Breast Cancer?
More than three-quarters of women who get breast cancer are over whtat age?
Healthy Update |
Your Home for Healthy Living |
July 20, 2009 - Vol. 21, Issue 1
Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997. View Healthy Update archives
Become a Certified Wellness Inventory Coach or Facilitator
Three Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings will be offered this fall. All classes will be offered via a live phone teleconference, allowing you to participate from your home or office, and will run for 13 weeks. The goal of the training is to accelerate your own personal growth process, while creating wellness coaching skills and competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory ( program to your clients, patients, students, or employees, and supporting them in creating sustainable lifestyle change.
Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes. Payment plans available. The trainings are conducted as live phone teleclasses.
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View Testimonials from graduates.
Deadline for early registration discount is August 1.
For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or
Statin drugs cause muscle damage, and it can be long-lasting
It’s well known that cholesterol-lowering statin drugs often cause muscle weakness – but it seems the problem goes much deeper. New research has discovered the drugs cause muscle damage, and it could even be permanent for a few. Researchers from the University of Bern in Switzerland found that people who had taken statins suffered ‘significant’ muscle injury that was still detectable years after they stopped taking the drug.
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Chinese herbs as good as drugs and surgery for endometriosis
Chinese herbal medicine is as good as surgery and drugs when it comes to relieving the painful symptoms of endometriosis. In a review of two studies involving 158 women, Chinese herbs were as effective as the hormone drugs gestrinone and danazol, and without the side effects, which include hot flushes, acne and weight gain.
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A few beans could reduce your risk of heart attack
Just adding a few beans to your daily diet could be enough to reduce your blood pressure, and lower your risk of heart disease. Scientists have discovered that a 4 per cent increase of glutamic acid – found in beans, pasta, whole grain rice or tofu – reduces systolic blood pressure (measured when the heart beats), and may take it out of the danger zone.
View more Domain Available, a premier domain name for the field of Ayurvedic medicine worldwide, is now available for purchase. To make an offer, contact
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Mind Power Rx - Optimal Mind Support
Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters: Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rx helps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mental stamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentrate better. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rx support neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, support enzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronal
antioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left you unsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you do yourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected, doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanced delicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support.
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Continuing our Wellness Journey - Intimacy
This week our journey focuses on the power of Intimacy, the 10th of 12 keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole person assessment program. In our modern culture, the word "intimate" has informally become synonymous with sexual intercourse. What we mean here is more in line with the dictionary definition, relating to your deepest and private nature or a close, long-term association with another person. This can be a sexual, sensual, or platonic relationship. Learning to effectively deal with conflict, respect and assert boundaries, and to connect responsibly is essential to building the trust that is essential in intimacy. Studies have shown that intimacy is a major component in one's health and happiness.
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Simply Well - "Create a Bigger Picture of Health" - John W. Travis, MD, MPH
In "Create a Bigger Picture of Health" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., cautions against overconcern for personal health, as obsession with health can be every bit as wasteful of your human potential as ignorance and carelessness can be. He advocates creating a bigger vision where you put your personal concerns in perspective, and are subsumed and fulfilled by a greater need, a greater possibility, a greater love. View more
Staying Healthy Tips - "The Purification Process: Healing for Modern Times" - Elson Haas, MD
As a doctor, Elson M. Haas, M.D. views any problem from the deeper true causes, which most often have to do with lifestyle choices - the way we live. In "The Purification Process: Healing for Modern Times" Dr. Haas recommends cleaning up your act, your relationships, and your planet.
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Sweetleaf Stevia Sweetener - 0 Calories, 0 Glycemic Index - The Natural Choice
We are pleased to be able to introduce you to SweetLeaf Sweetener made from stevia, the naturally sweet herb from South America that is 30 times sweeter than sugar and has 0 calories, and is safe for diabetics. SweetLeaf SteviaPlus Packets, great for sweetening hot drinks, has ZERO calories, ZERO carbohydrates, ZERO Glycemic Index and ZERO chemicals! Or, you might prefer SteviaClear liquid sweetener or one of the 12 Liquid Flavors, including Vanilla Cream, English Toffee, Valenia Orange, Root Beer, and more. Join the stevia revolution - start sweetening beverages and cooking with stevia!
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A Second Opinion on Health You Can Trust & Use With Confidence
What Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is the complete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works and what doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned the highest praise from all over the world. National newspapers have described it as "the best health journal in the world". And now it's available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, a savings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annual subscription, and you'll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC as a downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. Subscribe in April and receive the current issue with a special report about health
authorities deliberately covering up the truth about MMR vaccine dangers.
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Fabulous Functional Foods - "Ginger, The Wonder Spice" - Oscar Umahro Cadogan
According to Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal lore, ginger strengthens the nervous system, restores sexual energy, strengthens the immune system, helps with bronchial problems, prevents and relieves menstrual cramps, clears the uterus after childbirth, and promotes health recovery. In "Ginger, The Wonder Spice" Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa includes general tips for preparing ginger and delicious ginger beverages.
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Raw Food Materia Medica - "Rhubarb" - Brigitte Mars
Rhubarb is a member of the Buckwheat Family. It is rich in vitamin C, calcium and potassium. Rhubarb increases saliva production, and gastric juices, including bile. It improves peristalsis, being somewhat laxative. Rhubarb is recommended for bronchitis, constipation, neuritis obesity, and tumors. Due to the high oxalic acid content, which can inhibit calcium and iron absorption, rhubarb is best avoided by those suffering from arthritis, gout, kidney stones, and rheumatism. View More View Complete Raw Food Materia Medica
The Healer Within - "Self-Applied Massage of the Ears" - Roger Jahnke, OMD
The traditional systems of medicine from the Asian cultures have always had some type of massage stimulation to the ears. In "Self-Applied Massage of the Ears" Dr. Roger Jahnke details how through the reflexes of the Microsystems of the ear all parts of the body can be influenced through pressure massage to the ear. View more
Mind-Body Health - "Sex May Prolong Life" - David S. Sobel, M.D.
A study on aging found that for men the frequency of sexual intercourse was associated with lower death rates. For women the enjoyment of intercourse was associated with longer life. In "Sex May Prolong Life" David S. Sobel, M.D. shows us studies exist to help us understand and enhance the health
benefits of one of the most common, and certainly most pleasurable activities we humans experience. View more
Could Your Mind Be Keeping You Fat?
Our newsletter provides the information you need to help you lose pound after pound of unwanted fat. But here's one trick to achieving optimal weight: You have to follow the program. An article in The Journal of Family Practice (June 2006) suggests doctors recommend hypnosis for this issue. We wholeheartedly agree. Read more about the hypnosis program we recommend most.
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Featured Events
2009 National Wellness Conference
Pathways to Optimal Well-being: Exercising Strengths/Increasing Real Happiness
July 18-23, 2009
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
In an environment where things may not be completely in your control, your happiness quotient is. There is a way of living and thinking that can lead not only to increased happiness, but also a healthier, longer life. Join us at the 34th Annual National Wellness Conference to explore this amongst many
other issues facing wellness and health promotion professionals today.
Download brochure
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians - 24th Annual Convention & Exposition
Physicians, Heal Thy Planet
August 19-22 2009
Tacoma, Washington, USA
To Register:
American Holistic Medical Association 2009 Convention & Exhibition
Reflective Practice: Creating Sacred Space
November 5-7, 2009
Cleveland, OH
Contact: (216) 292-6644 |
Web site:
2009 International Coach Federation Conference
Global Conversations: Inspiring individuals, Building communities, Impacting the world
December 2-5, 2009
Orlando, Florida, USA
Contact: 888-423-3131 (toll free in the U.S. and Canada) or 859-219-3580 |
Web site:
Integrative Healthcare Symposium 2010
February 25-27, 2010
New York, NY, USA
Contact: 207.842.5412 |
Web site:
For more leading health events visit
Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
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