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Which of the following in NOT a direct benefit of a regular walking regimen?
Reduce Stress
Improved immune function
Achieving ideal weight.
Improved sugar metabolism


Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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Vitamin E For Prostate Health
A healthy prostate may begin with a daily dose of Vitamin E. According to a recent study of 29,000 men reported at Happy Healthy & Wealthy, those who took 50 milligrams of Vitamin E every day had a 32 percent lower rate of prostate cancer and were 41 percent less likely to die from the cancer.

Use Of Supplements For Morning Sickness Is Deregulated
The Food and Drug Administration gave manufacturers the right to sell herbal remedies and other "natural" products to treat morning sickness without first proving that the preparations are safe for unborn children. The agency declared that the bouts of nausea, which plague at least one-third of all pregnant women, are not actually a disease. Therefore, when supplement makers say their preparations relieve it, they will not be legally claiming to treat a disease. This decision has sparked divergent reactions with some applauding and others voicing fears it endangers unborn babies.

'Tis The Season To Fight Winter Blues
As the days get shorter and colder, many people get the winter blues. For some, the winter blues are more than just missing the sunny warmth of spring and summer; they are part of a depression-like disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder. Symptoms of SAD include lethargy, increased appetite - especially for carbohydrates - and weight gain, as well as irritability, increased need for sleep, a general depression or sadness and less desire to socialize. Solutions include activities outside and using a special light indoors that simulates natural sunlight.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
In "Eating Safely in a Polluted World: You Don't Have to Choose Between Microbes and Chemicals! Part III : Hazards of Organochlorines" Leo Galland, M.D. notes that alarms have been raised about worldwide pollution with these chemicals, which include: the pesticide DDT, banned in the U.S. in 1972 but still sold by U.S. corporations to other countries and still found in our own soil and water; the herbicide dioxin; and PCBs, which have been widely used in making electronic equipment, plastic, inks, adhesives, rubber and carbonless duplicating paper. Food, milk and water everywhere contain organochlorines. In this column, Dr. Galland offers solutions to these troubling health hazards.

The Healer Within
Because we are generally addicted to complexity and busyness, reaching a state of authentic relaxation is a challenge. Many of us are locked into worry, hurry, overwork and compulsive behaviors and the mind is very difficult to quit. The beauty of progressive relaxation processes is their simplicity and their ability to allow the mind to have an easy focus. In "Progressive Relaxation, Option III" Dr. Roger Jahnke presents advanced relaxation and meditation methods which include concentration, focus, intention and visualization that are used to regulate the body function, move the Qi or energy to specific areas of the body and even project the energy outside the body.

Mind Over Matter
Forget the excuses and put on your sneakers. In the column "Diabetes and Heart Disease: reducing the risk" Barry Bittman, M.D. reports new research showing that not drugs but exercise may enable diabetics to lower their risk of heart disease by helping to prevent clotting. Also, the association between high insulin levels and the PAI-1 antigen was noted in pre-diabetics - people who are expected to develop diabetes at a later time. That could be any one of us!

Natural Medicine Research
Pectin is a complex carbohydrate which cannot be absorbed from the intestinal system. It is used in the food industry as a thickening agent and in the production of jams and jellies. In "Eat Less on Pectin" Ray Sahelian, M.D. notes several studies have shown pectin to have positive influences on decreasing serum cholesterol levels, without effecting serum triglyceride levels. Pectin has also shown the ability to reduce the rise of blood sugar when combined with a meal. These effects have been demonstrated in both healthy individuals and those with diabetes.

Understanding Homeopathy
Once it is determined that surgery is medically necessary, homeopathic medicines can reduce complications of surgery and augment healing so that people can recover more quickly afterward. In this column "Pre-Surgical and Post-Surgical Treatment" Dana Ullman, M.P.H. outlines a number of homeopathic remedies that have been shown to assist the patient deal with the fear and/or anxiety often experienced prior to and after surgery, and those helpful for preventing infection, minimizing bleeding, and reducing surgical shock.

To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the Experts

"Ayurveda: Ancient Philosophy, Modern Research" with Hari Sharma, M.D.
Hari Sharma, M.D., combines the clarity and rigor of a veteran medical scientist with the spiritual understanding of a wise elder. In this interview Dr. Daniel Redwood questions Dr. Sharma about the origins and modern uses of Ayurveda, an ancient healing approach from India.

To read more interviews visit Interviews on the Leading Edge

Healthy Recipes
A dessert that tastes like ice cream, only it's made without milk, sugar, or egg. Too good to be true? Not for Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan. His recipe for "Dairy Free Banana-Apple Ice Cream" is another example of how he integrates taste with nutritious healing foods.

Healthy Travel
This September 14 to October 1 "A Spiritual Journey Through Nepal and Tibet" offers you the opportunity to heal yourself and experience enlightenment. Along with the history, culture and wisdom of Tibet, this personally escorted Journey of a Lifetime will provide unique experiences of meeting with shamans, spiritual leaders and holy men and women as you travel to these most sacred places.

Children's Health Update
Lyme disease is a potentially serious long-term illness caused by a spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi, and early diagnosis is important to the success of treatment. The disease is spread by infected minute ticks that commonly feed on deer and mice. The symptoms experienced vary from person to person, and often mimic those of other ailments. As a result, a diagnosis of Lyme disease can easily be missed in the early stages. In this column "Lyme Disease" Janet Zand, L.Ac., O.M.D. brings us important information about prevention, what to look for, and how to respond.

Women's Health Update
Did you ever suspect that soft drinks were unhealthy, but had no hard data to back it up? Well, now you do! In this column "Caffeine, Sugar and Bone Loss" Noel Peterson, N.D. reports on studies showing that the phosphorus, found in most cola drinks, accelerates calcium excretion and subsequent bone loss. Suddenly osteoporosis is no long a disease of the elderly.

Professional Referral Network
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories from 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 10,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in environmental medicine? The Environmental Medicine section includes the American Academy of Environmental Medicine member database.

Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Medical librarians were formerly only available through a hospital or university medical library. Now referred to on HealthWorld Online as a "Cybrarian," this librarian in cyberspace can help you locate the really hard-to-find material on diseases and their treatments.

The Cybrarian offers you personalized research service, searching the Internet, books, MEDLINE and other databases, to find EXACTLY the information you require. The Cybrarian can custom design research for individual patients or healthcare professionals, as well as healthcare industry business people, including information on diseases, treatments, products, market research or statistics for alternative, complementary and conventional medicine. For reasonable fees, the Cybrarian carefully gathers and selects the information or points you to useful web sites and other sources, with the speed and searching techniques acquired from many years of professional research.

Participate in our Online Community--Join our Discussion Forums
Do you think more people should be focusing on preventive healthcare rather than Rx drugs? This is one of the questions under discussion in the Forum dealing with Mine-Body-Spirit Health.

Join in the ongoing discussion in our "Health Freedom," "The Vaccination Question," "Genetically Modified Foods," "Issues in Integrated Health Care," "Mind-Body-Spirit Health," and "Qigong and Taiji" forums.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) is a coalition of individuals and national organizations with concern for the care and well-being of mothers, babies, and families. Their mission is to promote a wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes and substantially reduce costs. This evidence-based mother-, baby-, and family-friendly model focuses on prevention and wellness as the alternatives to high-cost screening, diagnosis, and treatment programs.

Visit Coalition for Improving Maternity Services

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

Natural Health, Aromatherapy and Herb Trade Show
February 25-27, 2000
Scottsdale, AZ USA
Contact: The International Aromatherapy and Herb Association - 602-938-4439

Journeys of Discovery-Unique Travel presents Swim with the Humpback Whales in the Caribbean
An outer Discovery adventure--an inner journey for the soul, a Personal Transformational Journey
February 26-March 4, 2000
Silver Banks, Puerto Plata DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Contact: - 888-888-0717

Treating Mental-Emotional Conditions with Chinese Medicine
A Seminar with Bob Flaws for Acupuncture & OM Professionals
February 26-27, 2000
Long Beach, CA USA
Contact: Blue Poppy Seminars - 800-448-8372

Inner Voyage Millennium Cruise
A 21st Century Journey For Body and Soul - cruising the Western Caribbean
March 5-12, 2000
Fort Lauderdale, FL USA
Contact: - 888-888-0717

The Psychology of Health, Immunity and Disease International Conference
March 6-12, 2000
Hilton Head Island, SC USA
Contact: National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine - 800-743-2226

National Center for Homeopathy 2000 Annual Conference
April 7-11, 2000
San Francisco, CA USA
Contact: National Center for Homeopathy - 703-548-7790

Celebrating Angels, Spirits and Nature
An International Easter Week Conference
April 22-29, 2000
Findhorn, Morayshire, Scotland UNITED KINGDOM
Contact: Findhorn Foundation - 01309 691933

The 5th Annual Alterrnative Therapies Symposium and Exposition
Mauna Lani, HI USA
April 25-29, 2000
Contact: Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine - 800-899-1712

Journey to Machu Picchu, Apukuna, Andes & Amazon
The Light of the Seven Planets
April 26-29, 2000
Machu Picchu, Cusco PERU
Contact: - 888-888-0717

The Bach Flower Essences¬ International Education Program
Boston, MA USA
May 6-7, 2000
Contact: Nelson Bach USA, Ltd. - 800-334-0843

Supply Side East 2000
Seasaucus, NJ USA
May 8-10, 2000
Contact: Virgo Publishing - 602-990-1101

American Holistic Medical Association 23rd Annual Conference
Integration and Holistic Medicine: Healthcare in the Third Millennium
Tucson, AZ USA
May 31-June 3, 2000
Contact: American Holistic Medical Association - 703-556-9245

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EDITOR, Healthy Update: James Strohecker
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network

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