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Healthy Update provides the latest news and resources from the world of healthy living, wellness and alternative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online - (View HTML version & archives)

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The 10 Minute Energy Solution

Discover the revolutionary, proven 10 minutes a day plan for more energy, less stress and greater happiness in your life. To access several gifts to energize your life and to sign up for a F-R-E-E four-week coaching tele-class to support you as you enhance your vitality, positive energy and spiritual health... Click here


Government Should Warn About Mercury in Fish

The Food and Drug Administration should urge states to require easy-to-understand advice about mercury in fish right at the seafood counter, according to the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest. Such notices would warn high-risk consumers—pregnant women, women who may become pregnant, and young children — not to eat swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish, and they should limit their consumption of fresh, frozen, and canned white tuna.... Read story

House Republicans Mounting Attack on State Food Laws

The House Energy and Commerce Committee is poised to take up legislation that would summarily pre-empt almost 100 state laws having to do with carcinogen labeling, seafood safety, and food allergens and additives. The measure is opposed by many in the California delegation since it would interfere with that state’s Proposition 65, which requires warning notices on products that contain ingredients known to cause cancer or birth defects. And state officials fear that the measure would hamper their abilities to respond to a bioterror attack via the food supply..... Read story

Consumer-Directed Health Plan Participants Less Satisfied Than Those With Comprehensive Insurance

Americans enrolled in a relatively new type of health coverage designed to make them more cost conscious are less satisfied with their health plan than those with comprehensive health insurance and are less likely to recommend the new plans to a friend or colleague, a groundbreaking nationwide survey reported. The new type of coverage has a special type of savings account that is used to pay for medical costs up to a set amount and a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) that is used to pay for costs over a specified threshold..... Read story

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An Enlightening Experience of Wellness...At Your Fingertips

The Journey to Wild Divine is a unique training program that uses biofeedback to teach breathing & meditation techniques for a healthier mind & body. It's the perfect addition to your daily wellness program. This unique program for mind & body links biofeedback hardware with your computer to create an enlightening experience of wellness.

Step out of time and into endless possibility, where you'll practice breathing and meditation techniques, like the heart breath, an ancient yogic breathing technique that will help you achieve control over your mind & body to help reduce stress and improve physical and mental wellness. To take an amazing online demo or for more information, click here.


Continuing Our 12 Stage Journey to Wellness

This week our journey focuses on moving, the 5th of 12 keys to wellness in the Wellness Inventory. Everything in us is moving. The heart pumps, blood flows, lungs expand and contract, eyes roll, eardrums vibrate. To be alive is to be moving. Inhibit the movement and you create illness. Stop movement and you are dead. Allow it fully and you realize wellness. Because of this movement, everything is changing from moment to moment. To block movement therefore is to block change. The moving body freely channels the energy of life. .... Read article

Simply Well - (John Travis, MD)

Wellness is an illusion if there is no commitment to the health of the whole planet. We are all interdependent. In "Befriend the Earth" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., challenges you to contribute to a saner environment by examining your own lifestyle for waste. He also offers other practical, everyday choices you can make that will contribute to your own health and support the earth at the same time.... Read column

Healthy Computing

Do you tuck the phone when you multi-task, such as searching the computer for information to answer a question? This habit of raising one shoulder and tilting your head in an asymmetrical position causes excessive muscle contractions and reduces blood flow to the muscles. Arm, wrist and hand symptoms often become aggravated. In "Use a Headset" Erik Peper, Ph.D. and Katherine Hughes Gibney suggest that you try this tip to reduce tension and lighten the strain in your neck and shoulders..... Read column


Ola Loa - A Nutritional Breakthrough

Ola Loa Energy is an effervescent, great tasting multi-vitamin vitamin powder that provides quick recovery from stress, sports and the rigors of daily life, with all the natural energy boosters and a doctor's selection of strategic nutrients providing greater absorption. Designed by renowned nutrition pioneer, Richard A. Kunin, M.D., Ola Loa is so gentle on the body it can be taken anytime. Just place Ola Loa Tropical Power Powder into an empty glass, add a few ounces of water or juice, and watch it stir itself. Enjoy the Ola Loa feeling! Free Shipping on orders of 3 or more boxes. More info

From Fatigued to Fantastic - (Jacob Teitelbaum, MD)

Proper nutrition is important for all your body's functions. The ability to properly digest your food is critical for proper nutrition and to avoid getting toxic. In "Enzymes And Digestive Health" Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. discuses what happens when you don't have enough enzymes to adequately digest your food..... Read column

Healthy Alternatives

Cigarette smoking, the main way we take in nicotine, is the single greatest cause of preventable diseases. In "Nutritional Program For Nicotine Detoxification" Elson M. Haas, M.D. provides a general overview of this condition, and offers specific nutritional supplementation suggestions for smokers and those working to stop smoking and detox their system..... Read column

Women's Health Detective - (Nan Fuchs, Ph.D.)

Did you go off your dietary program between Thanksgiving and New Year's? If these changes resulted in your eating more dairy you may have experienced more bloating. In "Lactose Intolerance: Did Holiday Foods Make You Sick?" Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D. explains that you need the enzyme lactase to digest the milk sugar lactose. If you don't have enough lactase, lactose can't be digested and get into your bloodstream. Instead, it remains in your intestines. The lactose in your intestines attracts water, which leads to bloating.... Read column

Healthy Woman Update

"Questions to Ask Your Doctor after a Cancer Diagnosis" by Steve Austin, N.D. and Cathy Hitchcock is vital reading for a woman who has just heard a diagnosis for breast cancer. Knowledge is power. Follow up and get the answers you need..... Read article

Find an Alternative Healthcare Professional

The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 17,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in a mind/body approach? The "Mind Body Health section includes the Academy for Guided Imagery, American Society for the Alexander Technique, and Focusing Institute member databases.


Healthy Bookstore - The Creative Visualization Workbook

"The Creative Visualization Workbook: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in You Life" by Shakti Gawain is an organized system for recording personal progress. Updated, revised, and redesigned, this popular workbook companion to Gawain's guide to personal growth and fulfillment offers readers hands-on methods for designing and implementing a completely individualized blueprint for positive change.


Raw Food Materia Medica

Lemons are considered sour, cooling and alkaline. They are antiparasitic, antiseptic, astringent, mucus resolving and refrigerant. In a study where lemon juice was poured in shellfish, the lemon juice negated 92% of the bacteria in the shellfish within fifteen minutes. Lemon is used medicinally to treat asthma, bronchitis, colds, fever, gallstones, headache, indigestion, obesity and neuritis. It helps cleanse the liver, stimulating bile production and helps lower cholesterol. The juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water is a great way to start the day, as opposed to coffee..... Read article

There's a Yogi in the Kitchen!

You have heard the expression, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." In "Something Worth Crying Over!" Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa offers a new one to remember: "An onion a day keeps disease away!" Onions' job is to keep the blood pure, improve digestion, and promote liver detoxification. She includes several "yogic remedies" that employ onion.


All Natural Herbal Sweetener- Zero Calories, Zero Carbohydrates, Zero Glycemic Index and Zero Chemicals

Artificial sweeteners are born in a test tube - Stevia is born in a rain forest. Used worldwide as an no-calorie herbal sweetener, the leaves of the Stevia plant has a refreshing taste that can be 30 times sweeter than sugar. SweetLeaf SteviaPlus is now available in convenient packets or powder form. Also try SteviaClear liquid for sweetening beverages and cooking. More info


Mind Over Matter - (Barry Bittman,MD)

The start of a new year is a good time to welcome new opportunities for personal growth. It's also a time to establish personal commitments to better ourselves. In "Resolutions for the New Year: Goal Setting 101" Barry Bittman, M.D. recommends we develop a plan for achieving what has the potential to make a significant difference in our life - a choice and a commitment that yields greater happiness, security, or peace of mind..... Read column

Wholistic Spiritual Healing - (Daniel Benoir, MD)

Intuition is a gift, much like drawing or playing the piano. In "Intuition (Part 5 Of 5 Parts)" Daniel J. Benor, M.D. notes there are may ways to access intuitive information. These include reading the aura, hearing words, using smellor taste, "seeing" mental images, and interpreting dreams..... Read column


Stop Fear & Anxiety with the Sedona Method

Learn to eliminate stress, tension, fear, anxiety, depression, anger and grief with the renowned Sedona Method. Create more wealth, improved relationships, health & happiness in your life. Validated and proven effective by a Harvard Medical School study, the benefits of the Sedona Method have been experienced by more than 40,000 people throughout the world over the past 27 years.

Sign up to receive our FREE online magazine (The Insider's Guide to the Sedona Method) and order your FREE 2-Hour Live Sedona Method Seminar on DVD along with an Introductory CD or Tape. All we ask is that you cover the cost of shipping & handling - $5.95. More info



Whole Person Wellness Program for Your Practice

Are you looking for a tool to:

  • Bring a wellness dimension to your practice
  • Build your practice
  • Determine your client's readiness for change
  • Set up personalized wellness programs
  • Track your client's wellness progress
  • Enhance client health & wellbeing
  • Create new revenue centers

    The Wellness Inventory may be your answer.

    For more information, visit:
    (Email or call 310-823-9553)

    Additional Resources for Practitioners

  • International Complementary & Natural Healthcare Conference and Expo

  • Nutritional Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbooks

  • Botanical Medicine Sourcebooks & Textbooks

  • What Doctor's Don't Tell You (newsletter)


    3rd Annual Natural Supplements: An Evidence-Based Update
    La Jolla, CA USA
    January 20-22, 2005
    Contact: Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine - 858-587-4404

    Mind-Body-Medicine Professional Training Program
    Integrate the best mind, body, and spirit techniques into your practice
    Berkeley, CA USA
    January 29-February 4, 2006
    Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - 202-966-7338

    Intuitive Healing Course for Health Professionals
    With Judith Orloff, M.D.
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    March 2-5, 2006
    Contact: Institute of Noetic Sciences - 310-277-7007

    The International Complementary and Natural Healthcare Conference and Expo
    New York, NY USA
    March 3-5, 2006
    Contact: Diversified Business Communications - 203-656-2001

    2006 NCH Annual Conference
    San Jose, CA USA
    April 7-11, 2006
    Contact: National Center for Homeopathy - 877-624-0613

    13th International Symposium on Functional Medicine
    Managing Biotransformation: The Metabolic, Genomic and Detoxification Balance Points
    Tampa, FL USA
    April 19-22, 2006
    Contact: Institute for Functional Medicine - 800-228-0622

    LOHAS Forum
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    April 26-28, 2006
    Contact: LOHAS Forum - 303-222-8263

    AOMAlliance 13th Annual Conference and Expo
    Keystone, CO USA
    May 3-10, 2006
    Contact: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance - 253-851-6896

    For more leading health events visit


    Healthy Shopping Network

  • American Botanical Council - (Botanical Medicine Tests)
  • Aquasana - (Home Water Filtration Systems)
  • Bookstore - (Health and Wellness)
  • ChildLife Essentials - (Nutrition for Kids)
  • Here, There & Beyond - (Essential Oils)
  • Inner Peace Music - (Steven Halpern)
  • MigraSpray - (Natural Migraine Relief)
  • Natur-Leaf - (Anti-Aging Products)
  • Nutraceutics - (Anti-Aging, Women's Health)
  • Ola Loa - (Drink Your Vitamins)
  • PainDefense - (Joint & Muscles Formula)
  • Remo HealthRHYTHMS - (Drumming for Wellness)
  • Sounds True (Audios - Wisdom for the Inner Life)
  • SweetLeaf - (Stevia-Natural Sweetener)
  • Teeccino - (Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee)
  • Third Line Press - (Nutritional Medicine CD)


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  • PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

    SENIOR EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online's Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

    ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Nancy Shaw, Communications Director, HealthWorld Online

    SPONSORSHIP: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of Healthy Update, contact

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