America's Worst Enemy?
What is the leading cause of death in the United States?
Healthy Update |
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January 25, 2010 - Vol. 22, Issue 2
Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997. View Healthy Update archives
Make a Difference - Become a Certified Wellness Inventory Coach
Trainings Begin February 16, 17 and 18
Three Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings will be offered starting Feb. 16-18, 2010. Classes run for 14 weeks and will be conducted as a live phone teleconference. The goal of the training is to accelerate your own personal growth process, while creating wellness coaching skills and competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory program to your clients, patients, or employees.
Developed for wellness and life coaches, health practitioners, and fitness, spa, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 28 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes. Monthly payment plans available.
View more about training
Audio interview with Certification Training co-creators
View Testimonials from graduates
For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or
Massage Benefits for HIV-Positive Children
Today, millions of children worldwide live with HIV. Regrettably, global access to antiretroviral drugs is not readily available. Massage therapy, which has been shown to improve immune function in HIV-positive adults and adolescents, may boost the immune systems of young children living with HIV. View more
African American dads suffering from depression are less likely to be involved with their children
African-American fathers who do not live with their sons and who suffer from depression are less likely to spend time with them, according to a University of Michigan study. Dads who don’t live with their children can still have a positive impact in their kids’ lives however, and treating their depression could help them play a more active and positive role in their lives. View more
New Survey Shows Seniors Struggle Under the Weight of Multiple Medication Use
America's seniors are being overwhelmed by the number of prescription drugs they take on a daily basis. According to a new national survey of more than 1,000 people ages 65 and older who use medications, more than half (51 percent) take at least five different prescription drugs regularly and one in four take between 10 and 19 pills each day. View more
Audio Interview with Wellness Inventory Coach Certification Training Co-Creators, Jim Strohecker and Bobbie Burdettt
This one hour interview was part of the Coaching Niche Telesummit. The interview covers focuses on the Wellness Inventory Certification Training and Holographic Coaching Practicum, and covers the trainings wellness philosophy, the Wellness Inventory, the unique wellness coaching process, the holographic change process, and practical details about the trainings. Listen to Interview More about the Certification Training
Leading domain names for natural medicine: & and are premier domain names for the fields of Ayurvedic medicine and Naturopathy worldwide and are now available. Contact or 310-823-9553.
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Sweetleaf Stevia Sweetener - 0 Calories, 0 Glycemic Index - The Natural Choice
We are pleased to be able to introduce you to SweetLeaf Sweetener made from stevia, the naturally sweet herb from South America that is 30 times sweeter than sugar and has 0 calories, and is safe for diabetics. SweetLeaf SteviaPlus Packets, great for sweetening hot drinks, has ZERO calories, ZERO carbohydrates, ZERO Glycemic Index and ZERO chemicals! Or, you might prefer SteviaClear liquid sweetener or one of the 12 Liquid Flavors, including Vanilla Cream, English Toffee, Valenia Orange, Root Beer, and more. Join the stevia revolution - start sweetening beverages and cooking with stevia!
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Continuing our Wellness Journey - Transcending
This week our journey focuses on the power of Transcending, the 12th of 12
keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole person assessment program. The final form of energy in the wellness energy system is a subtle one that has only recently been given scientific credence. It is the realm of the transcendent or the spiritual (a word that's only now becoming acceptable in everyday speech). The human ability to transcend ordinary consciousness is actually an age-old gift that opens mind and heart to the potential of love, and to the miracle and magnificence of the moment, so often forgotten in the daily grind of our busy lives.
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Simply Well - "Keep Friendship Alive" - John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H.
People need people. And often they don't realize how great their need is
until some moment of great joy or deep sorrow. In "Keep Friendship Alive" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., explains why one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself is to cultivate vibrant friendships - the kind that will supply you with the genuine support everyone needs, friendships in which you can dare to reveal your feelings, act spontaneously, care, touch, and serve. View more
Staying Healthy Tips - "10 Tips for Eating Healthy at Work & School" - Elson Haas, MD
Everyday choices impact the quality of your health. In "10 Tips for Eating Healthy at Work & School" Elson M. Haas, M.D. addresses how to effectively change habits to those that support your health, vitality, and optimum weight.
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Mind Power Rx - Optimal Mind Support
Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters: Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rx helps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mental stamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentrate better. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rx support neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, support enzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronal
antioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left you unsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you do yourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected, doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanced delicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support.
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Holistic Healthcare for Children - "Pediatricians’ Attitudes Toward Non-Vaccinating Parents" - Randall Neustaedter, OMD
There is a growing conflict between parents and physicians concerning vaccinations. In "Pediatricians’ Attitudes Toward Non-Vaccinating Parents" Randall Neustaedter, O.M.D. presents a study where educating doctors created a major shift to be more respectful of parental concerns. View more
Guidelines for Using Essential Oils and Herbs - Kathi Keville and Mindy Green
Because essential oils are concentrated, highly potent substances, a working knowledge of how to use them safely is vital to the success of your efforts. The potential hazards of an essential oil depend on the compounds in the oil, the dosage and frequency used, and the method of application. This article includes a few guidelines to ensure safe and effective use of essential oils.
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Integrator Blog - Integrator Reader Suggestions for the Top 10 Events/Action and People from 2009
The annual publication of an Integrator Top 10 list always leaves room for reader submissions of their recommendations. This year brought some excellent suggestions, for both Top 10 Actions and Events and the first time, Top 10 People. From the responses, we have proved that we are well integrated into popular culture: the People list stimulated more responses. Here are the Integrator reader nominations from 2009.
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"The Integrator Blog" offers News, Reports, Opinions and Networking for
the Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAM
and Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor John Weeks.
Integrator Blog - From Alternative Medicine a Definitive Guide to the 'Wellness Inventory' - An Interview with Pioneering Entrepreneur Jim Strohecker
HealthWorld Online ( President and co-founder Jim Strohecker is inteviewed by John Weeks, creator of The Integrator Blog. View more
Find an Yoga Therapist
Looking for a practitioner specializing in Yoga Therapy Search the Yoga Therapy section which includes the International Association of Yoga Therapy member database in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network. The network contains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional associations in complementary/alternative and integrative medicine.
Find a Yoga Therapist Find a Practitioner Home
A Second Opinion on Health You Can Trust & Use With Confidence
What Doctors Don't Tell You is a monthly journal that gives you the knowledge you need to lead a healthy life. It is the complete review of health problems and safer, proven ways of treating them - what works and what doesn't work in conventional and complementary/alternative medicine (CAM). WDDTY's in-depth research and insights have earned the highest praise from all over the world. National newspapers have described it as "the best health journal in the world". And now it's available for immediate download for just $29.95 a year, a savings of over 75% on the print subscription. Take out an annual subscription, and you'll receive the next 12 issues straight to your PC as a downloadable PDF file. Serving your health needs since 1989. Subscribe in April and receive the current issue with a special report about health
authorities deliberately covering up the truth about MMR vaccine dangers.
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"From Worry Wart to Worry Warrior" - Martin Rossman, MD
Americans are worried. Approximately 20–40 million Americans have some form of diagnosable anxiety disorder, another 40 million have trouble with alcohol or drugs, mostly taken to reduce anxiety, and 47 million smoke. The “worried well” represent a good 15% of all the patients seen by doctors, and the worried sick an even larger proportion.
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Wholistic Spiritual Healing - "The Body: Physical, bodymind, energetic, and potential doorway to spiritual awareness" (Part 2) - Daniel J. Benor, M.D.
Consciousness is a level of being that can influence the body, as well as being influenced by the body. In "The Body: Physical, bodymind, energetic, and potential doorway to spiritual awareness" (Part 2) Daniel J. Benor, M.D. explains why, if you can conceive of connections between spirit, mind, emotions and body, many more interventions open up for addressing your physical problems.
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What Your Doctor Can't Tell You - Because they don’t teach it in medical school!
Do you experience any of the following?
Low energy |
Sweet Cravings |
Autism |
Depression |
Anxiety |
Chronic fatigue |
Hyperactivity |
Allergies |
Acne |
Psoriasis |
Each of these health issues have been clinically proven to be associated with vitamin imbalances. Don’t let Nutritional Related Illness (NRI) affect you and your family. Take our free nutrition prescreening assessment. Our clinically developed vitamin check up can detect if you are a target for these illnesses. Plus, we can provide a natural solution.
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Featured Events
Wellness Inventory Certification Training
14 Week Teleclass (Live phone teleconference)
February 16-May 18, 2010
Three Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings will be offered starting Feb. 16-18, 2010. All classes will run for 14 weeks and be conducted via a live phone teleconference. The goal of the training is to accelerate your own personal growth process, while creating wellness coaching skills and competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory program to your clients, patients, students, or employees, and supporting sustainable lifestyle change.
Developed for wellness coaches, health practitioners, and fitness, spa, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 28 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes. Payment plans available.
For more information or to register, call 310-823-9553 or email
Integrative Healthcare Symposium
Hilton New York, NYC
February 25-27, 2010
Register at
The Integrative Healthcare Symposium held at the Hilton New York, NYC, February 25-27, 2010 is the gathering place for today's most forward thinking practitioners and professionals seeking the latest research and clinical pearls to improve patient care and expand their practice. Be inspired through keynote and plenary sessions by renowned speakers including Christiane Northrup, M.D., Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN, CNS, James Gordon, MD, Bernie Siegel, MD, and Jay Lombard, DO.
Register today at, enter Priority Code 100146 to receive 15% off your registration!
2010 Medical Wellness and Nutrition Forum
March 10, 2010
San Diego Convention Center (with 2010 IRHSA)
San Diego
Phone: Website: click here
Natural Products Expo West
March 11-14, 2010
Anaheim, CA USA
Phone: 866-458-4935
20th Annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference
March 15-19, 2010
Hilton Head Island, SC USA
Phone: 248-682-0707
The conference continues its long-standing tradition of bringing together practitioners, scientists and educators from across disciplines to learn and share their experience.
35th Annual National Wellness Conference
Wellness Solutions that Work NOW: Best Practices Through Innovation, Caring, and Collaboration
July 17-22, 2010
Stevens Point, WI USA
Phone: 715-342-2969
Web site:
For more leading health events visit
Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Sponsorship: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of Healthy Update, contact
Suggestions & Comments: We welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestions to
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