Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Healthy Update Newsletter -
Healthy Update
Your Home for Healthy Living |
July 21, 2008 - Vol. 19, Issue 1
Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997.
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Fall Certification TeleClasses Begin September 10
The next Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings will begin September 10 and 11 respectively and run for 13 weeks. The goal of the certification training is to focus on the participants own personal development, while creating competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory (, a holistic assessment and life-balance program, to individual, group, and organizational clients. Created for wellness coaches, health practitioners, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes. Payment plans available. The training will be conducted as a live phone teleclass.
View more View testimonials from graduates.
For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or
Dental Fillings: Don't have them, and don't drink the water
Just a month ago, the official line in the US was that amalgam dental fillings were perfectly safe. Since then, America’s chief health regulator has said they are dangerous for pregnant women and young children, and now it is may ask dentists to pay out $3,000 for filter systems to stop the mercury from the fillings getting into the water system.
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Antioxidants: The fruit juice that packs the biggest punch There’s a fruit juice that has more antioxidants than any other drink, including other juices, green or black tea, and red wine. The wonder drink is pomegranate juice, which has around 20 per cent more antioxidants than other beverages tested by researchers from the University of California. View more
Prevention activities could increase lifespan of U.S. adults
Aggressive use of nationally recommended clinical prevention activities, such as smoking cessation programs, controlling pre-diabetes or lowering cholesterol, could increase life expectancy for U.S. adults by reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD), according to a joint report of three major national healthcare organizations. View more
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A Second Opinion on Health You Can Trust & Use With Confidence
What Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is s the complete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works and what doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned the highest praise from all over the world. National newspapers have described it as "the best health journal in the world".
And now it's available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, a savings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annual subscription, and you'll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC as
a downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. Subscribe in April and receive the current issue with a special report about health authorities deliberately covering up the truth about MMR vaccine dangers.
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Continuing our Wellness Journey - Playing and Working
This week our journey focuses on the power of Playing and Working, the 8th of
12 keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole person assessment program. Most of our daily life falls under one of these two categories. For us adults, the majority of time is usually spent focused on
work with far too little time allowed for play. What passes for play for most adults is more likely to be escape activities-- distraction from the responsibilities of work. Many people turn to the entertainment industry
instead of engaging in the joyful, creative, spontaneous play that is vital to our wellbeing. View more
Simply Well - "Create a Bigger Picture of Health" - John W. Travis, MD, MPH
In "Create a Bigger Picture of Health" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., cautions against overconcern for personal health, as obsession with health can be every bit as wasteful of your human potential as ignorance and carelessness can be. He advocates creating a bigger vision where you put your personal concerns in perspective, and are subsumed and fulfilled by a greater need, a greater possibility, a greater love.
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Healthy Computing Tips: "Clear Vision" - Erik Peper, Ph.D.
After working at the computer, do your eyes feel tired and irritated?
Approximately 33 to 37 percent of people experience eye irritation such as, itching, burning, dry eyes or difficulty focusing on the distant objects after computer work. In "Clear Vision" Erik Peper, Ph.D. offers tips to prevent this irritation. View more
Complete Breathing Course with Andrew Weil, MD
The health you enjoy today, and for the rest of your life, begins with your next breath. In fact, breathing is so crucial to your body's ability to heal and sustain itself that Dr. Andrew Weil says: "If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly." On Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing, listeners will learn a complete course of eight breathing exercises that Dr. Weil uses in his own life, and has prescribed to hundreds of patients er the past two decades, Dr. Weil reports that these breathing exercises get more favorable response from patients than anything else he teaches. View more
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Mind Power Rx - Optimal Mind Support
Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters:
Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rx helps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mental stamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentrate better. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rx support neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, support enzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronal antioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left you unsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you do yourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected, doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanced delicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support. View more.
Nutritional Medicine and Longevity - "Megadose B12 Therapy" Richard A. Kunin, M.D.
Are megavitamins dangerous? The truth of the matter is that vitamins are in a class by themselves when it comes to safety. They are safe, even at large doses, so long as the warning signs of toxicity are heeded. In "Megadose B12 Therapy" Richard A. Kunin, M.D. discusses the medical use of B12 and expresses concern for potential damage when B12 deficiency is not recognized.
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Next Generation Integrative MD Leader David Rakel, MD on ABIHM, CAHCIM and Family Medicine
Less than 15 years ago the term "integrative medicine" was coined. The field claims to want to transform health care in the United States This interview, with one of the emerging leaders of this new field, offers insights into just how far this MD-centric movement has come in a few years.
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"The Integrator Blog" offers News, Reports, Opinions and Networking for the Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAM and Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor John Weeks.
From Fatigued to Fantastic: "Q and A on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia #1" - Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
In "Q and A on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia with Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. - #1" Dr. Teitelbaum defines a syndrome as a group of symptoms that commonly occur together and characterize a specific disease process. He then explains how multiple different triggers can cause the same syndrome.
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Find a Bodywork Practitioner Looking for a practitioner specializing in bodywork? Search the Bodywork and Somatic Therapies section which includes the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia, Hellerwork International, and The Trager Institute member database in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network. The network contains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional associations in complementary/alternative and integrative medicine. Find Bodywork practitioners
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Sweetleaf Liquid Stevia Flavors - New Specials!
SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia Flavors are all natural, zero calories, no carbs, and infinitely flavorful. At only a penny per drop, you can easily dress up the taste of water, coffee, tea, yogurt, cocktails, whip cream, smoothies, ice cubes, and nearly anything else. The uses are endless! Try our original flavors - Apricot Nectar, Chocolate Raspberry, Lemon Drop, English Toffee, Vanilla Creme, and Valencia Orange - and our great new flavors - Milk Chocolate, Peppermint, Root Beer, Grape, Cinnamon, and Dark Chocolate! Great for holiday gatherings!
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Raw Food Materia Medica - "Limes" - Brigitte Mars
Limes are members of the Citrus Family. They are sour and cooling. Limes improve energy circulation and stimulate bile production. They are considered antioxidant, antiseptic, and astringent. Limes help improve arthritis, colds, constipation, fever, flu, gallstones, high blood pressure, obesity, phlegm, edema, liver function, and uterine and anal prolapsed. View More View Complete Raw Food Materia Medica
There's a Yogi in the Kitchen: "Turmeric, The Golden Healer" - Siri-Ved Kaur Khals
Used for its bright yellow color in everything from prepared mustard and canned soups to Indian curry, Turmeric has been used for many centuries for therapeutic qualities. Yogis and Ayurvedic healers know that turmeric is a great internal healer, promoting healthy skin and mucus membranes, good for creaky and painful joints, arthritis, the stomach, and liver. Its anti-fungal properties also make it helpful in treating yeast overgrowth. In "Turmeric, The Golden Healer" Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa includes recipes for Turmeric Paste, Golden Milk and Golden Yogurt. View More
Ask Dr. Orloff about Intuitive Healing We all have a choice about our health. In "Step One of Intuitive Healing:
Notice Your Beliefs" Judith Orloff, M.D. reminds us that our mind and body are linked by an intricate intuitive circuitry. Notice the pattern of any recurring beliefs or emotions that occur before an illness. They may well be premonitions. We need to be aware of our thinking, notice when fear takes over, and begin to reprogram our thoughts.
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Mind-Body Health: "Good Humor, Good Health" - David Sobel, MD
When was the last time you laughed really hard - a hearty, sidesplitting belly laugh that suddenly grabbed you and sent you reeling out of control? Or you laughed so hard that you forgot what triggered it, leaving you laughing without reason? Modern science is beginning to confirm that this kind of laughter is not only enjoyable, it's also health-promoting, reports Dr. David Sobel in "Good Humor, Good Health." Laughter is an invigorating tonic that heightens and brightens mood, gently releasing us from tensions and social constraints. Dr. Sobel brings us up to date on what the research on humor shows and how we can use humor to stay healthy.
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Could Your Mind Be Keeping You Fat?
Our newsletter provides the information you need to help you lose pound after pound of unwanted fat. But here's one trick to achieving optimal weight: You have to follow the program. An article in The Journal of Family Practice (June 2006) suggests doctors recommend hypnosis for this issue. We wholeheartedly agree. Read more about the hypnosis program we recommend most. View More
Featured Events
Living with Intention Workshops
Portland/Vancouver, Washington USA August 8-10, 2008
Boston/Cape Cod, MA USA - October 31-Nov 2, 2008
Organization: Living The Field
Contact: or by phone (International +44 870 444 9886)
'Living with Intention' is the first of a series of workshops being held by Lynne McTaggart, author of bestsellers The Field and The Intention Experiment. The workshops bring together the latest discoveries of quantum physics with spiritual practices in an exciting new synthesis for conscious living. They will teach you how to harness the power of intention in your everyday life and become your own master of intention.
Upcoming Health & Wellness Events
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians & The American Holistic Medical Association
Embody Nature, Redefine Health
Phoenix, AZ USA
August 13-16, 2008
Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa
Contact: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians - 202.237.8150
Medical Wellness Forum
Leading the Integration of Medicine and Wellness
Las Vegas, NV, USA
September 9-11, 2008
Contact: Chris Breuleux at
Symposium of Integrative Medicine Professionals in the Land of Enchantment (SIMPLE)
Embody Nature, Redefine Health
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA
October 13-15, 2008
Sweeny Convention Center, Santa Fe
Contact: Office of the CME - University of New Mexico - 505-272-3942
Open Your Heart in Paradise
Two Hawaiian Retreats with Ram Dass and Friends
Hawaii (Big Island) USA
November 5-10, 2008
Hawaii (Molokai) USA
December 10-15, 2008
Contact: Ram Dass Center for Spiritual Studies - 760-228-1717
Consumer Health World
Arlington, VA USA
Hyatt Regency
December 8-18, 2009
Contact: Transmarx, LLC - 804-266-7422
Integrative Healthcare Symposium
New York City, NY USA
Hilton New York and Towers
February 19-21, 2009
Contact: Diversified Business Communications - 207.842.5500
For more leading health events visit
Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
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Update, contact
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