Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld
Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the
world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:
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Nursing Moms Need Extra Folate, Too
Women who breast-feed should be just as vigilant in consuming enough of the B vitamin folate as they were during pregnancy, according to researchers.
With the focus on folate's role in warding off birth defects, women may be unaware that in providing nutrient-rich milk to their babies, they are depleting their own vital stores of folate.
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medicine, visit our Daily Health
Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
A large body of research over the past ninety years has demonstrated the preventive value of eating foods fermented with Lactobacilli or their cousins, Bifidobacteria. Eating these friendly bacteria prevents intestinal infection due to viruses or pathogenic bacteria and preserves intestinal permeability in the face of infection or other types of injury, can prevent antibiotic-induced diarrhea and travelers diarrhea and can lower serum cholesterol levels, according to Dr. Galland in his column, "Using Friendly Flora," Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria also show anti-cancer activity, by two mechanisms: they inhibit the growth or activity of cancer-promoting bacteria and some strains actually produce chemicals which inhibit tumor growth.
Natural Medicine Research Update
For the past decade, many researchers, particularly in Italy, have been testing the role of melatonin in the therapy of various cancers. The early research looks promising and some of the studies have shown this hormone to slow the progression of certain cancers, reports Dr. Sahelian in his latest column, "Melatonin and breast cancer ." Most of the time, the dosages used for therapy have ranged in the 3 to 20 mg range. If you have breast cancer, you may wish to discuss with your health care practitioner or oncologist whether adding melatonin may be an additional therapeutic option.
The Healer Within
One of the self-healing methods of the ancients that is easy and inexpensive yet absolutely profound is breath practice. In his column this week, Dr. Roger Jahnke reveals a breath practice that is quite remarkable, " Exhale to Compress the Organs." This method takes the exhalation of the full chest and abdominal breath, that Dr. Jahnke discussed in earlier columns, to a radical extreme that dramatically shifts the pressure in the pelvic, abdominal and chest cavities. The exhalation continues, until it feels as if the body and organs are compressing toward the center. This practice has a profound effect on the nervous system and the lymphatic elimination of waste from the tissues. It unleashes a powerful healing energy. It takes just a few moments, costs nothing is always with you, just a breath away.
To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the
Medical Cybrarian Service
Free Health Collection on Fibromyalgia from our Cybrarian Service! The other Health Collections will basically follow this form and function. Out of the hundreds of web sites now available, the Cybrarian Service has gleaned those thought to be most helpful to you for a general inquiry on a healthcare or medical topic. Hot Beds will include annotated URL's that point to newsgroups, news services, and consumer and professional sites. They will offer selected Medline citations. Whether you are a parent, patient, practitioner, administrator or professional, there will be something here for you.
Healthy Travel
Need to book a flight, hotel, or rental car for an upcoming trip? Tired of waiting on the phone with one airline after another to try and find a low fare to your destination? See the fares and schedules of ALL airlines in Healthy Travel's convenient online booking engine and book your ticket with just one click!
Online Discussion Forums
HealthWorld Online's discussion forums provide you with the opportunity to participate in discussions and find answers to a wide range of health concerns. Visit our forums on, "Vaccination," "Mind/Body Approaches to Chronic Illness," "Issues in Integrated Health Care," "Legal/Legislative Issues," and Qigong." Interact with our other visitors and forum leaders: Elliot Dacher, MD; William Collinge, PhD, MPH, Emmett Miller, MD; Randall Neustaedter, OMD; Roger Jahnke, OMD; and William Dailey, Esq.
Children's Health Update
Emotional upset-whether anger, sadness, or fear-is a normal response to different stresses in a child's life. Children may not be able to express in words exactly what it is they are feeling. Instead, they may show their feelings by acting out in anger, by withdrawing, or by displaying physical symptoms such as vague abdominal pain, fatigue, or headache. Physical signs of stress
can also include dizzy spells; a racing pulse; sweaty palms, feet, or face, not associated with physical activity; chronic headaches; trembling; hives; and insomnia. In her article "Emotional Upset," excerpted from her book, Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child, Dr. Janet Zand outlines a comprehensive program for helping your child have a healthy emotional life, including guidelines for conventional treatment, as well as dietary guidelines, recommended nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies, acupressure and Bach Flower remedies.
Association Network -- Hot Pick
The Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine (FAIM) is
dedicated to freedom of choice in health care and acts as a voice for
Innovative medicine's consumers, providers and other supporters. FAIM
offers consulting services to local groups that want assistance in
initiating their own health freedom campaigns.
Visit the The Foundation for the Advancement of Innovative Medicine.
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
Alternative Medicine: Implications for Clinical Practice: State-of-the-Science-Symposia. 2/28-3/3/99. Boston, MA. Harvard Medical School, Department of Continuing Education -
45th Annual Meeting of the American Society on Aging. San Francisco, CA. 3/4-3/7/99. American Society on Aging - 800-537-9728.
Natural Products Expo West. Natural and Organic Products Trade Show. 3/11-3/14/99. Anaheim, CA. New Hope Communications - 303-939-8440.
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Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker
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