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Which of the following is an antioxidant?
Vitamin E
Vitamin B


Healthy Update is a bi-weekly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of natural health. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:

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HealthWorld Online Expands Integrative Cancer Center
HealthWorld Online has added new information and services to its comprehensive Online Integrative Cancer Center to help consumers and professionals better understand their choices in conventional and alternative approaches to preventing and treating cancer. The extensive sections on nutritional and herbal approaches to cancer are particularly noteworthy, as is The Health Resource, a trusted medical information service as well as the Cancer Resource Center, providing third party information on leading alternative cancer clinics, an excellent online bookstore, and links to cancer newsgroups and support groups.

News from the Village

Children's Health Update
As with any medications, some people are satisfied using Ritalin for ADD and some are not. Some laud the success of Ritalin, others complain of the side effects, and still others complain that their stimulant-medicated children are no longer themselves. In their article What Parents and Children Say About Drugs for ADD, excerpted from their book, Ritalin Free Kids, Drs. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert Ullman report the reactions of children (and their parents) who have been medicated with Ritalin for ADD whom they have subsequently treated with homeopathic medicine.

Women's Health Update
Because homeopathic medicines are considerably more amenable to home care than are conventional drugs, it is predictable that American women have had a history of interest in homeopathy. It was not simply a coincidence that a large number of leading suffragettes in America during the 19th century were advocates of homeopathic medicine. Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Julia Ward Howe, Louisa May Alcott, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Lucretia Mott, and Clemence Sophia Lozier were but some of the nineteenth century feminists who considered both women's rights and homeopathic medicine to be important ways to create a healthier society. In his article Homeopathic Perspective on the Treatment of Women's Health Problems homeopathic expert, Dana Ullman, MPH, discusses approaches to treating conditions ranging from PMS, cystitis and vaginitis to menopause and osteoporosis.

Men's Health Update
Cancer of the testicles, the primary make sex organs, accounts for only about 1 percent of all cancers in men. It is, though, the most common type of cancer in males aged 20 to 40, but can occur anytime after age 15. It strikes about 5,000 males a year. Often, only one testicle is affected. The cause of testicular cancer is not known. Risk factors as well as instructions for testicular self-exam are provided in this excellent article by the American Institute of Preventive Medicine: Testicular Cancer & Testicular Self-Exam.

Tips from Our Cybrarian
Cybrarian Tip #2 from our online Cybrarian, Micaela Sullivan-Fowler, MS, MA, addresses ways to anticipate search engines' methods of finding documents, and suggest ways to alleviate one of the biggest problems on the Internet--Retrieving more (often irrelevant) information then you ever thought possible. Read the latest Cybrarian Tip.

Health Professional's Center
Dr. Melvyn Werbach's Online Edition of Nutritional Influences on Illness is now available by annual subscription in HealthWorld Online! The Online Edition of Nutritional Influences on Illness, the ultimate resource for nutritional research, consisting of over 3,000 pages of research drawn from leading medical journals is a vastly expanded version of the book by the same name. Subscribers have unrestricted access to the full database for an entire year. (The chapters on individual diseases are also accessible for a fee, payable in CyberCash.)

New Releases in our Bookstore
Dr. Leo Galland, along with Doctors Bernie Siegel and Andrew Weil, has been a key architect in the emerging field of integrated medicine, which combines the best of alternative and orthodox treatments. In his new book, The Four Pillars of Healing: How the New Integrated Medicine Can Cure You, he shares the breakthrough medical philosophy and program of healing he has developed over the course of three decades of education and practice. Dr. Galland argues for a fundamental change in the one-size-fits all philosophy of disease and proposes instead patient-cantered diagnosis, viewing each patient as a unique individual and equal participant in treatment. Dr. Galland teaches you how to implement the four pillars of healing to overcome illness and achieve optimum health. The pillars are:

  • building healthy relationships (community is the most powerful healing force)
  • creating a customized prescription for diet, rest, and exercise
  • purifying your external environment
  • detoxfying your internal environment to help your body protect and cleanse itself

    Association Network
    The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians website offers resources and information regarding disease prevention, health restoration, curricula and contacts for naturopathic medical education, affiliated state associations, naturopathic physician referral database, political action, and links to other organizations that share the AANP mission to transform the medical paradigm to a true health care delivery system. Visit the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

    Global Health Calendar -- Hot Pick
    "Preserving the Balance--Body, Spirit, Earth: Frontier HerbFest '97" August 15-17, 1997, Norway, IA -- presented by Frontier Cooperative Herbs - 800-669-3275

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    Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker

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