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Vitamin E
Vitamin B


Healthy Update, the bi-monthly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from leading experts in the world of alternative medicine, healthy living, and Self-Managed Care™.

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Complementary Approaches To Breast Cancer Treatment
The possibility that environmental toxins, dietary fat, and estrogenic additives might be fundamental risk factors for causing breast cancer suggests that effective detoxification strategies and related lifestyle modifications might help reduce the incidence of breast cancer. Women are encouraged to pursue a lifestyle that promotes health and by consuming foods that provide (1) the proper combination of essential nutrients for optimal functioning of the detoxification pathways and (2) adequate antioxidant protection against free-radical damage.

Speed Bumps for Fast Food 
Do you rush between activities, grabbing food in a drive through and eating in the car? In an effort to live life to its fullest, many people are neglecting some of life's very basic needs, such as sitting down to dinner. The family meal is like a rest area on a long trip. It's important to take that time and get oriented before going on the freeway of life. Eating a meal without others around is like putting gas in the car, but forgetting about oil, having no map and leaving the windshield all dirty.

Teens Are Using Ritalin To Get High
The easy availability of Ritalin - largely from other students diverting their medical prescriptions - has public health officials worried that the drug is becoming a popular adolescent approach to tripping, not treatment. In a survey of 6,000 public school students in Massachusetts in the last school year, nearly 13 percent of high school students said they had used Ritalin without a prescription at some time in their lives. Users need to know that, if abused, the drug can cause serious side effects, including high blood pressure, heart racing and insomnia.

New Personality Test Goes By The Numbers
Enneagramas is a system for personality typing based on an ancient nine-pointed symbol found in Christian and Sufi traditions. It offers nine basic personality types, each one marked by a central style, a way of relating in the world. Every person belongs to a certain type, derived from a mixture of inborn temperament and childhood experiences. No single type is bad or good; each has its strengths and weaknesses.

Reducing Prostate Problems With Herbal Remedies
Many men are plagued by sleepless nights due to the constant urge to get up and urinate. Doctors explain that gradual enlargement of the prostate gland is to blame for these problems and suggest surgery. This scares many men, who would prefer to try a herbal approach first. In Germany, Italy and France, 90 per cent of patients suffering from prostate enlargement are treated with herbal medicine consisting of herbs like saw palmetto, pumpkin seed and nettle.

To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and medicine, visit our Daily Health News.

Dr. Galland's Integrated Medicine
Iron is unique among essential minerals, because there is no mechanism for its excretion once absorbed into the body. Whatever iron is absorbed must either be used or stored and excessive storage of iron in the body promotes the generation of free radicals. In this column, "Dangers of Iron Supplements," Dr. Galland reports that excess dietary iron has been implicated by some scientists as a cause of cancer and heart disease, and that it also increases the risk of bacterial infection. "No one should ever take iron supplements unless iron deficiency is present," says Dr. Galland, "with the possible exception of pregnant women."

The Healer Within
Because we are generally addicted to complexity and busyness, reaching a state of authentic relaxation is a challenge. Many of us are locked into worry, hurry, overwork and compulsive behaviors and the mind is very difficult to quit. The beauty of progressive relaxation processes are their simplicity and their ability to allow the mind to have an easy focus. In "Progressive Relaxation, Option III" Dr. Roger Jahnke presents advanced relaxation and meditation methods which include concentration, focus, intention and visualization that are used to regulate the body function, move the Qi or energy to specific areas of the body and even project the energy outside the body.

Dr. Weil Self-Healing
There is something FREE and available to all that could reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, stave off osteoporosis and adult-onset diabetes, alleviate depression and sleep problems, slow the effects of aging, and promote weight loss. In the column "Exercise: The Best Health Tonic" Andrew Weil, M.D. offers his general prescription for exercise -- 30 minutes of aerobic activity at least five days a week, be it walking, swimming, cycling, or even performing household chores.

Mind Body Health Newsletter
A study on aging found that for men the frequency of sexual intercourse was associated with lower death rates. For women the enjoyment of intercourse was associated with longer life. In this column "Sex May Prolong Life" David S. Sobel, M.D. shows us studies exist to help us understand and enhance the health benefits of one of the most common, and certainly most pleasurable activities we humans experience.

Keeping Fit with Dr. Wayne Westcott
If you wait until the snow flies, you won't be able to properly pre-condition your musculoskeletal system for the rigors of downhill skiing. So for safe, successful, and sustained ski runs, start shaping-up early. In the column "Keeping Fit: Shaping Up For Ski Season" Dr. Wayne L. Wescott provides you with both Cardiovascular and Muscular Fitness exercises you can adapt to meet your specific needs.

Care2 Ask Annie
In her latest column for environmentally conscious consumers Annie Berthold-Bond offers valuable tips about dealing with smoke odor, removing candle wax, removing must from books, and bicycle chain lubricants. She also provides recipes for avocado eye cream, sweet soda toothpaste, and harvest skin toner.

To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the Experts

"Money, Friends and Health" With Michael Phillips
Do you want the things everybody wants—freedom, respect, health, security for your family, and security in your old age? In "Money, Friends and Health" Michael Phillips is interviewed by Tom Ferguson M.D. He shares how he used to think that money would help him get these things, but in fact, it was keeping him from getting them. He noticed that his parents dealt with being older with their ability to be competent, helpful, flexible, curious, generous, and involved with others - not money. The focus of his life was changed to doing the things he really loved, and spending as much time as he could with the people he really cared about. And society ended up supporting this.

To read more interviews visit Interviews on the Leading Edge

Healthy Recipes
Used for its bright yellow color in everything from prepared mustard and canned soups to Indian curry, Turmeric has been used for many centuries for its many therapeutic qualities. Yogis and Ayurvedic healers know that turmeric is a great internal healer, promoting healthy skin and mucus membranes, good for creaky and painful joints, arthritis, the stomach, and liver. Its anti-fungal properties also make it helpful in treating yeast overgrowth. The November column for "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" by Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa includes recipes for Turmeric Paste, Golden Milk and Golden Yogurt.

Healthy Bookstore
According to the latest trends, cooking is enjoying a resurgence of family-oriented, home-cooked meals using fresh, whole foods. In "A Cookbook For All Seasons: A Healthy Eating Plan for Life", Dr. Elson Haas offers guidelines for maintaining healthy and nutritious eating habits in today’s world of processed, instant food. Featuring sections on food combining and rotation, seasonal menu planning and recipes, and individual nutritional needs, this unique kitchen companion is structured around the seasons to take advantage of ingredients at the peak of both flavor and nutrients. Includes a nutritional analysis of each seasonal diet.

Healthy Travel
Interested in a Mind/Body Approach to Golf Fitness? Join Ronni Diamond for "Golf And Yoga In Mexico" February 14 - 19, 2001 on the Mexican Caribbean coast for daily Yoga For Golfers sessions, rounds of golf at world class courses, and seminars on the Mayan culture.

Healthy Child Update
No one really knows what causes enuresis, the medical term for bed-wetting. It is suspected that this condition may be caused by slow development of the nerves that control the bladder. In the column "Bed-wetting" by the American Institute for Preventive Medicine reminds us that children have no control over this condition. It offers practical suggestions along with guidelines for when to be patient and when to seek medical assistance.

Healthy Man Update
The interest and ability to partake in satisfying sexual relations is an important part of living. Many poor health habits, such as smoking, obesity, high stress, lack of exercise, fatty acid imbalance, and alcohol consumption, and chronic problems, such as candidiasis, hypoglycemia, allergies, and chronic fatigue syndrome, can all lead to sexual dysfunction. In the column "Nutritional Program for Sexual Dysfunction" Michael Janson, MD lists an initial dietary supplement program that is likely to help.

Professional Referral Network
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 16,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in bodywork? The Bodywork and Somatic Therapies section includes the American Oriental Bodywork Therapy Association, American Society for the Alexander Technique, Hellerwork, and Trager member databases.

Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Frustrated as you wade through all of the data you bring up with your Internet searches? You can hire a professional who can do this fast and efficiently, save you all of the hassle, and most likely find important information you overlooked. The HealthWorld Online Medical Cybrarian has thousands of the best web sites already bookmarked.

The Cybrarian offers you personalized research service, searching the Internet, books, MEDLINE and other databases, to find EXACTLY the information you require. The Cybrarian can custom design research for individual patients or healthcare professionals, as well as healthcare industry business people, including information on diseases, treatments, products, market research or statistics for alternative, complementary and conventional medicine. For reasonable fees, the Cybrarian carefully gathers and selects the information or points you to useful web sites and other sources, with the speed and searching techniques acquired from many years of professional research.

Participate in our Online Community--Join our Discussion Forums
The Health Freedom Forum poses a timely question "Should Social Security recognize Fibromyalgia for disability benefits?" Check this out and add your options.

Join in the ongoing discussion in our "Health Freedom," "The Vaccination Question," "Genetically Modified Foods," "Issues in Integrated Health Care," "Mind-Body-Spirit Health," and "Qigong and Taiji" forums.

Association Network -- Hot Pick
The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS) is a coalition of individuals and national organizations with concern for the care and well-being of mothers, babies, and families. Their mission is to promote a wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes and substantially reduce costs. This evidence-based mother-, baby-, and family-friendly model focuses on prevention and wellness as the alternatives to high-cost screening, diagnosis, and treatment programs.

Visit Coalition for Improving Maternity Services

Global Health Calendar -- Hot Picks

4th Annual Healthy Communities - Healthy Youth Conference
Minneapolis, MN USA
November 2-4, 2000
Contact: Search Institute - 800-888-7828

Canadian National Health Shows - Edmonton Health Show
Edmonton, Alberta CANADA
November 4-6, 2000
Contact: Canadian National Health Shows - 604-885-4239

Clinical Training in Mind/Body Medicine
Boston, MA USA
November 6-10, 2000
Contact: Center for Training in Mind/Body Medicine - 617-632-9542

4th Scientific Wholistic Aromatherapy Conference
San Francisco, CA USA
November 10-12, 2000
Contact: Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy - 415-479-9121

Long Beach Marathon
Long Beach, CA USA
November 12, 2000
Contact: Long Beach Marathon - 562-590-8686

MindBodySpirit Medicine
The Professional Training Program
Hilton Head Island, SC USA
November 12-18, 2000
Contact: Center for Mind-Body Medicine - 202-966-7338

21st Annual Nurse Healers-Professional Associates Intl Conference
Nurturing the Spirit of the Healer
November 16-19, 2000
Contact: Nurse Healers-Professional Associates International - 801-273-3399

Whole Life Exposition and Conference
Los Angeles, CA USA
November 17-19, 2000
Contact: Whole Life - 800-551-3976

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Global Health Calendar

Advisory Board

Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker, Co-founder, President, HealthWorld Online -

Associate Editor: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online Global Health Calendar, Speakers Network, Professional Referral Network, Association Network -

Suggestions & Comments: We welcome your suggestions and comments to help us provide the highest quality service. If you are aware of late-breaking news or information that would be useful to our subscribers, please contact us at:

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