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Dr. William Campbell Douglass' Real Health
Had Enough?

Are you sick of eating turkey burgers and sprouts… sick of forcing gallons of water down your throat...sick of exercising until you can hardly breathe? Before you give up everything just because "everyone" says it's healthy... Find out why vegetarians actually die younger, why there is no benefit to drinking gallons of water, why to keep your cholesterol level above 200, and many more myths that will lead you on the road to real health. Stop depriving yourself and find out how you can enjoy the food you love while improving your health at the same time! Click here for more


Kids And Chemicals, A Special Report On Now With Bill Moyers Tracks The Scientific Search For Answers About How Environmental Toxins Affect America's Children
Kids and Chemicals, a special edition of NOW with Bill Moyers features medical investigators and health officials engaged in the latest research on links between childhood illness and environmental contamination. The program looks at families around the country who are coping with the consequences to their children of potentially toxic exposures. "The disturbing increases in childhood illness in America cannot be ignored," says Bill Moyers. "How does the exposure affect children's health? The new research is studying how chemicals enter the human body, and posing questions that they could never ask before: Do chemicals affect children, babies and unborn fetuses more than adults? What factors increase toxicity, and how can we protect children from harm?" KIDS AND CHEMICALS, a special report on NOW With Bill Moyers, premieres Friday, May 10, at 9:00 p.m. (ET) on PBS (check local listings).

Tea May Help Survive Heart Attack
Several studies have found that regular tea drinkers seem to have a lower risk of heart attacks, though it remains unclear why. Researchers involved in the latest study suspect the findings are linked to flavonoids, antioxidants found naturally in various foods derived from plants. Findings indicated that tea drinkers generally had lower death rates regardless of age, gender, smoking status, obesity, or hypertension.

Bastyr University Gets $1 Million Gift
An anonymous donor has given Bastyr University $1 million - enough to pay for a new whole foods kitchen and other improvements. This appears to cement Bastyr's growing presence in the community, and the wider acceptance of its specialty field of natural healing. In addition to the new kitchen, the money will be used to improve both the university's natural health and teaching clinics and to help pay for projects at the campus research institute.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Healthy News and our Healthy News Archive.



Here There & Beyond's therapeutic essential oil remedies promote wellness and optimal health safely and naturally. The use of aromatherapy formulas dates back to 4500 B.C. and has been documented in the Bible, Koran and Egyptian manuscripts. Here There & Beyond has combined the wisdom of the ages to meet the health concerns of today. These formulas address stress, grief, depression, insomnia, bereavement, anxiety, fear, shock, trauma, pain, addiction, sports injuries, inflammation, sore muscles, rheumatism, arthritis, immune imbalances, stagnant air, airborne bacteria and viruses. Here, There & Beyond only uses 100% therapeutic quality essential oils in their blends.

Special Offer! Buy Serene Concentrate, Serene Spray and Rapid Relief and receive free purple velveteen pouch.


Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
There are several simple, effective measures you can follow to protect yourself and those you love from the effects of eating contaminated food and water, avoiding both microbial and chemical contaminants in food and drink and building resistance to them if you are exposed. In "Maintain a Safe Supply of Food and Drink" Leo Galland, M.D.provides guidelines that will significantly reduce your exposure to disease provoking microbes in food and drink.

Mind Body Health Newsletter
In spite of a growing body of research over the last decade documenting the economic burden of depression on individuals and on society, efforts to curb skyrocketing medical costs usually start with cuts in mental health services and benefits. Insurance coverage of mental health treatment in recent years has become more and more restrictive. Most health care reform proposals impose stricter limits on mental health care than on general medical services. One study suggests that in the long run these cuts may be costing the health-care system far more than they save, reports Dr. David Sobel in "Depression and Health Care: The High Cost of Saving."

Keeping Fit
Top triathletes typically have a linear physique - relatively low on fat and muscle. In "Strength Training For Triathletes" Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. presents a case that they can become leaner and stronger through a sensible program of strength exercise. He includes a sample program for properly-performed strength training to improve overall muscle strength, which increases performance power and decreases injury potential.

Mind Boosters
Ashwagandha is a shrub cultivated in India and North America whose roots have been used for thousands of years by Ayurvedic practitioners as a folk remedy. In "Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)" Ray Sahelian, M.D. alerts us to several recent studies that indicate that ashwagandha has antioxidant properties and influences brain chemistry.


Werbach's Nutritional Influences On Illness Now On CD
The Ultimate Nutritional Medicine Resource

Compiled over the last 15 years by internationally known nutritional medicine expert Melvyn Werbach, M.D., Nutritional Influences on Illness is your instant access to the scientific literature on nutritional medicine, with over 4,200 pages of nutrition research on specific health conditions. Designed for health practitioners, supplement formulators, researchers and other professionals whose business it is to keep abreast of our knowledge of how diet and nutrients influence the course of illness, this CD covers more than 100 health conditions in the masterful, easy-to-read style that made the book Nutritional Influences on Illness internationally famous. Other nutritional medicine sourcebooks are available. SPECIAL: Previously $395, CD is now only $99!

Discover the Secret to Achieving and Maintaining Young, Beautiful Looking Skin - C-No Wrinkle Anti-Aging System
Now you can beat the clock with the C-No Wrinkle Anti-Aging System, by Phenomena, a powerful, scientifically validated secret to achieving and maintaining young, beautiful-looking skin. With breakthrough technology that brings Vitamin C together with Colloidosome Technology®, bio-nutrition, progesterone and botanicals, for the first time ever, Phenomena is rewriting results-oriented skincare for the all important facial areas. The C-No Wrinkle System includes: Clarifying Cleanser, Protective Moisturizer with SPF 15, Extra-Firming Facial Serum, Multi-Active Eye Treatment, Rejuvenating Facial Mask, and a Free cosmetic bag -- all for $59.95, a $118 value if purchased separately!

Naked Rain Shower Filtre Spas -
Removes Chlorine, Sediment & Odors Without Losing Water Pressure!

The Naked Rain Experience is Like Showering in Bottled Water - keeping the skin and body freshly hydrated with clean refreshing water. Using patented technologies, the Filtre Spa systematically converts the chemical composition of chlorine to chlorides while eliminating other contaminants such as lead. As a result, the filtre spa allows the skin and body to absorb and retain clean, healthy water.

Go ahead....Take the Plunge, experience the World of Naked Rain. Your hair and skin will be your new best friends. Easy installation! 

Inner Peace Music Yoga Collection -
Music for Your Yoga Practice

The Inner Peace Yoga Collection includes three classic CDs from Steven Halpern, the leading pioneer in music for relaxation and wellness:

* Music for Yoga (Helps quiet the mind & deepen the breath) * Chakra Suite (Balances the 7 vital energy centers) * Music for Savasana (For deep relaxation at end of yoga class)

Listen to Sample: "Eternity"

To Order Inner Peace Music Yoga Collection

"Of all the people I could do yoga with, Steven Halpern is my favorite."

- Lilias Folan Master Teacher & PBS Yoga series 


Healthy Bookstore
 Every aspect of life is essentially connected to the bedroom, whether sleeping, talking, making love, praying, crying, or enjoying solitude. ""The Sacred Bedroom: Creating Your Personal Sanctuary" by Jon Robertson is an inspirational guide to creating a bedroom that is a refuge not only for relaxing but also for restoring health in body, mind, and spirit. The author reveals how this most private room can be used to heal hurts, enhance happiness, and reunite people with the sacred in each day. The book includes tips on how to arrange the bedroom.

All Books 10% off!

We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
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EatWize (Personalized Nutritional Program)
Inner Peace Music -
Naked Rain (Shower Filtre Spas) -
Natur-Leaf -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Phenomena (Skincare, Weight Mgt, Imunnity) -
SweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Third Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD) -
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Featured Center
One of the Internet's most comprehensive resources on herbal medicine is HealthWorld Online's Herbal Medicine Center, with over 200 articles from leading experts such as Mark Blumenthal, Executive Director of the American Botanical Council, Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac., David Hoffmann, Steven Foster, Donald Brown, N.D., and Janet Zand. O.M.D., as well as a fully illustrated Herbal Materia Medica. The Center includes online archives of the leading journal, HerbalGram, as well as links to web sites for the American Herbalist Guild and United Plant Savers. Utilize the Herbal Medicine Center as your authoritative herbal resource on the Internet.

Healthy Woman Update
A condition characterized by nervousness, irritability, emotional instability, depression and possibly headaches, edema and mastalgia; PMT (PMS) occurs during the 7 to 10 days before menstruation and disappears a few hours after onset of menstrual flow. In " Pre-Menstrual Tension" David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H. explains how herbal treatment can help and the importance of appropriate stress management techniques and dietary support.

Healthy Recipes - There's a Yogi in the Kitchen
To most Westerners, curry or "curried" refers to anything that is made with curry powder. The "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" column "Lessons in Curry" teaches us that curry is actually a special dish, while what we call "curry" is really just the normal way of preparing vegetables in India. Learn what spices to use, along with how to buy, prepare and store these spices to have on hand for curry recipes.

Healthy Alternatives
Chinese doctors for millenia have believed that there are maps of the entire body on various parts of the body. Chinese medical palmistry believes that if something happens on the interior of the body, it must be reflected on the exterior of the body, specifically the hands, palms, and fingernails. In "Introduction to Chinese Medical Palmistry" Gary Liscum and Zong Xiao-fan outline how lay people can combine using their judgement and intuition with studying the indications viewed on the hands to determine their individual organic strengths and weaknesses.

Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in acupuncture? The Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine section includes the Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine Alliance and American Association of Oriental Medicine member databases.

Featured Natural Medicine School
The practice of Chinese Herbology is a healing system complete in itself and can be used effectively with Western medical practices. Institute of Chinese Herbology in Oakland, CA offers home study programs leading to herbalist certification. Their three levels of practitioner training include The Comprehensive Herbalist Training, Herbal Training Program for Health Professionals, and The Clinical Training Program. For more information:

To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:


Global Health Calendar

Holistic Medicine Scientific Conference
Breaking Down Barriers - Building Bridges
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
May 15-18, 2002
Contact: American Holistic Medical Association - 703-556-9728

65th Annual Natural Products Trade Show and Convention
NNFA MarketPlace 2002: Let's Get Down To Business
Las Vegas, NV USA
June 7-0, 2002
Contact: National Nutritional Foods Association - 800-966-6632

12th Annual ISSSEEM Conference
The Co-Creation Process in Energy Medicine: A Synergy of the Sciences & the Healing Arts
Boulder, CO USA
June 14-19, 2002
Contact: International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine - 303-425-4625

27th Annual National Wellness Conference
Seeking Balance In A Changing World
Stevens Point, WI USA
July 14-19
Contact: National Wellness Institute, Inc. - 800-243-8694

NCCAM Distinguished Lectures in CAM
Charles Rosenberg, PhD of Harvard University
Bethesda, MD USA
July 25, 2002
Contact: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine - 301-594-9632


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  • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

    SENIOR EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

    ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Nancy Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online -

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