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Healthy Update
Healthy Update |
Your Home for Healthy Living |
November 29, 2010 - Vol. 23, Issue 19
Healthy Update provides the latest news, expert articles and resources on wellness, healthy living, and integrative medicine. A weekly service of HealthWorld Online since 1997. View Healthy Update archives
Become a Certified Wellness Inventory Coach
Three Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings will begin in mid-February 2011, and will be offered via a live phone teleconference. The goal of the training is to accelerate your own personal growth process, while creating wellness coaching skills and competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory ( program to your clients, patients, or employees, and supporting them in creating sustainable lifestyle change.
Level I of the training runs for 14 weeks. Level II, the Holographic Coaching Practicum, is 7 weeks. Graduates of the two levels of the training receive the designation of Certified Wellness Inventory Coach.
Developed for wellness, health and life coaches, health practitioners, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 42 CCEs. The hours may also be applied towards the 80 hour Wellness Coach Specialist program at the Institute for Life Coach Training, as well as towards a Board Certifed Coach Credential. Daytime and evening classes. Payment plans available.
For more information contact Jim Strohecker at 310-823-9553 or
Fast Food Restaurants Dish Up Unhealthy Marketing to Youth
Children as young as age 2 are seeing more fast food ads than ever before, and restaurants rarely offer parents the healthy kids’ meal choices, according to a new study from Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity. The new evaluation, the most comprehensive study of fast food nutrition and marketing ever conducted, shows that fast food marketers target children across a variety of media and in restaurants.
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Affordable Care Act bolsters the primary care workforce in medically underserved communities
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the launch of the new application cycle for the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Program. $290 Million in new funding for the National Health Service Corps will help primary care clinicians repay student loans while serving communities. View more
Military Calls for a New Holistic Paradigm for Total Force Fitness
Admiral Michael Mullen, the Chairman to the Joint Chiefs of Staff has called for a "21st century definition of fitness that recognizes the importance of a more holistic paradigm that balances performance and readiness with health and well-being." The result is in a special supplement to Military Medicine, "Total Force Fitness for the 21st Century: A New Paradigm." The Wellness Inventory received a two page profile as the first of four "exemplar" assessments featured in the article, "A Survey of MultiDimensional Health and Fitness Indexes." View more
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Are you ready to focus on creating wellness rather than focusing on disease and risk management? Are you looking for an innovative, holistic approach to wellness?
Learn how the Wellness Inventory program (, a whole person model for sustainable lifestyle change, can support your clients, patients, or employees in improving their level of overall personal wellbeing. Health practitioners, nurses, social workers, wellness and life coaches, as well as fitness, spa, and wellness professionals welcome.
To register, contact:
For more information, contact or call 310-823-9553.
When: Thursday December 2, 2010 - 2:00-3:00 pm ET (1-2 CT, 12-1 MT, 11-12 PT)
Cost: Free
Presenter: Jim Strohecker, President, HealthWorld Online, & co-creator, Wellness Inventory Certification Training
Sweetleaf Stevia Sweetener - 0 Calories, 0 Glycemic Index - The Natural Choice
We are pleased to be able to introduce you to SweetLeaf Sweetener made from stevia, the naturally sweet South American herb that is 30 times sweeter than sugar and has 0 calories, and is safe for diabetics.
SweetLeaf SteviaPlus Packets, great for sweetening hot drinks, has ZERO calories, ZERO carbohydrates, ZERO Glycemic Index and ZERO chemicals! Or, you might prefer SteviaClear liquid sweetener or one of the 12 Liquid Flavors, including Vanilla Cream, English Toffee, Valenia Orange, Root Beer, and more.
Join the stevia revolution - start sweetening beverages and cooking with stevia!
Continuing our Wellness Journey - Thinking
This week our journey focuses on the power of Thinking, the 7th of 12 keys to wellness drawn from the Wellness Inventory whole person assessment program. This stage of the journey relates thinking to physical and mental health, and offers some creative options for using thinking to improve your wellbeing. View more
Simply Well - "Befriend Your Feelings" - John W. Travis, MD, MPH
Painful or confusing emotions are par for the course during a time of change, even when it's a positive, life-affirming change in the direction of overall health and wellbeing. In "Befriend Your Feelings" John W. Travis, M.D., M.P.H., recommends that you adopt the attitude that feelings are natural and normal. Befriend the emotional parts of yourself. View more
101 Exercises for the Soul - "Your Theme Song: Music for Inspiration" - Dr. Bernie Siegel
We all can make music, but do we find the rhythm of our lives? Listen for a moment to the sounds surrounding you right now. Is it noise or music to your ears? We are constantly surrounded by sound, but everyone experiences it differently. For some, the intensity of a city street fills them with energy, while others need the quiet of the countryside to function and find inspiration.
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Mind Power Rx - Optimal Mind Support
Developed by Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters:
Natural Supplements that Enhance Your Mind, Memory, and Mood, Mind Power Rx helps improve mental alertness and wakefulness along with boosting mental stamina. Many people notice being more focused and able to concentrate better. The dozen or more herbs and nutrients found in Mind Power Rx support neurotransmitter function, improve blood flow to the brain, support enzymatic and metabolic function in nerve cells, and act as neuronal antioxidants. If you have tried single brain nutrients or combinations that left you unsatisfied, overstimulated, or on edge and restless, it is time you do yourself a favor and try Mind Power Rx, a highly popular and respected, doctor-formulated formula with 18 different herbs and nutrients balanced delicately to provide smooth and healthy mind support. View more.
From Fatigued to Fantastic - "Hypothyroidism" - Jacob Teitelbaum, MD
For over a decade, research by Jacob Teitelbaum M.D. author of the best-selling book "From Fatigued to Fantastic!" has shown that hypothyroidism, like most other illnesses that affect predominantly women, has been dramatically under diagnosed. The American Academy of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), the nation's largest organization of thyroid specialists, has now confirmed this. After a recent meeting, the normal range for thyroid tests was dramatically narrowed.
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Dr. Christine Horner's Natural Secrets for Breast Health - "Breast Health Tip #1: Supplement Your Diet with Omega-3 Fatty Acids"
Eating proper amounts of certain types of fats called omega-3 fatty acid reduces your risk of breast cancer and if you have breast cancer, they will help you fight your disease. In "Breast Health Tip #1: Supplement Your Diet with Omega-3 Fatty Acids" Christine Horner, M.D., F.A.C.S addresses the four main benefits: decrease the strength of estrogen in the breast tissue, quell the cancer-promoting fires of chronic inflammation, cause breasttumors to shrink in size and prevent them from metastasizing or spreading.
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Integrator Blog - "Historic Moment for Integrative Medical Practice: Alan Gaby, MD Publishes Long-Awaited Nutritional Medicine"
Few practitioners of integrative medicine who use nutritional agents have not benefited from the teachings of Yale-educated integrative clinician Alan Gaby, MD. The publication of Gaby's long-awaited 1374 page Nutritional Medicine, the product of 30 years of research and analysis, ranks as a historic moment for the field. Here is a look at the book, informed by Gaby's clinical practice with over 6,000 patients. Gaby believes that the book has significant public health applications. "I wouldn't be surprised if, after reading Nutritional Medicine, a fair and open-minded University medical school dean might consider offering Dr. Gaby the eminently well-deserved
position of Professor of Nutritional Medicine ..." - Jonathan Wright, MD, from the Foreword. View more
"The Integrator Blog" offers News, Reports, Opinions and Networking for the Business, Education, Policy and Practice of Integrative Medicine, CAM and Integrative Health Care, from Publisher/Editor John Weeks.
Find a Practitioner Specializing in Guided Imagery
Looking for a practitioner specializing in guided imagery? Search the Guided Imagery section which includes the Academy for Guided Imagery member database in HealthWorld's Find a Practitioner Network. The network contains searchable directories with over 17,000 professionals from 20 leading professional associations in complementary/alternative and integrative medicine.
Find a Practitioner Specializing in Guided Imagery Find a Practitioner Home
Magical Molecules that Restore Health
One of the most important keys to healthy aging and wellbeing is maintaining a healthy balance within the cells of your body. For the first time ever because of a major scientific breakthrough you can now put the magical molecules back into your cells so they can do what they are meant to do: heal and restore the body to optimal health.
Check out this video of medical experts. For more information
Raw Food Materia Medica - "Beets" - Brigitte Mars
Beets are members of the Goosefoot Family. Beets have long been used therapeutically to improve anemia as they help to build red corpuscles. The red pigment known as betaine helps to increase oxygen intake of the body. Beets are said to be both blood cleansing and blood building. Other ailments that have been improved by the use of beets include constipation, infectious hepatitis, irregular menses, acne, lumbago, and low blood sugar. Beets abound with beta-carotene, vitamins C, B, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium and manganese.
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View Full Raw Food Materia Materia Medica
Food Choices for Cancer Prevention & Survival - "Grilled Meats and Cancer Risk" - The Cancer Project
Health-conscious consumers often choose grilled chicken over fried chicken, but grilled chicken—as well as other grilled meats—can increase the risk of cancer. Researchers have known for years that meat-eaters have higher cancer rates, compared with people who avoid meat. But now we also know that grilled meats pose a unique threat. Cancer-causing chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) have been found in chicken and other meats, and the very highest concentrations occur when these products are grilled. View More
Wholistic Spiritual Healing - "The Body: Physical, bodymind, energetic, and potential doorway to spiritual awareness" (Part 2) - Daniel J. Benor, M.D.
Consciousness is a level of being that can influence the body, as well as being influenced by the body. In "The Body: Physical, bodymind, energetic, and potential doorway to spiritual awareness" (Part 2) Daniel J. Benor, M.D. explains why, if you can conceive of connections between spirit, mind,
emotions and body, many more interventions open up for addressing your physical problems.
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Mind Over Matter - "On Tattered Wings: A Closer Look" - Barry Bittman, MD
In "On Tattered Wings: A Closer Look" Barry Bittman, M.D. shares a poignant
story of his experience photographing a butterfly that translated into deeper insights of what his patients were facing. A reminder to look deeper for beauty, uniqueness and the divinity that's expressed by a soul.
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A Holistic Approach to Employee Wellness & Performance
Are you ready to focus on creating wellness rather than focusing on disease and risk management? Are you looking for a fresh and innovative approach to employee wellness? The Wellness Inventory is a holistic assessment and life-balance program designed to help individuals to gain personal insight into their state of physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. The program then offers guidance and tools to transform this new awareness into lasting changes in their lives, and a renewed sense of health and wellbeing.
Created by wellness pioneer John W. Travis, MD, MPH, and e-health pioneer, HealthWorld Online, the Wellness Inventory is licensed in by companies and organizations in the corporate, healthcare, educational, and government sectors. Are you ready to create a "culture of wellness" in your company or organization?
Contact Jim Strohecker: 310-823-9553 or
Featured Event
Integrative Healthcare Symposium
March 4-6, 2011
New York, NY USA
Diversified Business Communication
Web site:
Please join us March 4-6, 2011 at the Hilton New York. Be sure to continue checking this site for updates and announcements on what promises to be the best Integrative Healthcare Symposium to date.
Health, Wellness and Society
January 20-22, 2011
Berkeley, CA USA
International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society
Web site:
Wellness Inventory Certification Training
14 Week Teleclass (Live phone teleconference)
February 15 - May 17, 2011
Three new Wellness Inventory Certification Trainings is scheduled to commence on February 15-17, 2011. The classes will run for 14 weeks and be conducted via a live phone teleconference. The goal of the training is to accelerate your own personal growth process, while creating wellness coaching skills and competence in delivering the Wellness Inventory program to your clients, patients, students, or employees, and supporting sustainable lifestyle change.
Developed for wellness coaches, nurses, social workers, health practitioners, therapists, and fitness, spa, and wellness professionals, the training is approved by the International Coach Federation for 28 CCEUs. Daytime and evening classes. Payment plans available.
For more information or to register, call 310-823-9553 or email
36th Annual National Wellness Conference
Growing Wellness
July 18-21, 2011
Pre-conference Workshops - July 16-17, 2011
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
Stevens Point, WI USA
National Wellness Institute
Email: nwc@nationalwellness.orgm
Web site:
Presented by the National Wellness Institute (NWI) -- formed in 1977 to realize the mission of providing health promotion and wellness professionals unparalleled resources and services that fuel professional and personal growth -- the Conference is a "wellness immersion" built upon the premise that professional development and personal growth are interdependent and should be enhanced equally.
The Conference environment is a special place where wellness professionals can participate in "best practices" learning opportunities and intensive skill-building programs, and develop networking communities. It is a place where messages for hope, peace, and optimal living are shared with a unique blend of people from all walks of life. Inspiring and rewarding, participants leave with the tools for change.
For more leading health events visit
Publisher/Executive Editor: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -
Sponsorship: If you are interested in sponsoring an issue of Healthy Update, contact
Suggestions & Comments: We welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality and most useful service. Email suggestions to
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