Healthy Update, the weekly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from the world of healthy living, alternative medicine and Self-Managed Care?. To view HTML version and the Healthy Update archives:
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Billion-dollar drug company hides astounding discovery of a natural cancer killer that's 10,000 times stronger than chemo - but without the side effects! Deep within the Amazon grows a tree that could literally revolutionize what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances of survival. The future has never looked more promising.
FDA: Painkiller Warnings Unclear
The Food and Drug Administration's scientific advisers are recommending that aspirin, ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory painkillers sold without a prescription should bear clearer warnings of possible side effects. Overdoses of acetaminophen can cause serious liver damage. Aspirin, ibuprofen and other painkillers known as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can cause ulcers and gastrointestinal bleeding.
White House Proposes Medicare Cuts
Medicare payments allocated to hospitals to cover many drugs and outpatient medical procedures would be reduced sharply under a Bush administration proposal. The cuts would affect a wide range of drugs, including those used to treat cancer and arthritis, and medical procedures ranging from the implantation of battery-operated pacemakers to routine breast biopsies. The government is expected to set the payment rates on January 1st following a period of public consultation.
Acupuncture as Stroke Medicine?
Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability. A pilot study will look at how effective acupuncture can be in reducing some physical impairments, removing functional limitations and enhancing the quality of life in patients with chronic hemiparesis (weakness or paralysis on one side of the body).
To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Healthy News and our Healthy News Archive.
Rapid, Safe Weight-Loss Without Diets, Pills Or Exercise
The Magic Key --
A new way to lose weight and keep it off, developed by a
famous psychologist, Gay Hendricks, who knows the pain of obesity personally.
Dr. Hendricks: "By age thirteen I was obese, but by
twenty-four I was more than 100 pounds overweight. My life
was dominated by the pain of being fat. I tried everything,
but nothing helped until one day that changed my life: I
found the Magic Key and my struggle finally ended. I lost
over a hundred pounds and never gained it back."
The Magic Key -- It's like nothing you've ever tried.
Dr. Galland's Integrated
Stressful life events increase your susceptibility to several types of infections. Although you may not be able to control all the stressors in your life, there are many steps you can take to build your immune resistance in the face of stress. In "Stress and Immunity" Leo Galland, M.D. explains how clear thinking, supportive social relationships, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, and immune-boosting nutrients can keep you from becoming a victim of stress.
Mind Body Health
When faced with a health crisis, many people experience the information they receive about their condition as making their feelings of being out of control worse, not better, notes Dr. David Sobel in "Computers: New Prescription for Patients." A university team reports encouraging results with a computer-based program where patients can access timely, comprehensible information about their disease and take advantage of a variety of non-threatening and anonymous support opportunities.
Keeping Fit
After the more relaxed pace of summertime living we are now into the faster and busier daily schedule of school, work, and a variety of extracurricular activities. For many of us, the more hectic lifestyle is associated with greater psychological stress and the potential for higher blood pressure readings. It is a good idea to have your blood pressure checked at some point during the fall season, according to Dr. Wayne Westcott in "Facts About Blood Pressure."
Mind Boosters
Huperzine A is an extract from a club moss, whose action has been attributed to its ability to strongly inhibit the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft. In "Huperzine A" Ray Sahelian, M.D. reports that this appears to be a promising alternative to cholinesterase inhibitor drugs used in Alzheimer's disease, and promising for senile memory disorders.
Special: Ecz-Cream & 4 Tinctures - Save 25% !
Vital Botanicals brings you the highest quality natural Oregon Grape Ecz-Cream, specially formulated with a highly concentrated form of Oregon Grape extract, along with extract of Phytolacca & essential oil of Lemon, in a natural cream base (4 oz.) The Oregon Grape Tincture is made from pure, certified organic Oregon Grape. Vital Botanicals offers an extra large bottle filled with a potent 1:5 extract of this herbal remedy. Buy 4 bottles of Oregon Grape tincture & 1 tube of Oregon Grape Ecz-Cream & Save 25%!
Healthy Bookstore - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
"Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards is the world's most widely used drawing-instruction guide. People from just about every walk of life have applied its revolutionary approach to problem solving. It is not only a book about drawing, it is a book about living. A revised and expanded edition includes the very latest developments in brain research.
All HWOL Books 10% off!
Natural Chemistry Weight Management System
Your brain produces neurotransmitters - natural messenger compounds - that control your metabolism, appetite and mood. By providing the natural building blocks needed for these compounds, Natural Chemistry formulas help to increase energy while promoting fat burning and heightening mood! Now you can feel happier and more energetic while you lose weight! The two Natural Chemistry Weight Management System Spa Formulas - Weight Management & CelluDetox - formulated by Dr. Hyla Cass - contain only superior quality, all-natural ingredients - fat burners, appetite suppressants, and antioxidants - designed to work together to promote healthy, long-term weight loss.
The Alternative to Conventional HRT - Buy 2 and Save 10%
The natural estrogens balanced with natural progesterone in TRI-Estrogen Cream provide an effective and safe alternative to conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT). There are two key rules when attempting to maintain hormones at an optimal level. First rule: use "bio-identical hormones". TRI-Estrogen Cream uses the 3 estrogens found in the human bodyóestriol, estradiol & estroneó as well as natural progesterone. Estrogens used in the recently publicized HRT study are derived from the urine of pregnant mares and use a synthetic progestin (not progesterone). And unlike estrogens used in HRT, the main estrogen in TRI-Estrogen Cream (estriol) has never been shown to increase the risk of breast or uterine cancer. Second rule: use the smallest dose necessary to obtain the required hormone balance. Estrogens in TRI-Estrogen Cream are in a very low dose. For more info
Special: Buy 2 Tri-Estrogen Cream - Save 10%
Centerpointe Holosync Audio Technology
Highly recommended! Powerful personal growth program based on Holosync audio technology, recommended by many personal growth leaders,prominent doctors. Free online demo. If you are interested in dramatically accelerating your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth...experiencing, without effort or training, states of deep and peaceful meditation, but without the struggle--and developing the ability to remain consistently peaceful and centered, despite life's ups and downs here...
We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
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BioBalance (Weight Management, Anxiety) -
Centerpointe (Audio Meditation) -
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
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Here, There & Beyond (Essential Oils) -
Inner Peace Music (Steven Halpern's Music) -
Naked Rain (Shower Filtre Spas) -
Natur-Leaf (Anti-Aging Products) -
Nutraceutics (Anti-Aging Therapy) -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Phenomena (Skincare, Weight Mgt, Imunnity) -
Remo HealthRHYTHMS (Drumming for Wellness) -
Sedona Method (Emotional Wellness & Personal Growth) -
SweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Third Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD) -
Vital Botanicals (Immune Enhancing Herbs) -
In "Autumn 4-Day Menu Plan" Elson M. Haas M.D. states that autumn gives us richer and denser foods that require more heat to prepare; these include whole grains, dried legumes, and hard squashes. Thus, there are more cooked foods, more calories, fats, and protein, less liquids, and often a few added pounds. Regular exercise, including stretching to maintain or improve flexibility, is also important during this more contractive time.
In "How to Incorporate the Eight Components" Erik Peper, Ph.D. and Katherine Hughes Gibney explain how healthy computing incorporates optimum work style, ergonomics, mind/body awareness, stress management, regeneration, vision care, fitness and positive work setting in a systems perspective while working at the computer. The integration of these eight components improves health, decreases discomfort and increases performance.
Fitness Center
The Fitness Center in HealthWorld Online offers a balanced, wellness-oriented approach to fitness with a strong emphasis on natural health, nutrition, and mind/body fitness. Exercise physiologists as well as mind/body and natural health experts offer advice on training, peak performance, self-applied health enhancement methods, sports medicine, and fitness programs for special populations.
Healthy Woman
Bladder infections are no fun, as any of you who have suffered from the burning pain and nonstop, often urgent, trips to the bathroom will agree. In "Bladder Infections: Rapid Relief" Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D., M.S.W., DHANP explains that in the majority of cases, healthy diet, homeopathic remedies and/or herbs, along with some common-sense lifestyle suggestions, can take care of bladder infections quickly and without side effects, such as the yeast infections which may result from antibiotics.
Mind Body Health
Dharma Singh Khalsa M.D. has a has a burning desire to show people how to develop and maintain high levels of brain power at any age or stage of life. In "Brain Longevity: Mind Management for the 21st Century" he shares the four pillars of his Brain Longevity Program -- nutritional modification, stress management, exercise and anti-aging medicine.
Music and Wellness
Music can trigger just about any emotion - joy to our hearts or sadness in anticipation of pain, loss, or separation. In "Music and Medicine: The Universal Language of Mind, Body and Soul" Barry Bittman, M.D. reminds us that enjoyment rather than performance should be emphasized. For a certain type of music to be healing, it has to resonate with one's soul - it must be comprehended deep within.
Drumming - Your Musical Prescription for Wellness
Healthy Alternatives
Robert Duggan presents material related to the healing force of nature. In "The Five Movements of Life" he outlines the five movements or seasons of life as a fundamental way in which the Chinese understand and observe life. These movements describe a continual cycle of energy--rising, falling, and rising again. They correspond to the five elements and each of these have gifts to bestow on us and others, if we can observe and accept them.
Find an Alternative Healthcare Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in naturopathy? The Naturopathic Medicine section includes the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians member database.
Featured Natural Medicine School
The Living Yoga Program in Austin, TX is a 200-hour hatha yoga teacher certification. The program is completed in four segments: (1) 9-day teacher training intensive (100 hours) held in Austin, Texas; (2) Anatomy/Physiology (20 hours) instructor-led or distance learning course; (3) Electives/Self-study (30 hours) completed at your own pace; (4) Yoga technique classes (60 hours) taken from approved instructors in your area. For more information:
To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:
Feeding the Hungry Heart: The Search for True Nourishment
Fontana, WI USA
September 28-29, 2002
Contact: Association for Humanistic Psychology - 888-824-0879
Building Bridges of Integration for Traditional Chinese Medicine
A Landmark Conference on Immune System Disorders, Cancer, Pain, Mental Health and Addictions
East Rutherford, NJ USA
October 3-6, 2002
Contact: Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation - 212-274-1079
Natural Products Expo East
Washington, DC USA
October 3-6, 2002
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 866-458-4935
Southwestern Reiki Conference - Spiritual Healing: Research and Practice
Daniel J. Benor, MD Keynote & Workshop
Sedona, AZ USA
October 12-14, 2002
Contact: Southwestern Reiki Conference - 928-522-0326
NCA Miami 02
World Fitness
Miami, FL USA
November 8-10, 2002
Contact: ECA World Fitness - 888-MIAMI-ECA
Women's Health: Pharmacy from the Rainforest & Reef
Perspectives in Integrative Healing
Ambegris Caye, Belize BELIZE
November 30-December 7, 2002
Contact: HealthQuest Travel & Education - 877-987-1715
Supply Side West
Las Vegas, NV USA
December 4-6, 2002
Contact: Supply Side - 480-990-1101 x1037
The Psychology of Health, Immunity and Disease
Hilton Head Island, SC USA
December 9-15, 2002
Contact: The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine - 800-743-2226
National Nutritional Foods Association Southeast Convention and Trade Show
Orlando, FL USA
December 13-15, 2002
Contact: National Nutritional Foods Association - 800-828-7250
James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -
Nancy Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online -
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