Healthy Update, the bi-monthly e-newsletter of HealthWorld Online(, provides news and resources from leading experts in the world of alternative medicine, healthy living, and Self-Managed Care™.
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BodyBalance Hormone Tests Now Offered on HealthWorld Online
HealthWorld is proud to announce a strategic relationship with BodyBalance to offer our users easy access to leading edge consumer laboratory screenings to be performed in the comfort of your own home. The following tests are offered: Osteocheck, FemaleCheck, MaleCheck, StressCheck, MineralCheck, SleepCheck, PerformanceCheck and AntioxidantCheck. BodyBalance is a separate division of Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory, a specialized clinical laboratory offering a unique and dynamic blend of educational and laboratory services to people around the world. Great Smokies' tests reveal how well the body is doing its job in six important areas: Digestion, nutrition, detoxification/ oxidative stress, immunology, allergy, hormone and metabolic function. The laboratory meets national and certain state certification standards including CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and is certified by the College of American Pathologists, recognition that its standards are the highest in the industry.
Acupuncture May Lower Osteoarthritis Pain
Acupuncture may be a promising alternative to conventional therapy in the management of osteoarthritis, researchers suggested at the 17th annual meeting of the American Academy of Pain Medicine. Researchers examined the impact of acupuncture on pain levels in osteoarthritis of the knees in the elderly. The three-month follow-up revealed that acupuncture did lower the patients' pain; they also experienced less stiffness and were able to function better.
Blue Cross And Blue Shield Waging War On Health Care Fraud
Health care fraud costs American consumers $30 billion annually, according to the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association. Blue Cross, Blue Shield and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) note challenges and successes in fighting health care fraud and the ultimate toll it takes on the health care consumer.
Seminal Book On CFS Now Available Free On Line
William Collinge, Ph.D., who pioneered the first mind/body medicine program for CFS, has made his book "Recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Guide to Self-Empowerment" now available free online. "Since it was first published a great deal of progress has been made in understanding the realities of the illness," he says. "However, CFS remains a complex chronic illness with no medical cure. Self-empowerment remains the most viable pathway for coping and promoting the recovery process." The on-line edition includes an appendix describing Collinge's study published in "Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine" which found that patient's using mind/body medicine tripled their odds of improvement over 12 months.
Lawmakers Propose Office Of Men's Health
Dying at astonishing rates from many preventable and treatable diseases, many men don't care about their health enough to go to a doctor, experts say. A bill has been submitted to Congress that proposes an Office of Men's Health through the Department of Health and Human Services, which supporters say will help save the lives of thousands of men across the country. If approved, the Office of Men's Health would seek to raise awareness about men's health issues as well as emphasize the need for screening and early detection.
Healthy People Warned Off Aspirin To Prevent Heart Disease
Some have hailed aspirin as the "wonder drug" of the 20th century because of its proven effectiveness at reducing the risk of heart attacks or strokes in people who have already suffered such problems. Researchers found that the risk of having a first heart attack was reduced by a third if people took a daily dose of aspirin. However, taking aspirin also increased the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding complications by 70 per cent. For those who have not had a first heart attack or strode, if a person's risk of a coronary event is low, then they do not need to take aspirin. They are advised not to self-medicate, but to go and have their risk quantitatively assessed by their GP, in order to avoid doing more harm than good.
To keep up-to-date with news in the world of health and
medicine, visit our Daily Health
Dr. Galland's Integrated
We all age, but the deterioration associated with aging (called, senescence) is partly under our control. Senescence is speeded up by toxicity and our bodies' response to it. The human body has many natural defenses against environmental toxicity. These include the constant shedding of the skin and the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, which slowly dispels environmental and intestinal toxins from the body; the activity of protective immune responses which limit the attachment of toxins to the surfaces of the lungs or the gastrointestinal tract; enzyme systems in the liver which destroy toxins and prepare them for excretion in the bile or the urine; enzymes which repair damaged cells and promote healing. In "Detoxification: The Key to Longevity" Dr. Galland discusses strategies for limiting free-radical induced damage through dietary antioxidants which help to bolster the body's defense system, including vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and carotenoids.
The Healer Within
In the Chinese tradition where energy pathways and points are accepted aspects of the body, attention is drawn to specific energy areas as the rhythm of the breath continues. In "Progressive Relaxation, Option II" Dr. Roger Jahnke presents a procedure that includes 16 stations or points of awareness and is very simple and brief. It can be done with many more awareness points and may include focusing on each finger and toe, segments of the arms and legs, joints, individual organs, etc.
Mind Body Health Newsletter
There is an accumulation of evidence that chronic hostility and chronic depression are major risk factors in heart disease. For many patients, it may be as important to learn and practice skills for managing these emotional states as it is to quit smoking, manage cholesterol, and exercise. In "Hostility, Depression and Heart Disease" David S. Sobel, M.D. outlines the statistics and suggested solutions.
Keeping Fit with
Dr. Wayne Westcott
Since Dr. Kenneth Cooper published his first Aerobics book in 1968, there has been a major emphasis on physical fitness in the United States. We have experienced the running revolution of the 1970s, the aerobic dance movement of the 1980s, and the strength training interest of the 1990s. Today, most people are aware that exercise is good for their health, and is in fact an effective means of preventive medicine. It is therefore hard to understand why so few people regularly participate in an exercise program. According to the United States Public Health Service Centers For Disease Control, less than 10 percent of all Americans perform enough physical activity to attain any measurable fitness benefits, and less than five percent of the general public who do strength training, says Dr. Wayne Westcott in "Strength Training For Time-Pressured People."
Care2 Ask
In her latest column for environmentally conscious consumers Annie Berthold-Bond offers tips for having lovely, healthy nails without using toxic products and offers a formula for a natural detox bath. She also alerts us to the indoor air pollution dangers of smoking cooking oils and lists which oils are safe for various cooking methods.
To read all of our bi-monthly columns visit Columns from the
"A Field Guide to Birthing" With Michael Witte, M.D. and Heidi Bednar, R.N.
Parents are becoming increasingly involved with the birthing experience. They are concerned with the environment in which the birth will take place and how the mother and baby are treated. In "A Field Guide to Birthing" Tom Ferguson, M.D. interviews Michael Witte, M.D., and Heidi Bednar, R.N. about their insights into how parents can research the birthing options available and discover that there is more flexibility than they expected.
To read more interviews visit
Interviews on the
Leading Edge
Featured Center
The Healthy Man Center provides a strong natural health care perspective on men's health. Features include daily Men's Health News from the leading newswires, daily Men's Health Expert from a leading authority in men's health, self-care and alternative therapies such as herbal medicine, homeopathy and nutrition for various men's health concerns, a men's health bookstore, as well as men's health products from leading eco-friendly companies.
Healthy Recipes
According to Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal lore, ginger strengthens the nervous system, restores sexual energy, strengthens the immune system, helps with bronchial problems, prevents and relieves menstrual cramps, clears the uterus after childbirth, and promotes health recovery. The March "There's a Yogi in the Kitchen" column "Ginger, The Wonder Spice" by Siri-Ved Kaur Khalsa includes general tips for preparing ginger and delicious ginger beverages.
Healthy Bookstore
Most of us believe that in order to achieve anything worthwhile in our careers, family life, health or even on the sports field, we have to work hard and apply a lot of effort. In fact, just the opposite is true. In "The Art of Effortless Living: Simple Techniques for Healing Mind, Body and Spirit" by Ingrid Bacci, Ph.D. offers compelling evidence that the most productive, creative and healthiest individuals are those who practice effortless living. By doing less, paradoxical as it may seem, they achieve more. This book shows you how to dissolve conscious and unconscious stress through simple techniques that replace effort with effortless. The result is a more rewarding lifestyle that leads to physical vitality, increased productivity, creative relationships and the freedom to express your best self.
Healthy Child Update
Ear Infection (Otitis media) is the most common complaint in infants. Orthodox medicine offers antibiotics and myringotomy as the only treatments, both of which have been challenged in various studies and suggested to be no more effective in preventing recurrences than placebos. This condition can generally be treated homeopathically with great success. In "Healing Otitis Media Through Homeopathy" Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman N.D., M.S.W., DHANP presents actual case histories along with the case analysis, so parents can compare.
Healthy Man Update
Stress and nutrition are important factors in sexual vitality. Stress, particularly mental stress in the form of worry, overwork, and financial concerns, can interfere with sexual energy and expression. In "Nutritional Program for Sexual Vitality" Elson M. Haas M.D. concentrates on what supports a healthy sexual function - healthy organs and a balanced, working endocrine system, producing the necessary hormones.
Find a Professional
The Professional Referral Network contains searchable directories for 20 leading professional associations in complementary and integrative health care, with over 16,000 professionals. Looking for a healthcare professional specializing in a homeopathic approach? The Homeopathy section includes the Council for Homeopathic Certification and Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians member databases.
Medical Cybrarian Research Service
Frustrated as you wade through all of the data you bring up with your Internet searches? You can hire a professional who can do this fast and efficiently, save you all of the hassle, and most likely find important information you overlooked. The HealthWorld Online Medical Cybrarian has thousands of the best web sites already bookmarked.
The Cybrarian offers you personalized research service, searching the Internet, books, MEDLINE and other databases, to find EXACTLY the information you require. The Cybrarian can custom design research for individual patients or healthcare professionals, as well as healthcare industry business people, including information on diseases, treatments, products, market research or statistics for alternative, complementary and conventional medicine. For reasonable fees, the Cybrarian carefully gathers and selects the information or points you to useful web sites and other sources, with the speed and searching techniques acquired from many years of professional research.
Association Network -- Hot Pick
Ensuring Your Medical Freedom: The American Preventive Medical Association (APMA) is the political voice for health care practitioners who use nutritional and other complementary therapies in patient care. Their focus is on federal legislation/regulation that increases patient access to alternative therapies, and protects the rights of practitioners to offer those therapies. Members approach health from a comprehensive perspective, utilizing preventive medical techniques and less-invasive, more natural methods of patient management.
Visit American Preventive
Medical Association
Health Calendar -- Hot Picks
Natural Products Expo West
Anaheim, CA USA
March 8-11, 2001
Contact: New Hope Natural Media - 303-939-8440
The Bach Flower Essences®
Introductory Weekend Seminar
Philadelphia, PA USA
March 24-25, 2001
Contact: Nelson Bach USA, Ltd. - 800-334-0843
Mind/Body Training in Optimism, Humor and Cognitive Restructuring
Boston, MA USA
March 26-29, 2001
Contact: Center for Training in Mind/Body Medicine - 617-632-9542
Practical Introduction to Anthroposophical Medicine
For physicians and medical students
Spring Valley, NY USA
April 19-22, 2001
Contact: Physicians' Association for Anthroposophical
Medicine - 413-584-9990
Ottawa Health Show
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA
April 27-28, 2001
Contact: Canadian National Health Shows - 604-885-0960
AHMA Annual Conference
The Marriage of Art and Science in Holistic Medicine
Miami, FL USA
May 2-5, 2001
Contact: American Holistic Medical Association - 703-556-9245
Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance Conference
Safety Harbor, FL USA
May 4-7, 2001
Contact: Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Alliance - 800-345-1010
Fourth World Congress on Qigong
The Fourth American Qigong Association Conference
San Francisco, CA USA
May 4-7, 2001
Contact: East West Academy of Healing Arts - 415-788-2227
Healing Into Wholeness with Jacquelyn Small
Ten-Day Psycho-Spiritual Wellness Program
Jacksonville, FL USA
May 7-10, 2001
Contact: Eupsychia Institute - 800-546-2795
SupplySide East
International Trade Show and Conference
Secaucus, NJ USA
May 7-9, 2001
Contact: Virgo Publishing, Inc. - 480-990-1101
Yoga at the Leading Edge
Celebrate the grace of movement and all that is yoga today
Lenox, MA USA
May 17-20, 2001
Contact: Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health - 800-741-7353
Executive Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker - President, Co-founder, HealthWorld
Associate Editor: Suzan Walter, Director, HealthWorld Online, Global Health Calendar, Find a Professional, Association Network and Speakers Network-
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