Healthy Update is a bi-weekly electronic newsletter from HealthWorld Online
providing you the latest information, news and resources from the world of
natural health. All summaries in Healthy Update link to full articles or
expanded resources and services in HealthWorld Online:
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HealthWorld Online Launches "Columns from the Experts"
HealthWorld Online has launched an exciting new service-"Columns from the Experts"-which will feature bi-weekly columns from experts in areas ranging from Integrative Medicine to Green Living and Environmental Medicine to Spiritual Inquiry. Leo Galland, M.D., author of the new book, The Four Pillars of Healing (See New Releases from Bookstore) has a new column, "Dr. Galland's Integrative Medicine" and later this summer, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine will debut their column, "The Environmental Physician." Look forward to new meeting new experts in "Columns from the Experts" in the Future.
News from the Village
Children's Health Update
Childhood asthma can pose a big challenge for the child and parent alike. Janet Zand, LAc OMD, in this article Asthma, excerpted from her book Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child (co-authored by Rachel Walton and Bob Roundtree, Avery Publishing) she discusses both conventional and emergency treatment for asthma, as well as dietary support and nutritional supplements, herbal, and homeopathic treatments directed at preventing or supporting recovery from an asthma attack (not treating an acute episode). Zand also covers acupressure points you can massage on a daily basis to help balance an asthmatic child's system.
Health Update
Nutritional supplements can play an important role in a women's chronic fatigue recovery program. In the article, Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs for Chronic Fatigue, exerpted from her book, Chronic Fatigue Self-Help Book (Celestial Arts Publishing) Susan M. Lark, M.D. explains how nutritional supplements can help stimulate your immune system, glands, and digestive tract and help stabilize and relax your mood. They also promote good circulation of blood and oxygen to the entire body, a necessity for high energy and vitality. In fact, poor or inadequate nutrition, according to Dr. Lark may plays a major role in causing fatigue.
Men's Health Update
The complementary approach to the management and treatment of prostate cancer is quite different from the conventional approach and perhaps more beneficial for some patients. In his article, Alternative Approaches to Prostate Cancer, Michael Schachter, M.D., P.A. discusses the prostate gland, the nature of prostate cancer including how it is diagnosed and classified, conventional treatment approaches and their associated controversies, and then outlines some alternative treatments. Dr. Schachter suggests that prostate cancer patients should use alternative cancer therapies prior to beginning conventional treatment. When the prostate cancer patient is receiving conventional treatment, notes Dr. Schachter, he should also incorporate alternative therapies in order to reduce the side effects of that treatment, improve the results, and possibly allow the patient to be able to discontinue the conventional treatments.
Cybrarian HotBed Searches
Free HotBed on Childhood Asthma from our Cybrarian Service! The other Hot Beds will basically follow this form and function. Out of the hundreds of web sites now available, the Cybrarian Service has gleaned those thought to be most helpful to you for a general inquiry on a healthcare or medical topic. Hot Beds will include annotated URL's that point to newsgroups, news services, and consumer and professional sites. They will offer selected Medline citations. Whether you are a parent, patient, practitioner, administrator or professional, there will be something here for you.
Professional's Center
Free sample chapter on Alcoholism from Dr. Melvyn Werbach's Online Edition of Nutritional Influences on Illness. The Online Edition of Nutritional Influences on Illness, the ultimate resource for nutritional research, consisting of over 3,000 pages of research drawn from leading medical journals is a vastly expanded version of the book by the same name. The chapters on individual diseases are accessible for a fee, payable in CyberCash, or the entire database is available by annual online subscription payable by credit card.
New Releases in our Bookstore
Homeopathy offers a dazzling array of treatments for common health problems. It's so safe, natural, and effective that its popularity is growing by leaps and bounds. But homeopathy can also be daunting, because it seems complicated. No more. In their new book, Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick & Easy Guide For The Whole Family (Prima Publishing), Robert Ullman, N.D., and Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman, N.D, two renowned, experienced practitioners help you to understand homeopathy in three easy steps: 1) Look carefully at the person who is ill. 2) Listen to what he or she tells you about the illness. 3) Ask the right questions to get the information you need to determine the correct medicine. You will learn to recognize and treat more than 70 specific conditions with this step-by-step approach, from allergic reactions to toothaches and beyond. You'll also find a section detailing dozens of homeopathic medicines, tips for obtaining a homeopathic self-care medicine kit, a glossary, and much more.
Association Network
The American Alliance of Aromatherapy is a non-profit organization
established to strengthen, inspire and advance the field of aromatherapy.
AAOA offers the following publications to keep you updated with
aromatherapy developments worldwide: The Alliance News Quarterly, The
Aromatic Thymes
, The International Journal of Aromatherapy, The
aromatherapy Guide
- 2nd Edition, and The Aromatherapy Records.
Visit the American Alliance of Aromatherapy.
Global Health Calendar -- Hot Pick
"Global Medicine-Naturopathy at the Leading Edge: 12th Annual Convention of
the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians" August 20-24, 1997,
Scottsdale, AZ -- presented by American Association of Naturopathic
Physicians (206)328-8510
Today's Healthy News
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HealthWorld Online Advisory Board
Editor, Healthy Update: James Strohecker
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help us provide the highest quality service. If you are aware of
late-breaking news or information that would be useful to our subscribers,
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