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What is the leading cause of death in the United States?
Your Home for Healthy Living |
September 15, 2008 - Vol. 19, Issue 9
Healthy Update
provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy
living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997.
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Move Ahead with Drexel Online's Healthcare Informatics Certificate
Healthcare IT is a growing and increasingly important field where new jobs are created every day. Prepare yourself for success with a Certificate in Healthcare Informatics from prestigious Drexel University Online. Drexel University - ranked among "America's BEST Colleges" by U.S. News & World Report - offers this great certificate in a convenient online format. This career-focused program is fully-accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The curriculum is specifically designed for information professionals, clinical personnel and healthcare support personnel who want to increase their knowledge and take their career to a new level while adding the prestigious Drexel University name to their resume. Find out more or apply online with no application fee!
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For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or
Water: The myth of eight glasses a day
We all know we're supposed to drink eight glasses of water every day in order to keep our body hydrated. But is this right - and, if we follow the advice, are we creating more harm than good?
Depression: Does it cause inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)?
If you're depressed or anxious, do you dramatically increase your chances of developing an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis?
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Statin drug: New cancer alert
A new drugs alert has gone out this week, warning heart patients that a statin drug for lowering cholesterol may cause cancer. America's drug regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), issued the warning September 10 after reviewing the findings of a study into Vytorin, a combination of the two statin drugs simvastatin and ezetimibe.
Alternative treatments serve a patient's mind, body and spirit
An article in USA Today reports that today that 37% of hospitals around the USA make complementary and alternative treatments available — including acupuncture, touch therapy, and music and art therapy, according to the American Hospital Association. "This is a movement toward 'patient-centered' care," says Sita Ananth, director of knowledge services for the Samueli Institute, an Alexandria, Va.-based non-profit that studies alternative therapies. "Many hospital mission statements are to serve the mind, body and spiritual needs of their patients."
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Could Your Mind Be Keeping You Fat?
Our newsletter provides the information you need to help you lose pound after pound of unwanted fat. But here's one trick to achieving optimal weight: You have to follow the program. An article in The Journal of Family Practice (June 2006) suggests doctors recommend hypnosis for this issue. We wholeheartedly agree. Read more about the hypnosis program we recommend most. View More
Continuing our Wellness Journey - Eating
This week our journey focuses on EATING, the 4th of 12 keys to wellness in
the Wellness Inventory. Most Americans' eating patterns represent a public health crisis. If a new disease erupted that was one tenth as destructive as most people's diets, there would be a massive public outcry to find thecure. The way many people eat is the result of a lifestyle that glorifies immediate satisfaction and neglects the long-term consequences. View more
Simply Well
Painful or confusing emotions are par for the course during a time of change, even when it's a positive, life-affirming change in the direction of overall health and wellbeing. In "Befriend Your Feelings" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., recommends that you adopt the attitude that feelings are natural and normal. Befriend the emotional parts of yourself. View more
Staying Health Tips - "The Purification Process: Healing for Modern Times" - Elson Haas, MD As a doctor, Elson M. Haas, M.D. views any problem from the deeper true causes, which most often have to do with lifestyle choices - the way we live. In "The Purification Process: Healing for Modern Times" Dr. Haas recommends cleaning up your act, your relationships, and your planet. View more
Peak Vitality - "Taking Energetic Self-Responsibility"
If we want to grow in vitality, then we must learn to take energetic self-responsibility. This means recognizing that certain emotions we habitually choose to run through our system - our emotional diet - deplete our resources, and ultimately lead to increased cortisol (the "stress" hormone) and decreased DHEA (a prohormone important to immunity and the stress response). It is not about denying the depleting emotions, or stuffing them away. It is about being honest with ourselves, recognizing our own experiences, and starting to look beneath the surface, then learning how to shift and replace those depleting attitudes and emotions with those that renew and regenerate our system.
Rollin McCraty, chief researcher at Heart Math, reveals how we can take charge of our emotional energies before they take charge of us! Learn more by purchasing a copy of "Peak Vitality: Raising the Threshold of Abundance in Our material, Spiritual and Emotional Lives." now available in our online bookstore. Read Rollin McCraty's chapter, "Taking Energetic Self-Responsibility" Order Peak Vitality
Complete Breathing Course with Andrew Weil, MD
The health you enjoy today, and for the rest of your life, begins with your next breath. In fact, breathing is so crucial to your body's ability to heal and sustain itself that Dr. Andrew Weil says: "If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly." On Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing, listeners will learn a complete course of eight breathing exercises that Dr. Weil uses in his own life, and has prescribed to hundreds of patients er the past two decades, Dr. Weil reports that these breathing exercises get more favorable response from patients than anything else he teaches. View more
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The Ultimate in Beauty Self-Care
Finally - a revolutionary new technology that reduces facial wrinkles, lines and discoloration in 10 minutes! It is a natural, safe, painless and cost-effective alternative to cosmetic
enhancements that dramatically turns back the hands of time in the privacy of your home. The patented galvanic system cleanses, detoxifies, hydrates and moisturizes the skin deeper than any topically applied skin care
product. After one treatment and before your own eyes it produces its signature lift and youthful radiant glow. Combining both art and science the galvanic system brings rapid and beautiful results to the face and neck
- fitting into and enhancing any beauty regimen. Entrepreneurial opportunities. Call 310 823-9753 or email
for more on this secret to ageless beauty.
Healthy Living with Natural Medicine - "Non-Hormonal Therapies for Dealing with Peri Menopause and Menopause" - Holly Lucille, RN, ND
While the fluctuation and decline of reproductive hormones is a normal and expected event in mid-life women, the associated symptoms are nonetheless disruptive. Until very recently, millions of women alleviated their hot flashes and night sweats with conjugated equine estrogens and medroxyprogesterone acetate (hormone replacement therapy or HRT). With research showing increased risk for women using HRT of developing breast cancer, coronary heart disease, pulmonary embolism, and stroke, physicians are increasingly turning to natural non-hormonal therapies for women who need relief from menopausal symptoms.
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Integrative Dentistry - "Root Canals" - Flora Parsa Stay, DDS
Root canals have been controversial for many years. Now researchers are asking whether root canals may be a source of illness and weakened immune system - based on research indicating the presence of residual infections even after the root canal has been performed and completed in a tooth. Should you find yourself needing this type of treatment, in "Root Canals" Flora Parsa Stay, D.D.S. alerts you to a new approach.
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Integrator Blog - Report on Professional Advancement: 900 Gather for Naturopathic Conference with Holistic Doctors
The naturopathic medical profession has only some 2500 practitioners and is licensed in only 15 states. But it joined together with holistic medical doctors for one of the most robust meetings of integrated healthcare in recent years. Here are some snapshot of that historic meeting, and the profession which hosted it.
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"The Integrator Blog" offers News, Reports, Opinions and Networking for the Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAM and Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor John Weeks.
Find a Yoga Therapist Looking for a Yoga Therapist? Search the Yoga Therapists section which includes the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) member directory in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network ( The network contains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional associations in complementary/alternative and integrative medicine.
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Sweetleaf Liquid Stevia Flavors - New Specials!
SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia Flavors are all natural,
zero calories, no carbs, and infinitely flavorful. At only a penny per drop,
you can easily dress up the taste of water, coffee, tea, yogurt, cocktails,
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Raw Food Materia Medica - "Sweet Potatos" - Brigitte Mars
Sweet Potatoes are an edible root and member of the Morning Glory Family.
They are not related to common white potatoes, which are in the Nightshade Family. Sweet potatoes are alkalinizing, sweet, and warming. They are considered an energy, lung, stomach, spleen, and kidney yin tonic. Easy to digest, they are used to treat ulcers and inflamed colon conditions. They have long been used to improve anemia, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, poor circulation, hemorrhoids high blood pressure, mastitis, and premature ejaculation.
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There's A Yogi in the Kitchen! - Lessons in Curry
To most Westerners, curry or "curried" refers to anything that is made with curry powder. In "Lessons in Curry" Siri-Veda Kaur Khalsa teaches us that curry is actually a special dish, while what we call "curry" is really just the normal way of preparing vegetables in India. Learn what spices to use, along with how to buy, prepare and store these spices to have on hand for other curry recipes.
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The Healer Within - Self-Applied Massage of the Feet Every original culture on the planet earth has a system of "hands on"
healing. In western cultures this is generally called massage. As the movement toward alternatives to drugs and surgery progresses, massage will emerge as one of our primary new, while actually ancient, therapeutic modalities. Hospitals, and even corporations, are hiring massage therapists to help with healing and to prevent the negative impacts of stress. In "Self-Applied Massage of the Feet" Dr. Roger Jahnke explains how to do self-applied massage to the feet.
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Mind-Body Health - "Here's to Your Heart" - David S. Sobel, MD
Can one or two drinks a day actually be beneficial? In "Here's to Your Heart" David S. Sobel, M.D. outlines the apparent correlation of moderate drinking and a reduction of mortality from heart disease by about a third. Though even moderate alcohol consumption can have a downside, such as an increased risk of breast cancer in women, it appears that the beneficial effects on total mortality outweigh the harmful effects. View more
A Second Opinion on Health You Can Trust & Use With Confidence
What Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is s the complete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treatingthem - what works and what doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned the highest praise from all over the world. National
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authorities deliberately covering up the truth about MMR vaccine dangers.
Featured Events
Symposium of Integrative Medicine
Professionals in the Land of Enchantment (SIMPLE)
Embody Nature, Redefine Health
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
October 13-15, 2008
Sweeny Convention Center, Santa Fe
Contact: Office of the CME - University of New Mexico - 505-272-3942
Living with Intention Workshops
Boston/Cape Cod, MA USA - October 31-Nov 2, 2008
Organization: Living The Field
Contact: or by phone (International +44 870 444 9886)
'Living with Intention' is the first of a series of workshops being held by
Lynne McTaggart, author of bestsellers The Field and The Intention
Experiment. The workshops bring together the latest discoveries of quantum
physics with spiritual practices in an exciting new synthesis for conscious
living. They will teach you how to harness the power of intention in your
everyday life and become your own master of intention.
Upcoming Health &
Wellness Events
Building Bridges of Integration for TCM
Transformation: Nurturing the Healers, Healing the Patients
Chantilly, VA, USA
Oct. 30-Nov 1, 2008
Contact: TCM World Foundation - 212-274-1079
Web site:
Open Your Heart in Paradise
Two Hawaiian Retreats with Ram Dass and Friends
Hawaii (Big Island) USA
November 5-10, 2008
Hawaii (Molokai) USA
December 10-15, 2008
Contact: Ram Dass Center for Spiritual Studies - 760-228-1717
Consumer Health World
Arlington, VA USA
Hyatt Regency
December 8-18, 2009
Contact: Transmarx, LLC - 804-266-7422
Integrative Healthcare
New York City, NY USA
Hilton New York and Towers
February 19-21, 2009
Contact: Diversified Business Communications - 207.842.5500
Website: http://www.ihsymposiu
For more leading health events visit
Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker,
Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
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