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Which of the following health conditions is not directly benefited by breathing exercises?
High blood pressure


Healthy Update is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health, integrative medicine and Self-Managed Care™. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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Psychologists Study Causes And Effects Of Happiness
In a departure from decades of research on depression, psychologists are now actively studying what makes us happy. Dubbed "positive psychology," this topic has triggered a wide range of research, and psychologists continue to work to define the field and its goals. This article relates numerous research findings and how positive psychology is seen as a modern-day solution for emotional woes that aren't severe enough to require Prozac or years on an analyst's couch.

Anti-What Vitamins?
Despite broad coverage by the media of antioxidant vitamins in recent years, two national surveys revealed widespread misunderstanding about the role of these vitamins. What Are Antioxidants? Just as a piece of metal rusts or an apple turns brown when exposed to air, the human body is vulnerable from contact with air, especially pollution and smoke. Antioxidant nutrients, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, help the body fight this reaction by stabilizing harmful molecules, called free radicals, before they attack cells. This article goes on to outline how you can get antioxidant vitamins.

Lifestyle Choices Can Feed Depression In Women
That women suffer from depression is not news. But the underlying reasons for it are surfacing in a direction that may surprise many. Researchers are focusing on the quality of women's lives and the choices they make. In a recent article in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, a national expert on women and depression, described a cycle of three factors that synergistically feed on one another to create symptoms of depression in women. The cycle starts with stress. The second part of the cycle, called "loss of mastery," is the sense that they have no control over their lives. The third part of the cycle is the habit of dwelling on their problems. Solutions include taking action and taking control. Concrete activities like exercise, reading, taking a class, meditation, or talking to a friend are all recommended steps toward resolution.

Saliva, Urine May Give Cancer Clues
Simple saliva and urine tests could one day replace complicated biopsies in detecting the presence of at least some types of cancer, according to a new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. They report that cancer-related changes in a part of human cells called mitochondria can be detected in related body fluids. Mitochondria are parts of human cells that provide energy for the cell. This article reports the research findings and expected next steps in developing this technology.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
A large body of research over the past ninety years has demonstrated the preventive value of eating foods fermented with Lactobacilli or their cousins, Bifidobacteria. In this column, "Using Friendly Flora," Leo Galland, M.D. explains how eating these friendly bacteria prevents intestinal infection due to viruses or pathogenic bacteria, preserves intestinal permeability in the face of infection or other types of injury, can prevent antibiotic-induced diarrhea and travelers diarrhea, and can lower serum cholesterol levels. Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria also show anti-cancer activity, by two mechanisms: they inhibit the growth or activity of cancer-promoting bacteria and some strains actually produce chemicals which inhibit tumor growth.

The Healer Within
A classic breath practice that is common to both the Yoga tradition of India and the Qigong tradition of China is the subject of Dr. Roger Jahnke's current column, "Rapid Abdominal Breathing." The central activity of this breath technique, called bastrika in India, is the rapid expansion and contraction of the abdomen. The breath enters and exits rapidly through the nose. This method has a major effect on the function of the organs in the abdominal and pelvic cavities. There is a massive concentration of lymphatic tissue in these areas and because of the one way nature of the lymphatic vessels this vigorous activity moves large amounts of lymph forward toward the elimination organs. It can be done in a few moments, requires no special attire or equipment. Benefits of breath practice are just a breath away.

Mind Body Health Newsletter
Patients often only communicate symptoms such as pain, wheezing, swelling, and itching. Physicians often remain unaware of how the symptoms impact the patient's life. Similar symptoms may have very different importance for different patients. It is critical that you communicate not only your symptoms but how important that symptom is to you and what it means to you. How much does the symptom interfere with your life, work, recreation, relationships, and plans? Your doctor isn't a mind-reader, notes David Sobel, M.D. in his column, "Tips for Communicating with Your Doctor." Even if he or she doesn't ask (and it would be great if every doctor did), express your concerns, especially how the symptom limits your daily life. Be as specific as you can. Help your physician see the world through your eyes. The meaning of the symptom for you will help guide your doctor's advice and actions.

Keeping Fit with Dr. Wayne Westcott
If you are an average adult, you probably qualify for being a time-pressured person. That is, you most likely have more things to do than you have time to do them. If this is the case, one of the things you may not do that you should do is exercise. It is an unfortunate fact that 6 out of 10 adults lead totally sedentary lifestyles. Even more problematic, only 1 out of 10 adults performs sufficient physical activity to attain measurable fitness benefits. No wonder an Ohio University study showed that 75 percent of American adults are overweight. Approximately the same percentage of men and women will experience low back pain, and about 50 percent will die from heart disease. In this column, "Brief Exercise Sessions For Time-Pressured People," Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. provides a simple answer with a special one-hour per week exercise program for time-pressured people, based on the positive results from a study he performed at the South Shore YMCA in Quincy, MA.

Ask Annie: Solutions for Less Toxic Living
What is spring cleaning? Is it necessary? Annie Berthold-Bond, author of Clean & Green; Better Basics for the Home, Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living; and other books, addresses the question, and offers some of her all time favorite recipes. Also in this "Ask Annie" column, are a natural, less toxic paint stripper and the reason to skip ammonia in your cleaning arsenal.

To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the Experts

"Sun-Damage, Skin And Pycnogenol" With Dr. Antti Arstila
There has been great scientific concern about the thinning of our planet's protective ozone layer and the possibility that our skin cancer rate will dramatically increase. In "Sun-damage, Skin and Pycnogenol" Dr. Antti Arstila is interviewed by Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D. about the health benefits of Pycnogenol. Professor Arstila of the University of Jyvaeskylae in central Finland is a cell biologist, toxicologist, pathologist and antioxidant expert. He has also taught at University of Maryland School of Medicine and Duke University. In this interview he responds to questions about research connected with Pycnogenal, it's role in prevention, and the lack of adverse effects from it's use.

To read more interviews visit Interviews on the Leading Edge

Healthy Recipes
The notion that a green banana is a good banana is a grave mistake. Brown spots on the skin are not a sign of spoiling, but a sign that the bananas are ready to be consumed. Rather than just "consuming" them, however, consider turning your ripe bananas into a delicious dessert or snack worthy of a gourmet palette. Danish chef Oscar Umahro Cadogan has created for you the recipe "Baked Bananas with Sweet, Sour, and Spicy Sauce." Note that all of the ingredients are natural and address the special diet considerations for: Dairy-free; Gluten-free; Low Fat; Vegan; Vegetarian; Anti-cancer; Cardiovascular Disease; Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

Healthy Travel
Stroll through alpine country with some of the most exciting scenery imaginable. Join the "Walking Journey to Alpine Europe" September 15-October 1, 2000. Tour includes Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium and France; optional Oberammergau Passion Play. Highlights: Walk the famous Romanshorn Walk (three countries in one weekend!) and other Volksmarch events, OktoberFest in Munich, Battle of the Bulge and other WWII landmarks, Linderhof and Neuschwanstein Castles, Rhine River cruise and more.....

Children's Health Update
The Materia Medica abounds with remedies that are appropriate for use in treating respiratory problems in children. In this column, "Respiratory System" David L. Hoffman, M.N.I.M.H. lists a variety of Herbal Medicines, including recipes for Head Congestion Facial and Licorice Lollipops.

Men's Health Update
Between the ages of 40 and 55, men can experience a phenomenon which is similar to the female menopause. In the column "Male Andropause" Michael Schachter, M.D., F.A.C.A.M. explains how a man often begins to experience changes in his body somewhere between ages 40 and 55. These bodily changes may be accompanied by changes in attitudes and moods. During this time a man frequently begins to question his values, accomplishments and the direction of his life. Dr. Schachter goes on to detail physical changes and suggested treatments.

Professional Referral Network
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories from 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 10,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional offering specialized bodywork techniques? The Bodywork & Somatic Therapies section includes member databases for the American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association, American Society for the Alexander Technique, Hellerwork International, and The Trager Institute.

Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Facing a major health-related research project? The HealthWorld Online Medical Cybrarian has the experience and expertise to tackle any size challenge.

The Cybrarian offers you personalized research service, searching the Internet, books, MEDLINE and other databases, to find EXACTLY the information you require. The Cybrarian can custom design research for individual patients or healthcare professionals, as well as healthcare industry business people, including information on diseases, treatments, products, market research or statistics for alternative, complementary and conventional medicine. For reasonable fees, the Cybrarian carefully gathers and selects the information or points you to useful web sites and other sources, with the speed and searching techniques acquired from many years of professional research.

Participate in our Online Community--Join our Discussion Forums
What are your views on MMR2 and the new Meningitis C Vaccine? These figure prominently in discussions in the Forum dealing with The Vaccination Question.

Join in the ongoing discussion in our "Health Freedom," "The Vaccination Question," "Genetically Modified Foods," "Issues in Integrated Health Care," "Mind-Body-Spirit Health," and "Qigong and Taiji" forums.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
Exceptional Cancer Patients (ECaP), founded by Bernie Siegel, MD, is operated by the Mind-Body Wellness Center, a non-profit organization committed to offering educational and supportive materials and programs for patients facing the challenges of cancer and other chronic illnesses. Rather than promoting an alternative approach, its goal is to encourage the integration of comprehensive healing strategies within the realm of traditional medicine.

Visit Exceptional Cancer Patients

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

Celebrating Angels, Spirits and Nature
An International Easter Week Conference
April 22-29, 2000
Findhorn, Morayshire, Scotland UNITED KINGDOM
Contact: Findhorn Foundation - 01309 691933

The 5th Annual Alterrnative Therapies Symposium and Exposition
Mauna Lani, HI USA
April 25-29, 2000
Contact: Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine - 800-899-1712

Journey to Machu Picchu, Apukuna, Andes & Amazon
The Light of the Seven Planets
April 26-29, 2000
Machu Picchu, Cusco PERU
Contact: - 888-888-0717

The Bach Flower Essences® International Education Program
Boston, MA USA
May 6-7, 2000
Contact: Nelson Bach USA, Ltd. - 800-334-0843

Supply Side East 2000
Seasaucus, NJ USA
May 8-10, 2000
Contact: Virgo Publishing - 602-990-1101

American Holistic Medical Association 23rd Annual Conference
Integration and Holistic Medicine: Healthcare in the Third Millennium
Tucson, AZ USA
May 31-June 3, 2000
Contact: American Holistic Medical Association - 703-556-9245

Comprehensive Cancer Care
Integrating Complementary and Alternative Therapies
Arlington, VA USA
June 8-12, 2000
Contact: Center for Mind Body Medicine - 202-966-7338

Aromatherapy Tour and Retreat
Heartland of France - St. Remy, Avignon, Fontveille, Orange
Drome Valley, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur FRANCE
June 18-26, 2000
Contact: - 888-888-0717

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EDITOR, Healthy Update: James Strohecker, Co-founder, Vice-President, HealthWorld Online -
ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

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