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Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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World Whole Health Forum to be Held Next Weekend, March 26-28 in Los Angeles
The World Whole Health Forum to be held in Los Angeles March 26-28, will present a comprehensive, leading-edge conference on integrative medicine for both consumers and health professionals. The conference, with nearly 100 sessions, workshops and keynotes and an unprecendented collection of over 70 leading expert presenters, will offer objective and research-based knowledge about the latest unconventional techniques, treatments and therapies to enhance conventional care. The emphasis of the conference is on education; providing practical ideas and methods for application to one's life and situation. HealthWorld Online is a premium sponsor of the conference and will host the Internet Pavillion and will speak Saturday on "Promoting Integrative Health via the Internet."

Keynote speakers include Andrew Weil, MD, Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., Bernard Siegel, MD, Herbert Benson, MD, Rachel Naomi Remen, MD and Loretta Laroche. Presenters include HealthWorld Online Advisory Board members, James Gordon, MD, Martin Rossman, MD, Elson Haas, MD, and Joseph Pizzorno, ND. Conference themes include: Prevention, Diagnosis and Health Enhancement, Integrating Treatments for Cancer, Integrating Treatments for Chronic Illness, Enhancing Aging & Longevity, and Promoting Women's Health & Wellness. "A Return to healing," 10 special sessions for the clinician and administrators on key issues regarding the integration of uselful alternative therapies will be sponsored by the University of Southern California School of Nursing. We invite all those interested in these exciting topics to attend this historic conference. To register for the World Whole Health Forum online.

Creative Journal Method with Lucia Capacchione Now Available in HealthWorld Online
The Creative Journal Method, developed by Dr. Lucia Capacchione, is a powerful tool for personal growth, healing and awakening creativity. Endorsed by leaders in the field of health and healing such as Bernie Siegel, Joan Borysenko, Gerald Jampolsky, Louise Hay, Charles Whitfield and Melody Beattie, the Creative Journal method has been used internationally for growth and healing in such settings as counseling and health centers, hospitals and prisons, treatment for addictions, recovery from abuse or trauma, support groups for persons with AIDS, HIV positive and cancer, weight management and body image workshops, as well as childbirth preparation classes and teen mother groups. Now HealthWorld Online has developed an Internet version to allow you to explore the power of journaling and drawing using this powerful, transformative method.

A "Hidden Epidemic" of Male Depression?
The co-directors of the Harvard University Gender Research Project contend that depression is a "hidden epidemic" among men. If covert depression is taken into account, they argue, men are just as depressed as women, despite reams of statistics to the contrary. Men are brought up to disavow their feelings and the result of all this unacknowledged depression, may be an "unholy triad" of behavior--self-medication (by drinking, gambling, drugging, compulsive spending, sex, TV or work), isolation and lashing out (irritability, abuse and murder).

Magnets' Attraction? Pain Relief for Athletes
For years, football players, pro golfers and racehorse trainers have strapped on magnets to relieve sore muscles. This winter, the therapy won scientific endorsement in a study of post-polio-pain patients. Jack Scott, a member of the medical staff for the past four Summer Games, says he has seen injured athletes restored to competitive condition with magnets. "The relief from pain associated with conditions such as chronic lower back pain, tendinitis, hamstring pulls, jumper's knee and muscular inflammation has made me a great believer," says Scott.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
A large body of research over the past ninety years has demonstrated the preventive value of eating foods fermented with Lactobacilli or their cousins, Bifidobacteria. In this column, Using Friendly Flora, Dr. Galland explains how eating these friendly bacteria prevents intestinal infection due to viruses or pathogenic bacteria and preserves intestinal permeability in the face of infection or other types of injury, can prevent antibiotic-induced diarrhea and travelers diarrhea and can lowerserum cholesterol levels. Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria also show anti-cancer activity, by two mechanisms: they inhibit the growth or activity of cancer-promoting bacteria and some strains actually produce chemicals which inhibit tumor growth.

Keeping Fit with Dr. Wayne Westcott
During the past several years, many studies have highlighted the health value of strength training for aging adults. Research at the University of Maryland has shown that strength training is effective for improving glucose metabolism, increasing bone mineral density, and speeding up gastrointestinal transit. Studies at Tufts University have demonstrated that strength exercise adds lean tissue, increases resting metabolism, and reduces arthritic discomfort. Extensive work at the University of Florida has shown that strength training increases low back strength and alleviates low back pain. In this column Strength Training For Seniors: The Facts , Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. explains that while all of these health and performance factors are important, perhaps the most compelling concerns for most seniors are the three "B"s. These are bodyweight, body composition, and blood pressure. Generally speaking, senior men and women are concerned about gaining weight, getting soft, and experiencing elevated blood pressure. They have already discovered that dieting doesn't produce permanent weight loss, and that walking is not very effective for firming muscles. Quite true. They are afraid to try strength training because they've heard that it will increase their blood pressure. This is untrue.

To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the Experts

Children's Health Update
Hyperactivity, medically termed attention deficit hyperactive disorder, can affect children, adolescents, and even some adults. Symptoms range from mild to severe, and may include problems with language, memory, and motor skills. Although the hyperactive child is often of normal or above-average intelligence, the condition is characterized by learning and behavioral problems. Teachers and parents of a hyperactive child must cope with the child's short attention span, impulsiveness, emotional instability, and uncontrollable overactivity.

In her article "Hyperactivity," excerpted from her book, Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, Dr. Janet Zand outlines a comprehensive program for helping your hyperactive child, including guidelines for conventional treatment, as well as dietary guidelines, recommended nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies and acupressure.

Alternative Medicine Center Update
One of the Internet's most comprehensive resources on homeopathy is HealthWorld Online's Homeopathy Center. The Center hosts over 150 articles from leading homeopathic experts such as Dana Ullman, M.P.H, Director of Homeopathic Educational Services, Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, N.D., Robert Ullman, N.D., Richard Moscovitz, M.D. and Jacquelyn Wilson, M.D. as well as over 90 Real Audio tapes in the Homeopathic Audio Library. The Center includes web sites for the National Center for Homeopathy, the International Foundation for Homeopathy, the Homoepathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, Homeopathic Research Institute, Council for Homeopathic Certification, and the American Institute of Homeopathy, all of which have been developed by HealthWorld Online as a public service and reside on the HealthWorld Online server. Other key resources include online member lists from the National Center for Homeopathy and the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, searchable by city, state and zip code, online archives of two leading homeopathic journals, Simillimum and Resonance, and a great selection of books on homeopathy in our online bookstore. Utilize the Homeopathy Center as your authoritative homeopathic resource on the Internet.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
HANP supports two major goals: to create a professional society for naturopathic physicians who specialize in classical homeopathy. And second, HANP offers standards by which the community can assess the experience and expertise of these practitioners. In this way we support the public's access to professional homeopathic care.

Visit Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians.

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
World Whole Health Forum. March 26-28, 1998. Los Angeles, CA, Century Plaza Hotel. Presented by Casa Colina. An unbiased, objective examination of unconventional therapies and treatments. Focus on integrating complementary therapies to enhance conventional care and to empower individuals in the pursuit of optimal healing. Keynoters: Andrew Weil, Joan Borysenko, Bernie Siegel, Herbert Benson, Rachel Naomi Remen, Loretta Laroche. Over 70 expert presenters. Public and professional tracks. Register online at web site: (617) 630-1330.

10th Annual National Managed Health Care Congress: The Driving Force in Managed Care. April 20-23, 1998, Atlanta, GA -- presented by The National Managed Health Care Congress - 888-44-NMHCC

27th Annual International Conference for the International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine: Nutritional Medicine Today. April 24-26, 1998, Vancouver, BC Canada -- International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine - 416-733-2117

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Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker

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