add antioxident treatment as a novel strategy to delay progression of heart failure.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

The Healer Within
The technique described by Dr. Roger Jahnke in "Alternate Nostril Breathing" has been employed by practitioners of Yoga in India for thousands of years who were aware of the significance of balancing the breath in both nostrils and employed this knowledge to enhance health and consciousness. This breath technique is often done in preparation for deep relaxation or meditation. It has been found through the application of current neuro-science, that the practice of alternate nostril breathing helps to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Mind Over Matter
This holiday season let’s take time to remember and value the precious freedoms, often taken for granted, we enjoy under God and country. Together we can strive to preserve and protect basic human rights as an essential healing elixir for every child in our world - especially those in Afghanistan. In "Basic Freedom: a wellness perspective" Barry Bittman, M.D. reminds us that to liberate Afghanistan isn’t enough. To enable the Afghan people to heal themselves in mind, body and spirit has to be the ultimate legitimate goal of a world alliance working toward ensuring and preserving basic human rights.

Understanding Homeopathy
There is one simple reason that many conventional physicians have difficulty facing arthritic patients: there is little that conventional medicine offers them. The lucky ones get temporary relief along with drug side effects; the unlucky ones only get the side effects. Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, is a natural pharmaceutical system that uses extremely small doses of substances from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdom to augment a person's own immune and defense system according to homeopathic expert Dana Ullman in "Homeopathic Medicines for Arthritis." Based on the "principle of similars," homeopathy uses substances which would actually cause, if given in large dose to experimental subjects, the similar symptoms that a sick person experiences.

Care2 Ask Annie
Winter brings special problems. In her latest column for environmentally conscious consumers Annie Berthold-Bond offers natural dry hair remedies. She also shares recipes for air fresheners for your home and playdough for your children.

Breakthrough in Immune Enhancement!
Phenomena's ImmunAlive System

An exciting breakthrough in immune enhancement and disease prevention, the ImmunAlive System combines the most powerful natural immune-boosters available to protect and support your body's defense system. The ImmunAlive System combines four powerful ingredients to sustain and build your immune system, detoxify the body, remove free-radicals and prevent the cellular and genetic damage that can lead to premature aging, cancer and degenerative disease. Save 10% on full system.

Pain Defense - Joint & Muscle Formula
Buy 3 Combination Sets & Get 4th Set Free!

You Don't Have to Suffer Anymore! This optimum pain relief system works from the inside - out to promote immediate, as well as long term relief. The PAIN DEFENSE advanced pain technology system represents a breakthrough in joint and muscle pain relief. The Pain Defense Co. offers two scientifically designed internal and external formulas that provide optimum support, prevention and treatment for joint and muscle pain. 30% off the combination set, for only $34.95.

Buy 3 Sets & Get a 4th Set Free!
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Deep Meditation At The Push Of A Button!
Centerpointe Holosync Audio Technology

Powerful personal growth program based on Holosync audio technology, recommended by many personal growth leaders, prominent doctors. Free online demo. If you are interested in dramatically accelerating your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth...experiencing, without effort or training, states of deep and peaceful meditation, but without the struggle…and developing the ability to remain consistently peaceful and centered, despite life's ups and downs here...

HealthWorld Sound Health Collection (4 CD's)
From Steven Halpern's Inner Peace Music

Inner Peace Music features the recordings of Steven Halpern, an internationally acclaimed composer, recording artist, author and educator whose music is specifically composed to support relaxation, wellness and personal excellence. For over 25 years, he has promoted the healing powers of music through his innovative compositions, selling over 4 million albums worldwide and bringing his music into homes, hospices, hospitals, and schools worldwide. We have conferred with Steven to select four of his classic compositions:

Serenity Suite: (Music & Nature)
Music for Sound Healing: (The Definitive Collection)
Recollections (soulful Violin & piano duet w/ Daniel Kobialka)
Chakra Suite (Balances the 7 vital energy centers)

Buy the collection of four CDs and save 25%!

Click here to view more Inner Peace Music

CleanZone Advanced Hygiene System
We've All Been Told to Wash our Hands for Protection from Colds & Flu - Now There's a Better Way.....

CleanZone Soap is a true breakthrough in how we wash our hands. Not only is it rich in moisturizers, essential oils and ever so compatible with the skin, but most importantly, it automatically washes where the germs and pathogens accumulate under and around the fingernails. Since 95% of the germs on the hands are under the fingernails where normal hand washing fails to reach, CleanZone Soap is a must for today's world. By the way, did we mention that we have a Facial Solution that allows you easily cleanse your nasal passageway?

HealthWorld Travels The World!
International Healing Conference -
A Wholelife Power Tour In Ireland July 11-18, 2002

Join healthcare practitioners and students of holistic health in mystical Ireland for a unique and exciting opportunity. Spend glorious days in the enchanting mystical area of Killarney, Ireland to hear what leading experts have to say on the latest in health and healing plus learn about the use of herbs and ancient healing practices of the Druids and the pre-Celtic people. In addition to the conference events, your program includes touring to enjoy some wonderful local sites. Call Power Places Tours & Conferences at 1-800-234-8687 or 340-772-2030.

Healthy Bookstore
 In "Prayers: A Communion with our Creator Inspiration and Guided Meditations for Living in Love and Happiness" Don Miguel Ruiz introduces his favorite prayers and meditations. He begins each of his lectures and classes with a prayer or guided meditation to inspire and invoke a receptive frame of mind and to reinforce the concepts being introduced. Similarly, readers can use this book as a source of inspiration in times of need or as daily encouragement. The prayers address such topics as wisdom, healing, courage, love, self-love, forgiveness, integrity, freedom, happiness, and truth.

At this season of giving, enjoy a sample chapter "Gratitude"

All Books 10% off!

We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
Bookstore -
BodyBalance -
Centerpointe (Audio Meditation) -
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
ImmunAlive (Imunne Enhancedment System) -
Inner Peace Music -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
SweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Third Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD) -
Vitamin Store -

Featured Center
The Healthy Woman Center provides a powerful resource of over 130 articles and Real Audio tapes from leading experts in natural health care for women such as Susan Lark, M.D., Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, and Honora Lee Wolfe. The Center provides daily Women's Health News from the leading newswires, self-care and alternative therapies such as herbal medicine, homeopathy and Chinese medicine for dozens of women's health concerns, a Daily Women's Health Expert feature from a leading authority in women's health, a women's health bookstore, as well as women's health products from leading eco-friendly companies.

Healthy Child Update
Children get diarrhea often, especially mild diarrhea. This is one way your child's body fights infection. Diarrhea can also clean out your child's intestines when he or she eats something bad. In "Childhood Diarrhea" parents are provided guidelines compiled by the American Institute of Preventive Medicine that assist in evaluating the severity of the situation and what actions are more appropriate.

Healthy Kitchen - Healthy Foods
In the United States more than four billion chickens are consumed each year; that is more than fifty pounds per person. The next most common bird is turkey, which has been associated with holiday celebrations and feasts. In "Poultry and Eggs" Elson M. Haas, M.D. covers the nutritional value, calories, and cooking options; plus benefits of finding the more "natural" or "organic" chickens and eggs for consumption.

Healthy Alternatives
Generally speaking, herbs are used to cleanse the blood, warm and stimulate the body, increase surface circulation, increase elimination of wastes, reduce inflammation, and calm and soothe irritation. In "Herbal Therapy in Dentistry" Flora Parsa Stay, D.D.S. mentions the herbs most commonly used for dental problems, including sources and specific applications for each.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) is a national clearing house to connect you with resources you can use to improve your health and well-being. Wherever you are on the path of creating wellness, AHHA assists you to become informed about the many options available in the health care arena today.


Featured Natural Medicine School
TouchPro Institute of Chair Massage in San Francisco, CA is the premier source of training, certification, and support for Chair Massage Practitioners in the United States, Canada, and Europe. TouchPro Institute is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education provider under Category A. TouchPro does not offer an entry-level program for persons starting out in massage. You must be a professional bodyworker before you take their seminars. For more information:

To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

Northeast Vision Conference
Northampton, MA USA
January 9-10, 2002
Contact: Optometric Extension Program - 949-250-8070

Integrative Medicine Conference
For physicians, nurses, physician assistants, etc.
Galveston Island, TX USA
January 17-19, 2002
Contact: Gulf Coast Conferences - 281-319-4646

Caribbean Medical Cruise for Complementary/Alternative Therapies
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA
February 3-10, 2002
Contact: The Institute of Integrated Medicine Inc. - 519-451-9048

The Power of Herbs: Tenth Anniversary Weekend Celebration
Bronx, NY USA
January 26-27, 2002
Contact: The New York Botanical Garden - 718-817-8616

International Symposium on the Role of Botanicals in Women's Health
New Brunswick, NJ USA
February 16-18, 2002
Contact: American Herbal Products Association - 301-588-1171

eca myc 02 - Fitness Convention
New York, NY USA
March 1-3, 2002
Contact: eca world fitness - 800-ECA-EXPO

Natural Products Expo West 2002
Anaheim, CA USA
March 7-10, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 303-939-8440

Exploring the nature of science
Anaheim, CA USA
March 11-13, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 866-458-4935

Sixth Annual Alternative Therapies Symposium and Exhibition
The Therapeutic Relationsip: Scientific, Cultural, and Personal Perspectives
San Diego, CA USA
March 14-27, 2002
Contact: InnoVision Communications - 760-633-3910

Equinox 2002: Recovering Lost Wisdom In Egypt At The Great Pyramid And Sphinx - With Neale Donald Walsch
Cairo, Al Qahirah EGYPT
March 16-23, 2002
Contact: Power Places Tours & Conferences, Inc. - 800-234-TOUR

National Center for Homeopathy 2002 Annual Conference
Also featuring a special Post-conference workshop with Nandita Shah
Phoenix, AZ USA
April 11-16, 2002
Contact: National Center for Homeopathy - 703-548-7790

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Global Health Calendar

Advisory Board

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of Healthy Update, contact Jim Strohecker at

SUGGESTIONS & COMMENTS: We welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestions to

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