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Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
High blood pressure


Healthy Update
Your Home for Healthy Living
August 24, 2009 - Vol. 21, Issue 6

Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997.
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Become a Certified Wellness Inventory Coach
Wellness Inventory Three Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings will be offered this fall. All classes will be offered via a live phone teleconference, allowing you to participate from your home or office, and will run for 14 weeks. The goal of the training is to accelerate your own personal growth process, while creating wellness coaching skills and competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory ( program to your clients, patients, students, or employees, and supporting them in creating sustainable lifestyle change.

Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 20 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes. Payment plans available. The trainings are conducted as live phone teleclasses.
View more      View Testimonials from graduates.

Be sure to reserve your space now!
For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or


Optimism appears to lower women’s risk of death, heart disease
Optimistic women have a lower risk of developing heart disease or dying from any cause compared to pessimistic women, according to research reported in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.      View more

Fumbled Handoffs Can Lead to Medical Errors
Poor communication of the outcomes of medical tests whose results are pending at the time of a patient’s hospital discharge is common and can lead to serious medical errors in post-hospitalization medical treatment.      View more

Americans Spent $33.9 Billion Out-of-Pocket on Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Americans spent $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) over the previous 12 months, according to a 2007 government survey¹. CAM is a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products such as herbal supplements, meditation, chiropractic, and acupuncture that are not generally considered to be part of conventional medicine.      View more

Purchase, a premier domain name for the field of Ayurvedic medicine worldwide, is available for purchase. To make an offer, contact     

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Sweetleaf Stevia Sweetleaf Stevia Sweetener - 0 Calories,
0 Glycemic Index - The Natural Choice

We are pleased to be able to introduce you to SweetLeaf Sweetener made from stevia, the naturally sweet herb from South America that is 30 times sweeter than sugar and has 0 calories, and is safe for diabetics. SweetLeaf SteviaPlus Packets, great for sweetening hot drinks, has ZERO calories, ZERO carbohydrates, ZERO Glycemic Index and ZERO chemicals! Or, you might prefer SteviaClear liquid sweetener or one of the 12 Liquid Flavors, including Vanilla Cream, English Toffee, Valenia Orange, Root Beer, and more. Join the stevia revolution - start sweetening beverages and cooking with stevia!
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Continuing our Wellness Journey - Eating
This week our journey focuses on EATING, the 4th of 12 keys to wellness in the Wellness Inventory. Most Americans'''' eating patterns represent a public health crisis. If a new disease erupted that was one tenth as destructive as most people''''s diets, there would be a massive public outcry to find thecure. The way many people eat is the result of a lifestyle that glorifies immediate satisfaction and neglects the long-term consequences.   View more

Simply Well - "Befriend Your Feelings" - John W. Travis, MD, MPH
Painful or confusing emotions are par for the course during a time of change, even when it''''s a positive, life-affirming change in the direction of overall health and wellbeing. In "Befriend Your Feelings" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., recommends that you adopt the attitude that feelings are natural and normal. Befriend the emotional parts of yourself.      View more

Prescriptions for the Soul - "Prescription #12: Black Holes of Renewal" - Bernie Siegel, MD
When we need to find our energy and source, the place to look is in the darkness. It is in the black holes that the energy of creation lives. Whether we are speaking of the universe or of an individual, darkness is the source of life. When facing emotional despair, hopelessness, or physical anguish, going into the darkness helps us to find our self and renew our life. It is in the nothingness that we can stop and find peace and answers.       View more


Mind Power Rx - Optimal Mind Support
MindPower Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters: Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rx helps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mental stamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentrate better. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rx support neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, support enzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronal antioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left you unsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you do yourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected, doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanced delicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support.     View more.


Women''''s Health Detective - "How Calcium and Magnesium Can Slow Down Aging" - Nan Kathryn Fuchs, PhD
If you''''re like most women and take 1,500 mg of calcium and half as much magnesium, you''''ve got it all backwards. You''''re getting too much calcium and not enough magnesium. In "How Calcium and Magnesium Can Slow Down Aging" Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D. shares important facts. Magnesium is neeed to carry calcium into your bones. The same ratio of calcium to magnesium you take to keep your bones strong and flexible will also keep you young at heart. When you''''re under stress, increase your magnesium and keep calcium levels reasonable, not high.      View more

From Fatigued to Fantastic - "Inflammation - Natural Therapies" - Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
Inflammation is your body''''s response to what it perceives to be an outside invader or irritant. When caused by infections, the inflammation can sometimes be rather obvious as occurs with pneumonia. Other times, it can be very subtle. If you have excess inflammation, your body can often repair the damage over time, according to Jacob Teitelbaum, MD in "Inflammation - Natural Therapies". This means decreasing sugar and simple carbohydrates (keep chocolate but make it sugar free), increasing protein and healthy oils (e.g. fish, olive, nuts), and getting optimal nutritional support.      View more

Integrator Blog - "Invited Commentary on the NCCAM Survey: Stephen Bolles, DC asks if the CAM Industry is Mature, Immature or Simply Misunderstood"
"I''''m beginning to wonder if some new model of looking at the CAM/integrative health care markets may be required." So writes Stephen Bolles, DC, in this thoughtful reflection on the controversial NCCAM survey which concluded that the visits to CAM practitioners may have dropped 50% between 1997 and 2007. Bolles, who spent many years looking at the consumer and CAM from inside the leadership of a consumer division of United Health Group, writes: "To me (the NCCAM report) is kind of like an eloquent and detailed answer to a problem that hasn''''t been defined." This invited column touches on the "seduction" of the dollars projected in the first Eisenberg study then presents ideas about how to think about the CAM consumer, the CAM industry, and how to create a successful business with the CAM-using clientele.      View more

"The Integrator Blog" offers News, Reports, Opinions and Networking for the Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAM and Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor John Weeks.

Find a Holistic Dental Practitioner
Looking for a practitioner specializing in dentistry? Search the Dentistry section which includes the Holistic Dental Association member database in HealthWorld''''s Find a Practitioner Network. The network contains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional associations in complementary/alternative and integrative medicine.
Find a Holistic Dental Practitioner              Find a Practitioner Home


A Second Opinion on Health You Can Trust & Use With Confidence
What Doctors Don''''t Tell You What Doctors Don''''t Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is the complete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works and what doesn''''t work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). WDDTY''''s in-depth research and insights have earned the highest praise from all over the world. National newspapers have described it as "the best health journal in the world". And now it''''s available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, a savings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annual subscription, and you''''ll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC as a downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. Subscribe in April and receive the current issue with a special report about health authorities deliberately covering up the truth about MMR vaccine dangers.    View more


Fabulous Functional Food - "Poached Salmon with Blanched Leeks and Baked Sweet Potatoes and Beets" - Oscar Umahro Cadoganrs
Do you have trouble finding recipes to match special dietary needs? Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan offers you gourmet dishes with healthy ingredients. His tasty recipes are highly nourishing and healing, and omit many of the items troublesome for people with allergies and other restrictive conditions. Try his "Poached Salmon with Blanched Leeks and Baked Sweet Potatoes and Beets."
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Omega-3 Cuisine - "Eat What You Love and Health Will Follow" Alan Roettinger
That’s ridiculous, right? What if I love charred fatty meat, fried potatoes and cheesecake—how will that make me healthy? Ah, but I’m talking about true love, lasting love, love that nurtures and protects. Love is a two-way street. You cannot love truly unless the one you love also loves you—for patient and forgiving as love can be, it must be requited or it withers. Unless the circle is complete, what begins as love will end in bitter disappointment. So what’s love got to do with food?       View More


Spiritual Wellness - "The Two-Way Streetcar Named Desire" - Philip Goldberg, PhD
On the subject of worldly desires, spiritual traditions are somewhat schizoid. In "The Two-Way Streetcar Named Desire" Philip Goldberg points out the divergence of approaches from self-denial to going after the things we desire with zeal. He offers tips to help self-correcting elements on the spiritual path along by nudging your desires in the right direction.
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Wholistic Spiritual Healing - "The Body (Part 3)" - Daniel J. Benor, M.D.
How does the body take on the mind''''s problems? In "The Body (Part 3)" Daniel J. Benor, M.D. offers answers, focusing on psychological and bioenergetic connections with the body. If you repeat a word or phrase to yourself, or if it is said to you by an authority figure, it may become imprinted in your unconscious mind.      View more


Could Your Mind Be Keeping You Fat?
Our newsletter provides the information you need to help you lose pound after pound of unwanted fat. But here''''s one trick to achieving optimal weight: You have to follow the program. An article in The Journal of Family Practice (June 2006) suggests doctors recommend hypnosis for this issue. We wholeheartedly agree. Read more about the hypnosis program we recommend most. View More


Incorporate a Wellness Dimension into Your Healthcare Practice
Wellness Inventory With the health care reform date emphasizing wellness and prevention, the focus of many healthcare practices in the near future will be to support people in creating wellness rather than treating disesase. For many professionals this will be a clear departure from the disease-focused practices with which they are familiar. A new breed of health professional will be practicing "wellness medicine" and utilizing wellness coaches (or be trained as coaches themselves) to encourage self-responsiblity for our own health and wellbeing, and to support us in mapping our own personal wellness solutions.
The Wellness Inventory, a pioneering assessment and life-balance program, offers professional licensing to health professionals, wellness professionals, therapists, social workers, wellness coaches, and life coaches. We also offer a Certification Training to certify professionals as Wellness Inventory Facilitators or Wellness Inventory Coaches.     
Wellness Inventory Licensing
Wellness Inventory Certification Training

For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or

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  • Nutritional Medicine Sourcebooks and Textbooks
  • Botanical Medicine Sourcebooks & Textbooks
  • The Natural Standard: The Authority on Integrative Medicine


    Featured Events

    The American Academy of Environmental Medicine Annual Conference
    Body Under Siege: Inflammation and Autoimmunity
    44th Annual Meeting
    The Wild Horse Pass and Resort
    Chandler, Arizona (Phoenix)
    October 29 - November 1, 2009
    Web site:

    American College for Advancement in Medicine
    ACAM Vegas - Fall 2009 Conference and Trade Show
    November 4-8
    Las Vegas, NV
    Web site:

    American Holistic Medical Association 2009 Convention & Exhibition
    Holistic Health Now: Unique Conference with Spirit
    November 5-7, 2009
    Cleveland, OH
    Contact: (216) 292-6644 |
    Web site:

    2009 International Coach Federation Conference
    Global Conversations: Inspiring individuals, Building communities, Impacting the world
    December 2-5, 2009
    Orlando, Florida, USA
    Contact: 888-423-3131 (toll free in the U.S. and Canada) or 859-219-3580 |
    Web site:

    Integrative Healthcare Symposium 2010
    February 25-27, 2010
    New York, NY, USA
    Contact: 207.842.5412 |
    Web site:

    For more leading health events visit



  • Aquasana - Home Water Filtration Systems
  • Bookstore - Health and Wellness
  • ChildLife - Nutrition for Kids
  • Here, There & Beyond - Essential Oils
  • Inner Peace Music - Steven Halpern
  • MigraSpray - Natural Migraine Relief
  • Natur-Leaf - Healthy Aging Products
  • Nutraceutics - Healthy Aging, Women''''s Health
  • Ola Loa - Drink Your Vitamins
  • PainDefense - Joint & Muscles Formula
  • Sounds True - CD''''s & DVD''''s for personal growth
  • SweetLeaf - Stevia-Natural Sweetener
  • Teeccino - Caffeine-Free Herbal Coffee

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    Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

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