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Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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Vitamins Reduce Pregnant Women's Risk for Pre-eclampsia
Daily supplements of vitamins E and C can reduce a pregnant woman's chances of developing pre-eclampsia, a dangerous condition for both the mother and fetus that can develop after the twentieth week of pregnancy, British researchers report.

6 Vitamin Makers Will Pay $1.1 Billion to Settle Price-Fixing Suit
Six of the world's largest vitamin makers have agreed to pay about $1.1 billion to resolve a class-action lawsuit that accused them of taking part in a global conspiracy to fix vitamin prices over the past decade, people close to the talks said on Tuesday, September 7. The settlement, which could come as early as this week, would be one of the largest antitrust payments made in a private class-action suit in U.S. history, said lawyers close to the case.

Circulation Article Reports Ways Purple Grape Juice May Fight Narrowing of the Arteries - Clinician Cites Effect of the Juice in Study on Contributors to Coronary Artery Disease
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin Medical School have identified ways in which drinking purple grape juice may fight atherosclerosis, or narrowing of the arteries, according to a study in the September 7th issue of Circulation, a journal published by the American Heart Association. The study showed that when fifteen subjects, all people with coronary artery disease, drank purple grape juice for two weeks, the elasticity of their blood vessels significantly increased and the rate at which their LDL cholesterol oxidized significantly decreased.

Many Foods Seem to Offer Some Cancer Protection
Researchers descended on the nation's capital Thursday, September 2 to discuss foods that may reduce the risk of cancer. At a news conference held to open the annual meeting of the American Institute for Cancer Research, scientists discussed the state of medical knowledge about the beneficial effects of so-called phytochemicals in foods like soy, tea and red wine.

"Our life and our well-being depend on understanding these foods,'' said Dr. Vay Liang W. Go of the University of California, Los Angeles Center for Human Nutrition, who predicted that ``early in the next century," physicians will prescribe certain foods to individuals to prevent cancer. With increased understanding of how certain genes predispose some people towards certain cancers, Go argued, physicians will be able to fine-tune diets to contain phytochemicals that counteract defective genes.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, a necessary co-factor for hundreds of enzymes, and the most critical mineral of all for coping with stress. Stress-related diseases which run rampant through modern society, like heart attacks and high blood pressure, are often accompanied by magnesium deficiency. Unfortunately, most Americans consume diets that fail to meet the government's RDA for magnesium, and magnesium intake is even lower than average among people who develop heart disease, according to Dr. Leo Galland in his latest column, "Magnesium: The Stress Reliever."

Understanding Homeopathy
Sir William Osler, known as the "Father of Modern Medicine," once said, "When an arthritis patient walks in the front door, I feel like leaving by the back door." There is one simple reason that Dr. Osler and many other conventional physicians since him have difficulty facing arthritic patients: there is little that conventional medicine offers them. The lucky ones get temporary relief along with drug side effects; the unlucky ones only get the side effects. Homeopathic medicine, on the other hand, is a natural pharmaceutical system that uses extremely small doses of substances from the plant, mineral, or animal kingdom to augment a person's own immune and defense system according to homeopathic expert Dana Ullman latest column, "Homeopathic Medicines for Arthritis." Based on the "principle of similars," homeopathy uses substances which would actually cause, if given in large dose to experimental subjects, the similar symptoms that a sick person experiences.

The Healer Within
Every original culture on the planet earth has a system of "hands on" healing. In western cultures this is generally called massage. As the movement toward alternatives to drugs and surgery progresses massage will emerge as one of our primary new, while actually ancient, therapeutic modalities. Hospitals, and even corporations, are hiring massage therapists to help with healing and to prevent the negative impacts of stress. In this column, "Self-Applied Massage," Dr. Roger Jahnke explains how to effectively perform self-applied massage.

Keeping Fit with Dr. Wayne Westcott
Without question, all young people who compete in fall sports should perform appropriate exercise programs to enhance their physical fitness, according to Dr. Wayne Westcott in his latest column, "A Standard Conditioning Program For All Fall Sports." Of course, some of the training procedures will vary based on the demands of the activity. For example, football players should emphasize power exercises such as sprinting, cross-country runners should focus on endurance exercises such as three to five mile runs, and soccer players should include both sprinting and sustained running such as 100 yard dashes and half-mile repeats. But when it comes to muscle conditioning, I propose that a similar strength training program may be successfully applied to all of the athletes.

To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the Experts

"Radical Healing" with Rudolph Ballentine, M.D.
Rudolph Ballentine is one of the great contemporary standard bearers for a healing tradition as old as humankind. In this interview with Dr. Daniel Redwood, Dr. Rudolph Ballentine, who created and directs the Center for Holistic Medicine in New York City, defines his idea of transformative medicine, emphasizing the need for the healing arts to focus on ways to "bring us back into synchrony with the rest of nature." Natural healing methods including herbs, homeopathy, yoga, and meditation are central to his approach. Describing his visit to a hospital in China, Ballentine also addresses a growing worldwide crisis: the fact that demand for herbal medicines is outrunning supply, causing a severe depletion of therapeutic plant biodiversity. He proposes a radical solution: a shift to homeopathic herbal formulations, which require only a tiny fraction of the plant material used by traditional herbal methods. Also included in this interview are Ballentine's recommendations for people seeking to explore holistic health approaches for the first time.

To read more interviews visit Interviews on the Leading Edge

Healthy Travel - Third World Congress on Qigong
Reserve your calendar for this cutting edge event, the Third World Congress on Qigong and The Second American Qigong Association Conference, Nov. 19-21, 1999 in San Francisco, CA., Everybody's favorite city by the Bay! An unparalleled subtle energy and spiritual healing experience.

Children's Health Update
Do you have questions about vaccinations for your children? In "About Vaccine Choices," excerpted from his book, The Vaccine Guide: Making an Informed Choice, Dr. Randall Neustaedter addresses choosing vaccines, the adverse side-effects of vaccines, legal requirements and exemptions, as well as alternative vaccines. For more information visit our web site on Vaccination & Immunization coordinated by Dr. Neustaedter at

Health Bookstore
Natural living has reached the mainstream: we are now far more concerned about the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the chemicals that surround us, and recognize that government regulations all too often fall short of safeguarding our health. Enter Annie Berthold-Bond, whose Better Basics for the Home is a compendium of practical information-recipes, tips, and guidelines for creating a simpler, cheaper, and evironmentally safer lifestyle. Packed with important information, including "Buyerâs Guide" tips to safe commercial products and a complete resource directory, Better Basics for the Home enables us to make home a healthy place to be.

Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Need help in researching a difficult health issue? Want to be able to effectively search Medline and other medical databases? Need to have a professional who can do this fast and efficiently? Let an experienced medical librarian do it for you. HealthWorld Online's innovative Medical Cybrarian Service searches the Internet and and other databases, provideing you with information on diseases, treatments (alternative and/or mainstream), drugs, statistics, and patient information that is summarized for your research needs. This "Cybrarian" carefully gathers and selects bibliographic citations, points you to useful Web sites, and annotates or summarizes pages or documents that would be useful to you for reasonable fees.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
The OEP Foundation is an international, non-profit organization dedicated to educating the general public about the importance of visual hygiene, the prevention of visual and ocular problems, and the development and enhancement of vision. Behavioral optometry seeks to treat the causes of visual disorders rather than merely compensate for refractive error.

Visit Optometric Extension Program Foundation.

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

The Natural Business Retail Strategies Summit
Sept. 22-24, 1999. The Broker Inn. Boulder, CO
Phone: 303.442.8983

Third Annual Natural Pharmacy East: Prescriptions for Success in the New Millennium
October 1-3, 1999. Arlington, VA USA.
Contact: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. & BioConferences International, Inc. (914) 834-3100

Council for Responsible Nutrition '99 Annual Conference
October 3-6, 1999. Palm Springs, CA
Contact: Council for Responsible Nutrition
Phone: (202) 872-1488

Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice: An Evidence-Based Approach.
For physicians, nurses and other health care professionals.
October 8-9, 1999. Ann Arbor, MI USA.
Contact: University of Michigan Health System (877) 800-9887

Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Practical Applications and Evaluations.
First Annual Conference.
October 15-17, 1999. San Francisco, CA USA
Contact: Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention & Center for Alternative Medicine Research (781) 279-9887

Body & Soul - Boston
October 22-24, 1999. Boston, MA USA
Contact: New Age Publishing and Omega Institute (800) 944-1001

Natural Products Expo East: New Life Choices For The 21st Century
October 22-24, 1999. Baltimore, MD USA
Contact: New Hope Natural Media (303) 939-8440

Bioneers Conference
Visionary & Practical Solutions for Restoring the Earth
Oct 29-31, 1999 - Marin Center
San Rafael, CA
Contact: Bioneers/Collective Heritage Institute: 1-877-BIONEER

SupplySide West '99:
The Natural Product Industry's Premier Executive-Level Trade Show and Conference
November 11-13, 1999. Las Vegas, NV USA
Contact: Virgo Publishing, Natural Products Division (602) 990-1101

Third World Congress on Qigong and Second American Qigong Association Conference:
Qigong, Ancient Chinese Healing for the 3rd Millennium
November 19-21, 1999. San Francisco, CA USA.
Contact: East West Academy of Healing Arts (415) 788-2227

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Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker

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