Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld
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world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:
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An Alarm is Sounded on Allergies to Nuts
About three million Americans are allergic to nuts, researchers say, and many aren't prepared to treat themselves in case of a bad reaction. The estimate emerged from a survey carried out by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, amid proposals to ban peanuts from certain areas of airliners or from schools. Allergies to peanuts and ``tree nuts'' like walnuts, almonds, and cashews, are the leading cause of severe or fatal allergic reactions to food, the academy said in a statement.
Study Finds High-Dose Vitamin A Safe for Eye Disease
Patients taking large amounts of vitamin A to combat degenerative eye disease need not worry about liver damage, a new study shows. Massachusetts researchers followed 146 patients with retinitis pigmentosa who took high doses of the dietary supplement for five to 12 years. The patients developed no signs of liver problems, according to their report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Homeopathy May Reduce Health Care Costs
Physicians using homeopathy may help America cut health-care costs-- This possibility emerges from an article published in the November/December issue of the Archives of Family Medicine(1), which reported that physicians using homeopathy spent more time than the national average with each patient, but ordered fewer tests and prescribed fewer conventional medicines.
To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and
medicine, visit our Daily Health
Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
The rate of cancer among American children has been rising for decades according to a story in the New York Times, September 29, 1997. "Although the reasons remain unclear, many experts suspect the increase may be partly the result of growing exposure to chemicals in the environment." According to the National Cancer Institute the rise in childhood cancers has been nearly 1% per year, meaning double digit increases over the last few decades. What can we do to reduce our children's exposure to toxic chemicals? There are several types of pollutants may cause Sick Home Syndrome. How can you protect your home and your children? In Living Safely in a Polluted World: Your Home Should be a Haven, Leo Galland, M.D. explains how your exposure--and your family's--can be readily controlled by a number of simple, inexpensive and potentially life-saving steps.
Natural Medicine Research Update
Aspirin halts the Niacin Flush
Chromium is an essential element required for normal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Lack of adequate chromium ingestion has been associated with increased risk factors for diabetes, such as elevated blood sugar and fasting insulin, in addition to impaired glucose tolerance. The benefits of chromium have been touted for many years and consumers have become aware of the important role this mineral plays in the body. But, is the ingestion of chromium safe? Does it have any toxicity? In this column, Is Chromium Safe? Dr. Sahelian comments on a recent study on rats that gives us some clues.
The Healer Within
The presence of special breathing practices in the ancient cultures has always been a mystery to people in the Western world. In his column, Breathing Practices, Dr. Jahnke explains the numerous beneficial physiological mechanisms that are triggered when we turn our attention to the breath and then increase it's volume. When volume, rate and attention level are all altered, dramatic physiological, and even emotional, changes can occur. As it turns out, unknown to science until very recently, the action of the lungs, diaphragm and thorax are a primary pump for the lymph fluid, a lymph heart. This mechanism may be more important to the lymph heart than body movements. In addition, the breath is the source for oxygen which is the key element in the body's ability to produce energy. And the act of relaxed, full breathing moves the function of the autonomic nervous system towards balance or homeostasis. Subsequent columns will focus on specific breathing practices to enhance your health.
To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the
Learn Creative Journal Method with Lucia Capacchione on HealthWorld Online
The Creative Journal Method, developed by Dr. Lucia Capacchione, is a powerful tool for personal growth, healing and awakening creativity. Endorsed by leaders in the field of health and healing such as Bernie Siegel, Joan Borysenko, Gerald Jampolsky, Louise Hay, Charles Whitfield and Melody Beattie, the Creative Journal method has been used internationally for growth and healing in such settings as counseling and health centers, hospitals and prisons, treatment for addictions, recovery from abuse or trauma, support groups for persons with AIDS or cancer, weight management and body image workshops, as well as childbirth preparation classes and teen groups. Now HealthWorld Online has developed an Internet version to allow you to explore the power of journaling and drawing using this powerful, transformative method of self-care.
Professional Referral Network
The latest addition to the HealthWorld Online Professional Referral Network is the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA). The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories from 19 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 10,000 professionals. You can search for acunpunturists, homeopaths, naturopathic physicians, nutritional experts, practitioners of holistic health care, behavioral optomentrists and more. We welcome the AHMA and all of its members to our network which serves to make the leading complementary health professoinals accessible to the public.
Medical Cybrarian Service
Need help in researching a difficult health issue? Want to be able to effectively search Medline and other medical databases? Need to have a professional who can do this fast and efficiently? Let an experienced medical librarian do it for you. HealthWorld Online's innovative Medical Cybrarian Service searches the Internet and and other databases, provideing you with information on diseases, treatments (alternative and/or mainstream), drugs, statistics, and patient information that is summarized for your research needs. This "Cybrarian" carefully gathers and selects bibliographic citations, points you to useful Web sites, and annotates or summarizespages or documents that would be useful to you for reasonable fees.
Participate in our Online Community--Join our Discussion Forums
Looking for an answer to a tough health question? Looking for support from others who have faced the same health challenges. HealthWorld Online's forums provide you with the opportunity to participate in discussions and find answers to a wide range of health concerns. Visit our forums on, "Vaccination," "Mind/Body Approaches to Chronic Illness," "Issues in Integrated Health Care," "Legal/Legislative Issues," and Qigong." Interact with our other visitors and forum leaders: Elliot Dacher, MD; William Collinge, PhD, MPH, Emmett Miller, MD; Randall Neustaedter, OMD; Roger Jahnke, OMD; and William Dailey, Esq.
Children's Health Update
Nutrition for Children: For children ages two to twelve, it is very important to instill good eating habits and avoid over-indulgence in refined sugars and flours and high-fat, fried fast foods. In his article, "Life Stage Nutritional Program for Childhood," nutritional expert Dr. Elson Haas lays out the guidelines for healthy eating and a supplement program to provide optimal nutritional intake.
Association Network -- Hot Pick
HANP supports two major goals: to create a professional society for
naturopathic physicians who specialize in classical homeopathy. And
second, HANP offers standards by which the community can assess the
experience and expertise of these practitioners. In this way we support
the public's access to professional homeopathic care.
Visit Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians.
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
International Conference on Integrative Medicine: Expanding the Frontiers of Healing.
Seattle, WA USA. April 30-May 2, 1999. Contact: International Conference on Integrative Medicine - 206-622-2812
SupplySide 99 East. May 5-7. Atlanta, GA. The Natural Product Industry's Premier Executive-Level Trade Show and Conference. Contact: Virgo Publishing, Natural Products Division - 602-990-1101. See HealthWorld Online's, our business-to-business Interner network for the Natural Products Industry in booth #315.
American College for Advancement in Medicine Spring Conference. Exploring the Functions of the Brain. Solutions for Tomorrow.May 6-9, 1999 Orlando, Florida. Contact:
Echinacea Symposium. Sponsored by the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA).
AHPA presents Echinacea, the Queen of Herbal Medicines, in the first of our 1999
Herb Symposia. June 3-5, 1999. Ritz-Carlton ð Kansas City, MO. Contact the
American Herbal Products Association. (301) 588-1171. Email:
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Professional Referral Network
Alternative Medicine Center
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Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker
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