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Read this BEFORE you eat one more veggie burger, take one more soy supplement, or drink one more glass of soy milk... Learn how today's health-food sweetheart could actually cause cancer, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's. PLUS: Discover proven, potent, and natural cures for arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, migraine, and more from internationally recognized alternative medicine legend Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. Click here for details, including how to receive up to 7 free bonus gifts.


HealthWorld Launches Online Wellness Inventory
HealthWorld Online is pleased to announce the release of the online WELLNESS INVENTORY, a new web-based assessment program based on the pioneering work of John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., one of the founders of the wellness movement and creator of the first wellness center in the U.S. in 1975.

The Wellness Inventory guides the user through 12 areas of wellness-from nutrition and breathing to communicating and finding meaning. Designed to access your current level of wellbeing, the Wellness Inventory helps to determine your own achievable wellness goals, and to create and implement your unique personal plan for wellness.

HealthWorld will license the Wellness Inventory to HMOs, hospitals, corporate wellness programs, spas and fitness centers. Healthy Update subscribers will receive free access to the Wellness Inventory at:

Leading Herbal, Nutritional Groups Urge Putting Ginkgo Study in Perspective
Concerned that reports about an article examining the use of ginkgo in healthy subjects will cause consumers to avoid or abandon the use of this beneficial herb, two of the natural products industry's leading trade groups, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) and the National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA) urge consumers to put this new study in context with the total body of positive research on this therapeutic botanical.

Sweet Nothings: Current Trends in Beverages Interferes with Vitamin Intake
While sugared beverages might appear to be a cheap source of energy, their costs may be higher than once thought. A recent study found that sugared beverage consumption reduces an individual's ability to meet the daily recommended level of vitamins and minerals, such as A, E, C, B6, B12, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, niacin and phosphorus, by replacing the more healthful alternatives that typically contain these nutrients.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Healthy News and our Healthy News Archive.


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Science shows today that nutrients can support healthy brain function and that's what Focus Factor? is all about. The nutrients selected for this unique formula are absorbable, biologically active, and the ingredients were chosen for their ability to feed and nourish the brain. Focus Factor? can also take the place of your current multivitamin.

Trying this product should be one of the easiest decisions you make today! Call 888-234-3804 or click here.


The Healer Within
The experts are constantly practicing toward successful quieting of the mind and body. In "Progressive Relaxation, Option I" Dr. Roger Jahnke offers you a technique perfect for those of you who wish to tap the benefits of the self-applied methods but have little prior experience. This particular technique assures a genuine state of relaxation by actually involving the body parts.

Mind Over Matter
Our healthcare system has never evolved to meet the needs of the society it serves. In "Healthcare: Restructuring a Flawed System" Barry Bittman, M.D. points out that patients remain dependent on an approach with a band-aid application. Rather than fostering dependency without long-term goals, why not provide an opportunity for education about the role of lifestyle choices and taking responsibility and control over one's life.

Understanding Homeopathy
Conventional medical treatments tend to focus on treating or controlling symptoms. Whereas, natural therapeutics primarily attend to augmenting the person's own inherent defenses. In "Homeopathic Medicine And The Immune System" Dana Ullman, M.P.H. explains how homeopathic medicines are correctly used in conjunction with the body's immune system.

Echoes of Silence
Silence is oneness. In "Spectacle of Silence" Robert Rabbin states that Silence refers to a state of fundamental unified existence, a condition of being in which all conflict, fear, doubt, projection, memory, delusions - all subjectivity and objectivity - are dissolved and thus resolved. The world needs this Silence.


Pulsating Electromagnetic Fields

Pulsating electromagnetic fields for health and healing are now here! Already producing benefits such as pain relief, stress reduction, and sleep improvement to European families, the QRS (Quantron Resonance System), an in-home health appliance, is now available in the U.S. Routine use of this simple technology - only 8 minutes twice a day comfortably lying on the QRS mat - enables the body to recover from illness and injury and reclaim its natural state of health. How can this happen? Subtle pulsating fields from the mat maximize cell functioning with no side effects. QRS is safe for babies, adults, elderly, even pets!


Healthy Bookstore - Happiness Is Free

Every one of us is looking for exactly the same thing. A continuous state of happiness with no taint whatsoever of sorrow. Complete and total freedom to do or not to do anything and everything. "Happiness Is Free: And It's Easier Than You Think!" by Hale Dwoskin and Lester Levenson shows you how to return to this natural state you had before you encumber it with limitations.

All HWOL Books 10% off!


Beat the clock with the C-No Wrinkle Anti-Aging System, a powerful, scientifically validated secret to achieving and maintaining young, beautiful-looking skin from Phenomena. C-No Wrinkle combines Vitamin C with Colloidosome Technology, bio-nutrition, progesterone and botanicals for the first time ever. System includes 5 products & Free cosmetic bag -- all for $59.95, a $118 value!

Removes Chlorine, Sediment & Odors without Losing Water Pressure!

The Naked Rain Experience is Like Showering in Bottled Water - keeping the skin and body freshly hydrated with clean refreshing water. Using patented technologies, the Filtre Spa systematically converts the chemical composition of chlorine to chlorides while eliminating other contaminants such as lead. As a result, the filtre spa allows the skin and body to absorb and retain clean, healthy water.

Go ahead....Take the Plunge, experience the World of Naked Rain. Your hair and skin will be your new best friends. Easy installation!

Natural help for menopausal symptoms. Natural estrogens balanced with natural progesterone provide a safe and effective alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Help prevent osteoporosis, diminish aches & pains, relieve hot flashes, increase energy levels, and restore sexual desire.

Special: Buy 2 Tri-Estrogen Cream - Save 10%

We invite you to visit all of our Healthy e-Stores:
Bookstore -
Centerpointe (Audio Meditation) -
ChildLife (Nutritional Supplements for Kids) -
CleanZone (Advanced Hygiene System) -
Erbaviva (For Baby & Pregnant Moms) -
Here, There & Beyond (Essential Oils) -
Inner Peace Music (Steven Halpern's Music) -
Naked Rain (Shower Filtre Spas) -
Natural Chemistry (Weight Management) -
Natur-Leaf (Anti-Aging Products) -
Nutraceutics (Anti-Aging Therapy) -
PainDefense (Joint & Muscles Formula) -
Phenomena (Skincare, Weight Mgt, Imunnity) -
Remo HealthRHYTHMS (Drumming for Wellness) -
Sedona Method (Emotional Wellness & Personal Growth) -
SweetLeaf (Stevia-Natural Sweetener) -
Teeccino (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee) -
Third Line Press (Nutritional Medicine CD) -
Vital Botanicals (Immune Enhancing Herbs) -


When captured by our work, time flies. Even with the best intentions we forget to take a break. In "How To Take Frequent Breaks" Erik Peper, Ph.D. introduces micro-breaks, 1 to 2-second moments of muscle relaxation to interrupt the low level static tension. This allows the blood to flow in and out, bringing oxygen and nourishment to the tissue and removing waste products.



Do you have a sweet tooth, but you want to cut down on the amount of sugar you consume? "Stevia Recipes" provides you with recipes for muffins and cookies specifically created to use the all natural, low calorie sweetener stevia.


Healthy Man Center
The Healthy Man Center provides a strong natural health care perspective on men's health. Features include Men's Health News from the leading newswires, Men's Health Expert from a leading authority in men's health, self-care and alternative therapies such as herbal medicine, homeopathy and nutrition for various men's health concerns, a men's health bookstore, as well as men's health products from leading eco-friendly companies.

Healthy Child
Diarrhea is the body's way of ridding itself of toxins and foreign substances. Most cases of simple diarrhea should not be suppressed too quickly. In "Childhood Diarrhea" Janet Zand L.Ac., O.M.D. explains when it might be healthier to allow your child's body to flush itself clean, while supporting him/her with adequate fluids and when it is important to call the doctor.

Mind Body Health
Stress starts when your body is confronted with more than it can handle -- be it physical, emotional or mental. In "6 Steps for Handling Stress" Lauri M. Aesoph N.D. offers simple suggestions for decreasing the stress in your life -- no caffeine, rest and relaxation, exercise, no alcohol, regular meal schedule, a stress-free attitude.

Music and Wellness
The merging of science with the healing qualities of the hand drum is a relatively new development. In "The Healing Power of the Drum - Part I" Robert Lawrence Friedman reports the psychological and physiological applications for a wide variety of conditions from Alzheimer's to stress management.

Healthy Alternatives
Fasting is arguably the most natural and effective health enhancing measure available - or at least it was. In "Fasting for Health and as an Anti-Aging Strategy" Leon Chaitow N.D., D.O., M.R.O. cautions that because of the accumulation of toxic debris from petrocarbons to dioxin and DDT in the fatty tissues of almost everyone on the planet, fasting now needs to be approachd with great care.

Find an Alternative Healthcare Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in Bach flower essences? The Flower Remedies section includes the Bach Centre member database.

Featured Natural Medicine School
Established in 1935, Logan College of Chiropractic trains Doctors of Chiropractic in their state of the art educational/learning environment on a beautiful 112-acre wooded, hilltop campus in Chesterfield, MO. The College also pursues separate projects in research and public service. For more information:

To search a directory of natural medicine schools go to:


Fifth World Congress On Qigong
Medical Qigong in Self-Care and Healing
San Francisco, CA USA
November 1-4, 2002
Contact: East West Academy of Healing Arts - 415-285-9400

NCA Miami 02
World Fitness
Miami, FL USA
November 8-10, 2002
Contact: ECA World Fitness - 888-MIAMI-ECA

Indigenous Healing Traditions of the Americas: Paths to a New Medicine
Washington, DC
November 14-17, 2002
Contact: Pro-Cultura., Inc. - 866-547-3309

Women's Health: Pharmacy from the Rainforest & Reef
Perspectives in Integrative Healing
Ambegris Caye, Belize BELIZE
November 30-December 7, 2002
Contact: HealthQuest Travel & Education - 877-987-1715

Supply Side West
Las Vegas, NV USA
December 4-6, 2002
Contact: Supply Side - 480-990-1101 x1037

The Psychology of Health, Immunity and Disease
Hilton Head Island, SC USA
December 9-15, 2002
Contact: The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine - 800-743-2226

National Nutritional Foods Association Southeast Convention and Trade Show
Orlando, FL USA
December 13-15, 2002
Contact: National Nutritional Foods Association - 800-828-7250

The Global Holistic Health Summit
Bangalore, Karnataka INDIA
January 12-17, 2003
Contact: International Holistic Health Association - 9180-2214-625


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  • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

    SENIOR EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

    ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Nancy Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online -

    SPONSORSHIP: To sponsor an issue contact

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