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Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine

Eating Safely in a Polluted World: You Don't Have to Choose Between Microbes and Chemicals!"
Epidemics of parasitic infection from contaminated water and of bacterial food poisoning from chicken or hamburger serve notice that the U.S. food and water supply is not safe, according to Leo Galland, M.D., in his latest HealthWorld Online column. Pesticides and preservatives provide no protection from the current crop of microbes and pose health hazards of their own, warns Galland. This column offers several simple, effective measures you can follow to protect yourself and those you love from the effects of eating contaminated food and water, avoiding both microbial and chemical contaminants in food and drink and building resistance to them if you are exposed.

News from the Village

Children's Health Update
Every year, over 10 million children in the United States are treated for ear infections. Chances are that by the time a child reaches the age of six, he will have suffered otitis media, an infection of the middle ear. Ear infections are most common in children between the ages of six months and three years. In her article "Ear Infections", excerpted from her book, Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, Janet Zand, LAc OMD, outlines a comprehensive program for Ear Infections, including guidelines for conventional treatment, as well as dietary guidelines, recommended nutritional supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies.

Women's Health Update
For many women, menopause brings relief from monthly periods, freedom from worry about unplanned pregnancy, and excitement about entering a new phase of life. For many others, menopause brings physical and emotional upheaval linked to changes occurring as the female body makes its transition out of the child-bearing years. Research suggests that about 75 percent of menopausal women are affected at one time or another by hot flashes, 15 percent of them seriously so. These figures suggest that four to five million U.S. women currently are severely affected by hot flashes. In the article Menopause: Herbs that can ease the transition the staff of Herbs for Health magazine describes three herbs--Black Cohosh, Vitex, and Dong Quai-which have been used traditionally to relieve hot flashes or other menopausal complaints.

Men's Health Update
"Saw palmetto extract continues to be used as a primary treatment for both short-term and long-term treatment of BPH," according to a Research Review on a study on Saw Palmetto and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia published in HerbalGram, Saw Palmetto Extract in the Treatment of BPH. "This study is another indication that the daily dose of 320 mg is not only effective in the reduction of BPH symptoms but is also devoid of side effects - particularly when compared to its drug counterpart, finasteride. The therapeutic efficacy of saw palmetto extract is equal to that of finasteride and far more cost-effective."

Health Professional's Center
A new vision of healing cannot be found through any one healing practice or a combination of them, says Dr. Elliot Dacher, a leading voice for a new system of healing. Nor can it be found by shifting our focus from the body to the mind, or from one practitioner to another. Healing does not evolve from the proper functioning of pieces and parts, from the exclusive influence of either the mind or body, or from one system of belief or another. It emerges from our entire experience, which gives us access to all the possibilities for both inner and outer healing. The task becomes a process of exploring and bringing into our lives a fundamentally new and comprehensive approach to healing, which Dr. Dacher calls "Whole Healing." In his article, Whole Healing Dr. Dacher highlights the body's four healing systems which form the basis of his truly visionary new model.

1) The Homeostatic Healing System (the body's own systems of checks and balances)
2) The Treatment Healing System (the best conventional and alternative treatments available)
3) The Mind/Body Healing System (mind/body approaches for self-regulation and self-exploration)
4) The Spiritual Healing System (spiritual resources activated by the discovery of meaning and wholeness)

New Releases in our Bookstore
A controversial new "disease" is on the rise. Triggered by the commonplace products of modern living that most of us encounter daily and take for granted-perfume, building materials, food preservatives, automobile exhaust, solvents, natural gas, detergents, pesticides-multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) may be affecting close to 40 million Americans. In Allergic to the Twentieth Century: The Explosion in Environmental Allergies-From Sick Buildings to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity critically acclaimed science writer Peter Radetsky takes readers inside the story that is making national headlines but has not been fully explored until now. Providing the first in-depth account of this puzzling illness, he traces its history, causes and proliferation and makes a compelling case that the victims of MCS may be the first casualties of the serious environmental threat faced by our contemporary world.

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
"The Spirit of Self-Regulation: An Experiential Training Program for Health and Mental Health Professionals" with James S. Gordon, M.D. Berkeley Springs, WV USA November 8-14, 1997 / Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - (202) 966-7338

Association Network -- Hot Pick
Citizens For Health is the national grassroots advocacy organization committed to protecting and expanding consumer natural health choices. Through a nationwide network of community-based chapters and members, Citizens For Health initiates and monitors legislation with the goal of ensuring access to health information and the freedom to choose from a broad range of health options. Visit <""> Citizens for Health.

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Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker

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