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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism


Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. To view the Healthy Update archives:

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How To Fight Cancer And Win
Black-Listed Cancer Treatment Could Save Your Life!

The key to stopping many cancers has been around for over 30 years. Yet it has been banned by the very agency designed to protect your health--the FDA. A German research scientist discovered a natural formula that could prevent and even cure cancer. Her findings, which were barred from the medical journals, are now finally available in an updated English translation. To learn more about this incredible black-listed formula... Click here


Mammography Review Shatters the Status Quo
Even since a National Cancer Institute advisory panel concluded there is insufficient evidence to prove that mammography reduces breast cancer deaths, doctors and patients are coming to grips with the chilling prospect that what they thought was medical gospel is anything but. Mammography had been widely accepted for decades as the best way to spot abnormalities before they grow into deadly tumors. Although mammograms can provide the first glimpse of breast cancer, a growing number of researchers say that does not necessarily mean the test saves lives. In recent years, physicians have made progress with less invasive surgery, such as lumpectomy, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. So maybe all mammography does is detect some cancers earlier, but not necessarily when they are any more treatable. Some doctors worry that in their search for better types of detection and cures, researchers will abandon a valuable tool.

Exposure to Several Fluoride Sources May Explain Increase in Teeth Enamel Fluorosis 
Enamel fluorosis, a disruption in tooth enamel formation occurring during tooth development in early childhood, is a cosmetic condition with no known health effects. However, researchers found the highest prevalence of this condition in children living in areas with public systems with fluoridated water. Exposure to the fluoride may explain the increase of mottled tooth enamel in children in the late 1980s compared with the 1930s.

Women's 'Greatest Health Threat' Often Ignored, Misdiagnosed
Surveys reveal few women really know the signs and symptoms of a heart attack - even though heart disease kills 10 times more women than breast cancer each year. Many doctors dismiss a woman's complaints as indigestion or their nerves, as women don't always experience the classic symptoms associated with a heart attack that men do - elephant-on-the-chest pressure, pain shooting down the left arm, sweating, fainting, lightheadedness. Warning signs in women include: unusual fatigue, unusual shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, lower chest discomfort, back pain, pain spreading to shoulders, arm, neck and jaw, and indigestion or gas-like pain.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Healthy News and our Healthy News Archive.


The Healer Within
The experts are constantly practicing toward successful quieting of the mind and body. This particular technique assures a genuine state of relaxation by actually involving the body parts. In "Progressive Relaxation, Option I" Dr. Roger Jahnke offers you a technique perfect for those of you who wish to tap the benefits of the self-applied methods but have little prior experience.

Mind Over Matter
Forget the excuses and put on your sneakers. In "Diabetes and Heart Disease: reducing the risk" Barry Bittman, M.D. reports research showing that not drugs but exercise may enable diabetics to lower their risk of heart disease by helping to prevent clotting. Also, the association between high insulin levels and the PAI-1 antigen was noted in pre-diabetics - people who are expected to develop diabetes at a later time. That could be any one of us!

Understanding Homeopathy
Allergies can be imprisoning. They can make it impossible to go for a walk in the country, and even make it difficult to go outside. Some allergy sufferers can't visit their friends who have pets, and many others can't eat their favorite foods. In "Allergies Are Nothing To Sneeze At... With Homeopathic Medicine" Dana Ullman, M.P.H. explains a number of options using homeopathic remedies. Although they will not "cure" your allergy, you can use homeopathic remedies to treat the acute phase of your allergy - without side effects.

Echoes of Silence
In the business world they have a production scheduling term "just-in-time manufacturing," where goods are manufactured to coincide with receipt of orders for those goods. In "Just-In-Time Knowing" Robert Rabbin applies this concept to life - where one learns to trust that one will know what one needs to know when one needs to know it. By honoring the living present, you receive its treasure of wisdom that cannot be known ahead of time, but just in time.


Buy Set Of 4 Nutritional Medicine Sourcebooks & Receive Free Cd Of Nutritional Influences On Illness!
Buy 4 classic hardcover sourcebooks in nutritional medicine by Melvyn Werbach, M.D. and receive a free copy of the Nutritional Influences on Illness CD, a $99 value! The four sourcebooks include:

Nutritional Influences on Illness, Second Edition. The basic reference book in its field -- a comprehensive summary of the world's knowledge concerning the relationship between dietary & nutritional factors and illness.

Botanical Influences on Illness (with Michael T. Murray, ND) Abstracts and analyzes thousands of research studies to help the reader evaluate the current state of knowledge about each potential treatment. Materia medica on 40 phytomedicines. Treatments for 70 different illnesses.

Nutritional Influences on Mental Illness, Second Edition Award-winning book designed to make it simple to review the scientific basis of nutritional medicine and mental illness from the clinician's perspective.

Foundations of Nutritional Medicine. Covers disorders due to abnormal nutrition; common nutritional deficiencies; bioavailability of nutritional supplements; nutrient-nutrient & drug-nutrient interactions, and more.


Healthy Home
Learning to clean from scratch — making home-made recipes — can truly work if you take time to understand a bit about the chemistry behind how the materials work. In "The Five Basics for Nontoxic Cleaning" Annie Berthold-Bond of Care2 Make a Difference lists the key ingredients that she finds to be the safest, most effective, and useful for cleaning - Baking Soda, Washing Soda, White Vinegar and Lemon Juice, Liquid Soaps and Detergent, and Mold Killers and Disinfectants.

Featured Center
Looking for a healthcare professional who specializes in alternative and complementary therapies? The Find a Professional network contains searchable directories from 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals in the fields of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine, Bodywork & Somatic Therapies, Chelation Therapy, Colon Hydrotherapy, Complementary Medicine, Flower Remedies, Guided Imagery, Herbolism, Holistic Dentistry, Holistic Health Care, Homeopathy, Mind/Body Health, Naturopathic Medicine, Nutritional Medicine, and Vision Care/Vision Training.

Healthy Child Update
Although there are innumerable theories for why infants vomit or have one condition or another, the underlying basis of homeopathic thought is that symptoms are responses of the organism to deal with infections or some type of internally or externally derived stress. Thus symptoms represent the best efforts of the body to try to defend and heal itself. Homeopathic medicines have wide applications for pediatric complaints. In "Homeopathic Pediatrics: Safer, Saner Medicines for Our Children" Dana Ullman, M.P.H. focuses on the homeopathic treatment of teething and colic.

Healthy Recipes
This "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" column by Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa is "The Stinking Healer!" about garlic, one of the most ancient remedies in the history of humankind. Used as both a medicine and a food, garlic is known as an effective treatment for digestive disorders, high blood pressure, and immune strength. No wonder it has been called the king of the vegetable world!

Healthy Alternatives
The benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in treatment for the infertile couple can be found in early Chinese medical literature dating back to the 11AD. In "Chinese Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Technology for the Modern Couple" Roger C. Hirsh OMD, L.Ac. outlines the specific techniques, explains how they work, and the addresses the advantages over modern medical approaches.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
The Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians (HANP) supports two major goals: to create a professional society for naturopathic physicians who specialize in classical homeopathy. And second, HANP offers standards by which the community can assess the experience and expertise of these practitioners. In this way we support the public's access to professional homeopathic care.


Featured Natural Medicine School
Hawaiian Islands School of Body Therapies in Kealakekua, Hawaii offers unique, challenging programs based on intensive study of medical treatment massage and comprehensive training in anatomy, kinesiology and physiology. They include the Treatment Integration Method developed by the school's director. Completion of the 650 and 1250 hour programs qualifies the student to take the AMTA and National Certification Board Examination. For more information:

To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:


Discover the Secret to Achieving and Maintaining Young, Beautiful Looking Skin - C-No Wrinkle Anti-Aging System
Now you can beat the clock with the C-No Wrinkle Anti-Aging System, by Phenomena, a powerful, scientifically validated secret to achieving and maintaining young, beautiful-looking skin. With breakthrough technology that brings Vitamin C together with Colloidosome Technology®, bio-nutrition, progesterone and botanicals, for the first time ever, Phenomena is rewriting results-oriented skincare for the all important facial areas. The C-No Wrinkle System includes: Clarifying Cleanser, Protective Moisturizer with SPF 15, Extra-Firming Facial Serum, Multi-Active Eye Treatment, Rejuvenating Facial Mask, and a Free cosmetic bag -- all for $59.95, a $118 value if purchased separately!

The Most Powerful Personal Growth And Mind Development Tool On Earth.....Holosync Audio Technology!
Highly recommended! Powerful personal growth program based on Holosync audio technology, recommended by many personal growth leaders,prominent doctors. Free online demo. If you are interested in dramatically accelerating your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth...experiencing, without effort or training, states of deep and peaceful meditation, but without the struggle--and developing the ability to remain consistently peaceful and centered, despite life's ups and downs here...

HealthWorld Sound Health Collection (4 CDs)
- From Steven Halpern's Inner Peace Music

Inner Peace Music features the recordings of Steven Halpern, an internationally acclaimed composer, recording artist, author and educator whose music is specifically composed to support relaxation, wellness and personal excellence. He has promoted the healing powers of music through his innovative compositions for over 25 years, bringing his music into homes, hospices, hospitals, and schools worldwide. We conferred with Steven to select four of his classic compositions. Buy the Sound Health Collection of four CDs and save 20%!

Serenity Suite: (Music & Nature)
Music for Sound Healing: (The Definitive Collection)
Recollections (soulful Violin & piano duet w/ Daniel Kobialka)
Chakra Suite (Balances the 7 vital energy centers)


Healthy Bookstore
 "The One Earth Herbal Sourcebook: Everything You Need to Know About Chinese, Western, and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatments" by Alan Keith Tillotson is an encyclopedic treatment of herbology for the layman, and a reference book for the specialist. The book is based on an extensive knowledge about herbs and considerable clinical experience. It covers the area of herbal treatment comprehensively. The content is well organized and information is clearly presented. The index is lengthy and detailed. The Appendix conveniently lists herbs, according to their physiological action, by their common and Latin names.

All Books 10% off!

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Bookstore -
BioBalance (Weight Management, Anxiety) -
BodyBalance (Hormone Analysis) -
Centerpointe (Audio Meditation) -
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
Inner Peace Music -
Natur-Leaf -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Phenomena (Skincare, Weight Mgt, Imunnity) -
SweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Third Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD) -
Vitamin Store -


Global Health Calendar

Women's Health and Integrative Medicine
Los Angeles, CA USA
February 23, 2002
Contact: Conference Services and the Institute for Molecular Medicine - 714-846-6360  

eca myc 02 - Fitness Convention
New York, NY USA
March 1-3, 2002
Contact: eca world fitness - 800-ECA-EXPO

Natural Products Expo West 2002
Anaheim, CA USA
March 7-10, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 303-939-8440

Exploring the nature of science
Anaheim, CA USA
March 11-13, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 866-458-4935

Sixth Annual Alternative Therapies Symposium and Exhibition
The Therapeutic Relationsip: Scientific, Cultural, and Personal Perspectives
San Diego, CA USA
March 14-17, 2002
Contact: InnoVision Communications - 760-633-3910

Equinox 2002: Recovering Lost Wisdom In Egypt At The Great Pyramid And Sphinx - With Neale Donald Walsch
Cairo, Al Qahirah EGYPT
March 16-23, 2002
Contact: Power Places Tours & Conferences, Inc. - 800-234-TOUR

National Center for Homeopathy 2002 Annual Conference
Also featuring a special Post-conference workshop with Nandita Shah
Phoenix, AZ USA
April 11-16, 2002
Contact: National Center for Homeopathy - 703-548-7790

International Scientific Conference on Complementary, Alternative and Integrative Medicine Research
Boston, MA USA
April 12-14, 2002
Contact: Harvard Medical School Dept of Continuing Education - 781-245-3010

An Evening with Dr. Andrew Weil: A 'Wisdom of the Sages' Event
Marriott Hotel, Center City at 7:30pm
Philadelphia, PA USA
April 18, 2002
Contact: Mind Body Spirit Expo - 215-627-0102

Integrative Pain Medicine
New York, NY USA
April 19-20, 2002
Contact: Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Rosenthal Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicin - 212-543-9542

All Things Organic Conference and Trade Show
Austin, TX USA
May 8-15, 2002
Contact: The Organic Trade Association - 413-774-7511

Holistic Medicine Scientific Conference
Breaking Down Barriers - Building Bridges
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
May 15-18, 2002
Contact: American Holistic Medical Association - 703-556-9728

Botanical Medicine in Modern Clinical Practice
New York, NY USA
May 20-24, 2002
Contact: Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, Rosenthal Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine - 212-543-9542


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  • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

    ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

    SPONSORSHIP: To sponsor an issue contact

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