Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:
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Senate Opening Battle Over Patients' Bill of Rights
With control over the delivery of medical care at stake, Congress this week takes up legislation aimed at curtailing the power of the health insurance industry and managed care plans. The battle over a "patients' bill of rights" pits some of the most influential special interest groups against each another, and both political parties are mindful of how the issue could play in the 2000 elections. On one side are doctors and consumers. They want to see the managed care industry reined in, with doctors gaining more control over treating patients and patients gaining more access to care. On the other side are insurers, health maintenance organizations, and business interests. The insurers and HMOs worry they'll lose control of managed care, causing medical costs to rise.
Controversy Surrounding Genetically-Modified Foods
When an agriculture company introduced a genetically modified tomato with a longer shelf life in 1994, it was the start of a new revolution in food. Scientists and food producers promised that other enhanced foods -- packed with richer flavor, extra vitamins, and even medicines -- would soon follow. The "Flavr Savr" tomato, though, was a commercial flop, and the promised revolution seemed to go undergound. Today in the US, you don't hear too much about genetically altered foods and you certainly can't find any obvious signs of them on grocery shelves.
But look again. Because nearly 60 percent of all processed foods -- everything from pickles to peanut butter-- contain corn or soybeans that have been grown with genetically engineered seeds, Americans are already dining regularly on DNA-altered cuisine, probably without knowing it. The deception, if it can be called that, is intentional. Efforts to label foods with geneticially altered components have largely failed out of a concern that illogical fears about scientifically-produced foods would unfairly harm a new and promising industry. Yet the speed with which that industry has taken off with no special regulatory oversight has even some scientists worried about what the future may bring as more and more gene-tinkered foods come to market.
Labelling Rules Limit Foodmakers
Federal policy is increasingly under assault from critics who say the FDA ignores the uncertainty created by genetic changes, and robs consumers of the right to know what's in their food. Activists have submitted 500,000 signatures to the agency demanding labelling of food biotechnology products, and a group called the Alliance for Bio-Ethics has sued to require it. Steven Druker, executive director of the Iowa-based Alliance, said the FDA ignored its own scientists in concluding that biotechnology products generally required no label. For instance, in a 1991 critique of FDA policy on food biotechnology, Louis Pribyl of the FDA's microbiology group wrote, "There is a profound difference between the types of unexpected effects from traditional breeding and genetic engineering which is just glanced over in this document."
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medicine, visit our Daily Health
Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
In his second column on Essential Fatty Acids, "Essential Fatty Acids--The Key To Health," Dr. Leo Galland discusses the importance of balancing anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids and problems around trans fatty acids and hydrogenated oils. Because EFAs are polyunsaturated, containing two or more double chemical bonds, they are prone to rancidity, not merely in foods but also in the human body. Rancidity occurs when the double bond is broken by oxygen, producing an oxidized fatty acid. Oxidized fatty acids not only taste badly, they behave badly, disrupting the normal functioning of the cell membranes of which they are a part. Oxidized fatty acids are rapidly generated from the process called free radical-induced cell damage.
The Healer Within
A classic breath practice that is common to both the Yoga tradition of India and the Qigong tradition of China is the subject of Dr. Roger Jahnke's current column - "
Rapid Abdominal Breathing". The central activity of this breath technique, called bastrika in India, is the rapid expansion and contraction of the abdomen. The breath enters and exits rapidly through the nose. This method has a major effect on the function of the organs in the abdominal and pelvic cavities. There is a massive concentration of lymphatic tissue in these areas and because of the one way nature of the lymphatic vessels this vigorous activity moves large amounts of lymph forward toward the elimination organs. It can be done in a few moments, requires no special attire or equipment. Benefits of breath practice are just a breath away.
Keeping Fit with
Dr. Wayne Westcott
Although it is possible to run and walk all year long, most people find it both difficult and dangerous to cycle during cold weather and on snowy/icy surfaces. On the other hand summer is the perfect time to enjoy the benefits of cycling, according to Dr. Wayne Westcott in his latest column, "Summertime is for Cycling. Cycling enables you to cover much more ground and see many more sights during a given period of time than other types of exercise. For example, an average runner may complete five miles in 45 minutes, but the same individual may cycle over 10 miles during this time period. The change in scenery alone tends to make the exercise session pass more quickly. Second, because you cycle at a faster speed than you run or walk, there is a significant cooling effect from the greater air currents encountered when riding a bike. This is especially appreciated on hot and humid days when no breezes are blowing. While it is just as important to replenish fluids regularly, cycling is one of the most comfortable warm weather activities.
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Tell Your Story about Researching a Health Condition on the Internet
The July 14, 1999 issue of USA Today contains a front page feature article about how the Internet is Empowering Patients, and asks the reader to 'Tell Us Your Story'. The article asks, "Have you researched a medical condition on the Net? Do you frequent on-line medical 'communities'? Do you find health sites useful?" USA Today requests that you tell your story by e-mailing They will publish a selection of responses. If you have a story to share about your experiences on HealthWorld Online, please take this opportunity to share it with USA Today.
Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Need help in researching a difficult health issue? Want to be able to effectively search Medline and other medical databases? Need to have a professional who can do this fast and efficiently? Let an experienced medical librarian do it for you. HealthWorld Online's innovative Medical Cybrarian Service searches the Internet and and other databases, provideing you with information on diseases, treatments (alternative and/or mainstream), drugs, statistics, and patient information that is summarized for your research needs. This "Cybrarian" carefully gathers and selects bibliographic citations, points you to useful Web sites, and annotates or summarizes pages or documents that would be useful to you for reasonable fees.
Association Network -- Hot Pick
The American Herbalists Guild is a peer-review organization for
professional herbalists specializing in the medicinal use of plants. AHG
promotes excellence in herbalism, serves as an information referral center
for the herbal community, and serves as a liaison that interfaces with
professional associations and regulatory agencies.
Visit The American Herbalists Guild.
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
10th Annual American Herbalists Guild Symposium: Back to Our Future: Integrating Herbal Medicine with Modern Clinical Practice August 6-8, 1999. Pocono Manor, PA. Contact: American Herbalists Guild - 435-722-8434
World Expo for Complementary Medicine 1999. August 27-29, 1999. Suntec City, Singapore SINGAPORE. Contact: CPEC and Congrex Singapore - 65-438-3707
Herbal Medicine: Practice and Science - An International Conference of Herbal Medicine
Sept. 3-5, 1999. Brisbane, Queensland Australia. Contact: Medi Herb Pty Ltd Phone: +61 746610700
Ecolife 99: The Fifteenth International Health Foods and Healthy Style of Living Fair
Sept 3-5, 1999. Tarnow, Krosno Poland
Contact: The Polish Society for Propagation of Healthy Foods and Healthy Style of Living
Phone: 773-583-0402
Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker
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